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GT2 Challenge 2021: Round 0a - Driver Market
S3 licensed
Essentially an online dating service. This thread is the place for all drivers who are searching for a team and all teams searching for a driver. Please use the following format (just an advise, mandatory fields start with *):

Driver searches team
*LFS Licence Name
other qualities
*How to contact you
Team searches driver
*How to contact

Happy hunting!
GT2 Challenge 2021: Round 0a - Team Entries
S3 licensed

GT2 Challenge 2021: Round 0a - 6 Hours of Westhill - Entry

Welcome to the GT2C 6 Hours of Westhill!

If you wish to apply a team to this non-championship event, please follow the instructions below.

We WILL ignore ANY application that does not conform to the requirements.


To Apply your Team

Make a post in this thread listing the team name, and team drivers, then a "Team Car" instance as specified for each car you wish to enter for your team.

teamName: Example Motorsports
teamManager: {username, Forename Surname}
- {username, Forename Surname} NOTE: one vice-manager per line, maximum of 3.
- {username, Forename Surname, Country} NOTE: one line per driver, 6 maximum
car: FZR or XRR or FXR
number: 02-99, inclusive

An example of an initial Application:

teamName: New Dimension Racing
teamManager: {dekojester, Jonathan Palmer}
- {Jonathon.Provost, Jonathan Provost}
- {TFalke55, Thilo Falkenberg}
- {dekojester, Jonathan Palmer, USA}
- {CSF, Chris Ford, Scotland}
- {hyntty, Timo Hynninen, Finland}
- {TFalke55, Thilo Falkenberg, Germany}
- {jonathon.provost, Jonathon Provost, England}
car: FZR
number: 42

To Edit Your Team Application

Only persons listed as team Manager or vice-manager are permitted to make entry edits. All others will be ignored.

QUOTE the first post for your team (the master post for your team) and then list the changes being made. All master posts will be linked in the entry list.

List ONLY THE CHANGES, and which line of the application it affects, and what change must be made, if necessary.

Commands (Please ALWAYS give the command all upper-case): REMOVE/DELETE, ADD, CHANGE


REMOVE driver {hyntty, Timo Hynninen, Finland}

ADD driver {boothy, Michael Booth, Scotland}


To DELETE your Team Application or a Team Car

Quote the Master Post for your team, and state "withdrawing".

Applications Processing

Numbers are selected by the team from the remaining pool of numbers. Additional number space will be opened up at administration discretion if necessary.

This thread will be locked starting at 22:00 UTC on Saturday, 3 April 2021. Any edit to a Team Roster that is urgent in nature must be submitted via PM to both dekojester and Jonathon.Provost for review and implementation if permitted.

If you are intending to solo this event, please follow the same format, but you'll only have the one driver.
Last edited by Jonathon.provost, .
S3 licensed
Entries open following Round 5!
S3 licensed
Replays and provisional results for Round 5 are now available.
S3 licensed
PreQualifying Results posted for Round 5.
S3 licensed
Entries closed for Round 5.
GT2 Challenge 2021: Round 5 - Protests and Penalties
S3 licensed
Please provide the following in your protest:

Session AND SERVER of Incident (Official Sessions for Round 5: Pre Qualifying, Free Practice, Qualifying, Race; Servers: Main)
Lap AND MPR timecode of incident (or session time or UTC Time of Day)
Car(s) involved
Location of Incident
Brief Description of Incident

Pre-Qualifying Protests are due by 20:05 UTC on Saturday, 6 March 2021. Pre-Qualifying Protests should be lodged as soon as possible after the incident, however.

All race day protests are due by 08:30 UTC on Tuesday, 9 March 2021.

Track Map

Penalty Log

Free Practice


Car 85 - Warning - Avoidable contact with car 72, lap 2, T4
Car 82 - DT penalty - Overtaking a SC without permision - Lap 22
Car 08 - Stop & Go - Crossing pit lines
Cars: 01, 22 and 90 - DT Penalty - crossing pit entry line
Car 98 - Warning - Causing an avoidable contact with car 43 - Lap 1, T1
Car 56 - DT Penalty - Crossing pit entry blend line on lap 38
Car 16 - DT Penalty - Overtaking before S/F line on lap 4
Car 19 - DT Penalty - Overtaking before S/F line on lap 4
Car 87 - Warning - Causing an avoidable contact with car 78 on lap 64, T6
Car 87 - DT Penalty - Causing an avoidable contact with car 42
Car 87 - DQ from the race - Post race crshing
Car 08 - DQ from the race - multiple rules violations
VSC speeding - warning - cars: 16, 25, 30, 31, 36, 64, 69, 78, 82, 87, 90, 98
VSC speeding - 2 sec penalty - Cars: 53, 55
VSC speeding - 5 sec penalty - Cars: 04, 19
VSC speeding - 10 sec penalty - Car: 01
VSC speeding - 1 lap penalty - Car: 56
Last edited by Fast Jarda, .
GT2 Challege 2021: Round 5 - Drivers Briefing
S3 licensed
Round 5, Fern Bay Classic

