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S3 licensed
Added a note/reminder to the OP:

IF YOU NEED TO CHANGE YOUR ENTRY: Please edit your ORIGINAL post, then quote it, and notify us what detail(s) you changed