Track Specifications
Circuit Length: 3.487 km | Track Map
Safety Car In-Race Position: End of Pitlane
1st Safety Car Line: 12m after start of pit entry blend line
2nd Safety Car Line: 17.8m before end of pit exit blend line
Safety Car Maximum Speed: 90 kph / 56 mph
Virtual Safety Car Maximum Speed: 80 kph / 49 mph
Pit Lane Speed: 80 kph / 49 mph
Red Flag line: Start of Pit Wall
Wind Conditions: Low Wind - All Sessions except Pre-Qualifying

Event Timetable
Thu 18:00 UTC - Sat 18:00 UTC: Pre-Qualifying
17:30 UTC: Free Practice - 20 minutes
18:00 UTC: Qualifying - 20 minutes (Open Qualifying)
18:40 UTC: Sprint Race - 66 laps

Event Specifics

1. Alerting the Administration:
Use @sc to alert administration to look at your car or the section of track you were in when you use the @sc command. The command will tell the administration what location you're at.

2. Communications:
All drivers are required to be in the NDR TeamSpeak server: - Race Control messages will be broadcast to anyone in a channel in the Pit Wall in TS. If you would like a subchannel for your team or friendly drivers, please let us know and we will create one.
Make sure you have your race number and/or your LFS username as your nickname on TeamSpeak

3. Broadcast
This race will be broadcasted by Sim Broadcasts:

They will be in the NDR TeamSpeak. You are invited to be interviewed on stream during the breaks between sessions. Please follow their terms listed at - we will apply those to our Commentary Box area.

4. Driver Naming:
Be sure to be in your proper name format Number (grey or white), space, then First initial last name [eg. 00 J. Palmer]. The name may be in colour, but we prefer all white - consistency looks better, and is easier to read.

5. Tracker:
Timing will be available and running on

6. Wind Conditions:
Low wind for all sessions, except Pre-Qualifying.

7. Virtual Safety Car Test
There will be a test Virtual Safety Car deployment in the free practice session, starting about 5 minutes remaining in the session. All drivers are encouraged to participate in this test.

8. Pit Entry and Pit Exit
On pit entry, all parts of the car must be to the left of the blend line along its entire length.
On pit exit, all parts of the car must be to the left of the blend line along its entire length.

9. Qualifying Procedure
Qualifying will be set to 22 minutes, with the pit exit closed for the first two minutes. Drivers may queue at pit exit. The course will open for laps with 20 minutes remaining, and remain open until the time has elapsed. The pit exit will close at the chequered flag. No driver should exit the pitlane without sufficient time to start a timed lap.

10. Race Start:
Each race will have one unscored formation lap, followed by a double-file rolling start.

The grid for the race will spawn on driver's right, starting just before the 150m board for Turn 1. When the session timing starts, drivers are to pull away from their grid spots in grid order.

The SC will slow to 80 kph/49 mph after Turn 9, and stay at the head of the field. After Turn 11, the field should begin forming into dual-file formation. Polesitter will be asked their chosen side during the gridding process. The Safety Car will pull into the pitlane right before the pit wall. Drivers should hold pace until the green flag is given - overtaking is permitted on race start from the green flag.

In the event of an aborted start, there will be no message except a voice wave-off call in TeamSpeak. Drivers should maintain pace until Turn 1, and then return to single-file formation for another attempt. Two wave-offs are permitted before the race start will be a standard safety car restart. Race laps will start counting after the first start attempt, regardless of start or no start.

11. Safety Car:
On Restarts, the Safety Car will pull away from the field after Turn 7. It must not be overtaken before it crosses the 1st Safety Car line.

Overtaking is not permitted on all restarts until YOU have crossed the start-finish line.

12. Penalties This Round:

We are not using the standard LFS penalty system this round. The insim control application has a custom penalty system. If you are given a Stop-Go Penalty, you will need to stop in the penalty box at the end of pitlane, marked with red cones and red chalk. You must stop your car within this box and stay still for 10 seconds, or the system will declare too short and re-issue the penalty.

You have three passes of the start/finish line to serve a penalty. If you wish to defer the DT or SG penalty to take pit service, you may do so - that lap will not count against your three lap limit.

13. End of Race
After finishing the race, please slow WELL BELOW racing speeds after Turn 1 and proceed to pit lane. The top 3 shall report back to Start / Finish Line for podium pose.

Top three and anyone else wishing to be interviewed on the broadcast should join the Commentary Box Waiting Room, and one of the commentators will move you to the Commentary Box.

14. Miscellany:
Bump drafting is probibited in all sessions.

Do NOT under any circumstances Shift+P or Shift+S from on course during the race without authorization from Race Control.

You do NOT need permission to retire once you are in the pit lane.

If you suffer a lost connection or timeout from the server, you are permitted to rejoin the race, and we will add your completed laps to your car once you've rejoined.

Please post any procedural questions in this thread.

Good luck!
S3 licensed
As of this moment, with 3 of the Top 10 with a "no" confirmation, we have 31 spots available from Pre-Qualifying.
S3 licensed
Revisions 3 and 4 of the GT2 Challenge Rulebook posted (Version 3 actually used for the first 4 rounds - I didn't realise until just now that I never posted them here, the differences are below)

Changes from V2 -> V3:

III.1 added mention of "Virtual Sefety Car"

Changed XII.2 form "A 10 point bonus will be awarded to a driver who starts each race of the season without a disqualification." to "A 5 point bonus will be awarded to each driver at each round he sets a lap in Pre-Qualifying"

Changes from V3 -> V4:

III.4 moved to III.5, a new III.4 was added, explicity prohibiting bumpdrafting in all sessions.

Removed V.2.a - blank numberplates are allowed now.

Changed IX.2.b - to include "or other stated speed at Race Director discretion), as well as change wording from "10 kph / 6 mph variance allowed" to "+/- 10 kph / 6 mph".

Removed IX.2.b.1 - Removed minimum penalty and specific target for speed violation.

Changed IX.2.d.2 - changed from "tried three times" to "tried up to three times"

Changed XII.2 from "at each round he sets a lap in Pre-Qualifying" to "at each round he participates in any session" - this is how this rule was enforced starting at Round 2, it is codified this way now.
GT2 Challenge 2021: Round 5 - Pre-Qualifying and Confirmations
S3 licensed
Hello racers,

The Top 10 in the Driver's Championship are locked in for the fifth round. All other Drivers must take at least one timed lap in Pre-Qualifying in order to be able to partake in Round 5.

Pre-Qualifying starts at 18:00 UTC on 4 March 2021, and runs for 48 hours.

The Locked-In Drivers:

Joe Holmes (Kart-36)
Isaac Price (IsaacPrice)
Niko Puntola (nikopdr)
Joni Katila (jsrk)
Jarno Lehikoinen (MaunoKasa)
Vytautas Laguckas (Excellent15)
Darius Veržinskas (Pathseeker)
Sean Lee (microspecv)
Lukas Žutautas (FasTLT)
Adam Brown (k_badam)

It will take place in the NDR.Pre-Qualifying server. 31 cars will make it into the round on Sunday, we ask the first three drivers outside the top 31 to be ready to jump in last minute, if necessary. See later in this post about the "Grid 2" race.

Drivers may take as many laps as they want. Drafting is permitted, bump-drafting is not. Drivers should not impede other drivers at any time.

All drivers are assumed to be planning to attend a round by way of their entry to the series. For Round 5, ALL TOP 10 DRIVERS are required to explicitly state yes or no in this thread - ALL OTHER DRIVERS need only state if they are NOT planning to partake by posting a "no". You have until 06:00 on Tuesday, 9 March 2021 to tell us a no. Please use the following format, replacing the car number and username with your own:


If you do not state a "no" here, and do not attend pre-qualifying, you will be removed from the series entry list, and will have to enter again for Round 6.

Drivers Who Do Not Make the Top 31 Cut

We will be offering a race session for drivers who do not make it into the main grid. This race will not score points nor be officially timed, but will be full distance. Start order will be based off of Pre-Qualifying times. It will be run on another server during the time of the main GT2 Challenge race.

All drivers who attempt Pre-Qualifying, or Top 10 drivers who race, will be given 5 bonus points towards the championship. This 5-point bonus is awarded per round.
Last edited by dekojester, . Reason : thread title change
S3 licensed
Round 5 Race Distance has been updated after the track has been officially measured - 3.487km in length, yields a race distance of 66 laps - 230.14 km.
S3 licensed
Quote from Victor362 :77/victor362/Victor Alexandre/Brazil/XRR/RP Racing/7186

Quote from KaiqueBRA :18/KaiqueBRA/Kaique Piropo/Brazil/XRR/Energy Virtual Racing/7993

Quote from nagazato :63/nagazato/Danilo Ferreira/Brazil/XRR/RP Racing/9977

Quote from pianomen :80/Pianomen/Jeremías Zanella/Argentina/XRR/FordRallyeSportTeam/2072

Quote from derinus :84/derinus/philippe derain/french/FXR/GUM garage/9567

Quote from Matias- :79/Matias-/Matias Pikkarainen/FIN/XRR/Team Rock Racing/2258

Quote from Capo-005-seba :70/capo-005-seba/Sebastián Giorsetti/Argentina/XRR/Ford Rallye Sport/4210

Quote from leonardo555 :39 / leonardo555 / Leonardo Forcinetti / Brazil / XRR / 9568

Quote from vinsu :52/vinsu/Pedro Martínez/CHILE/FXR/TAM/8725

The following drivers failed to appear at Round 4, and failed to confirm non-attendance at Round 4. All these drivers have taken part in at least one official session (yes, Pre-Qualifying is an official session), so their numbers are locked to them.

If one of these drivers wishes to re-enter the series, they must quote their original entry, and simply state "Re-entering the series".

If a car number appears in the entry pdf, it is in use and cannot be used by anyone other than the driver it's associated with.
S3 licensed
Quote from Firexter :41/Firexter/Erik Manelius/Finland/FZR/Team Rock Racing/9761

Quote from ElonB13 :65/elonb13/Elon Berisha/DNK/FXR/TBA/3824

These entries have been dropped from the entry list for failure to appear and failure to confirm "no" for Round 4. These drivers have not taken part in any session, their car numbers are free for election by any other new entrant.

These drivers are welcome to reenter the series.
S3 licensed
Round 4 Official Results Published. Points following Round 4 posted.
S3 licensed
The following cars spectated from on course without race control permission. This is their first such offense of the season, earning them a 5-point penalty:

Car 8
Car 30
S3 licensed
Entries open again after Round 4!
S3 licensed
Round 4 Replays and Provisional results are in the OP.
GT2 Challenge 2021: Round 4 - Driver Briefing
S3 licensed
Round 4, Blackwood Grand Prix

Track Specifications
Circuit Length: 3.297 km | Track Map
Safety Car In-Race Position: End of Pitlane
1st Safety Car Line: 5.5m before end of kerb on driver's left
2nd Safety Car Line: Exit of Turn 1
Safety Car Maximum Speed: 90 kph / 56 mph
Virtual Safety Car Maximum Speed: 80 kph / 49 mph
Pit Lane Speed: 80 kph / 49 mph
Red Flag line: In front of Grid Position 40
Wind Conditions: Low Wind - All Sessions except Pre-Qualifying

Event Timetable
Thu 18:00 UTC - Sat 18:00 UTC: Pre-Qualifying
17:30 UTC: Free Practice - 20 minutes
18:00 UTC: Qualifying - 20 minutes (Open Qualifying)
18:40 UTC: Sprint Race - 70 laps

Event Specifics

1. Alerting the Administration:
Use @sc to alert administration to look at your car or the section of track you were in when you use the @sc command. The command will tell the administration what location you're at.

2. Communications:
All drivers are required to be in the NDR TeamSpeak server: - Race Control messages will be broadcast to anyone in a channel in the Pit Wall in TS. If you would like a subchannel for your team or friendly drivers, please let us know and we will create one.
Make sure you have your race number and/or your LFS username as your nickname on TeamSpeak

3. Broadcast
This race will be broadcasted by Sim Broadcasts:

They will be in the NDR TeamSpeak. You are invited to be interviewed on stream during the breaks between sessions. Please follow their terms listed at - we will apply those to our Commentary Box area.

4. Driver Naming:
Be sure to be in your proper name format Number (grey or white), space, then First initial last name [eg. 00 J. Palmer]. The name may be in colour, but we prefer all white - consistency looks better, and is easier to read.

5. Tracker:
Timing will be available and running on

6. Wind Conditions:
Low wind for all sessions, except Pre-Qualifying.

7. Virtual Safety Car Test
There will be a test Virtual Safety Car deployment in the free practice session, starting about 5 minutes remaining in the session. All drivers are encouraged to participate in this test.

8. Pit Entry and Pit Exit
On pit entry, all parts of the car must be to the left of the blend line along its entire length.
On pit exit, all parts of the car must be to the left of the blend line along its entire length.

9. Qualifying Procedure
Qualifying will be set to 22 minutes, with the pit exit closed for the first two minutes. Drivers may queue at pit exit. The course will open for laps with 20 minutes remaining, and remain open until the time has elapsed. The pit exit will close at the chequered flag. No driver should exit the pitlane without sufficient time to start a timed lap.

10. Race Start:
Each race will have one unscored formation lap, followed by a double-file rolling start.

The grid for the race will spawn in the paddock. When the session timing starts, drivers are to pull away from their grid spots in grid order.

The SC will slow to 50 kph/31 mph after Turn 5, and stay at the head of the field. After Turn 6, the field should begin forming into dual-file formation. Polesitter will be asked their chosen side during the gridding process. The Safety Car will pull into the pitlane right before the pit wall. Drivers should hold pace until the green flag is given - overtaking is permitted on race start from the green flag.

In the event of an aborted start, there will be no message except a voice wave-off call in TeamSpeak. Drivers should maintain pace until Turn 1, and then return to single-file formation for another attempt. Two wave-offs are permitted before the race start will be a standard safety car restart. Race laps will start counting after the first start attempt, regardless of start or no start.

11. Safety Car:
On Restarts, the Safety Car will pull away from the field after Turn 5. It must not be overtaken before it crosses the 1st Safety Car line.

Overtaking is not permitted on all restarts until YOU have crossed the start-finish line.

12. Penalties This Round:

We are not using the standard LFS penalty system this round. The insim control application has a custom penalty system. If you are given a Stop-Go Penalty, you will need to stop in the penalty box at the end of pitlane, marked with red cones and red chalk. You must stop your car within this box and stay still for 10 seconds, or the system will declare too short and re-issue the penalty.

You have three passes of the start/finish line to serve a penalty. If you wish to defer the DT or SG penalty to take pit service, you may do so - that lap will not count against your three lap limit.

13. End of Race
After finishing the race, please slow WELL BELOW racing speeds after Turn 1 and proceed to pit lane. The top 3 shall report back to Start / Finish Line for podium pose.

Top three and anyone else wishing to be interviewed on the broadcast should join the Commentary Box Waiting Room, and one of the commentators will move you to the Commentary Box.

14. Miscellany:
Do NOT under any circumstances Shift+P or Shift+S from on course during the race without authorization from Race Control.

You do NOT need permission to retire once you are in the pit lane.

If you suffer a lost connection or timeout from the server, you are permitted to rejoin the race, and we will add your completed laps to your car once you've rejoined.

Please post any procedural questions in this thread.

Good luck!
GT2 Challenge 2021: Round 4 - Protests and Penalties
S3 licensed
Please provide the following in your protest:

Session AND SERVER of Incident (Official Sessions for Round 4: Pre Qualifying, Free Practice, Qualifying, Race; Servers: Main)
Lap AND MPR timecode of incident (or session time or UTC Time of Day)
Car(s) involved
Location of Incident
Brief Description of Incident

Pre-Qualifying Protests are due by 20:05 UTC on Saturday, 20 February 2021. Pre-Qualifying Protests should be lodged as soon as possible after the incident, however.

All race day protests are due by 08:30 UTC on Tuesday, 23 February 2021.

Track Map

Penalty Log

Free Practice

Car 33 - 10-place grid penalty - Issued after Round 3


Car 02 - Warning for failing during start procedure formation
Car 49 - Lap 19 - Drive Through penalty for overtaking car 90 before S/F line on restart
Car 01 - lap 20, T3 (entry) - Drive Throught penalty to car 01 - Causing an avoidable contact with car 49
Car 09 - Lap 33, T5 - Drive Through penalty - Causing an avoidable contact with car 99
Car 60 - Lap 34, back straight - Drive Through penalty for bumpdrafting
Last edited by Fast Jarda, .
S3 licensed
Entries lockout in place for Round 4! Contact dekojester or Jonathon.provost if you need any signup-related things from now until ~2h after event conclusion.
S3 licensed
ALl of the Top 10 have confirmed for the round, we have 31 guaranteed grid spots available from Pre-Qualifying.

Just over 2 hours to get a time posted!
S3 licensed
The Pre-Qualifying session has started.

Don't forget - if you cannot race, please tell us "no" here, as per the format in the OP.
S3 licensed
Quote from ElonB13 :65/elonb13/Elon Berisha/DNK/FXR/TBA/3824

You need to enable private messages at to receive session passwords. Let me know when you've done that, so I can send you the Pre-Qualifying password.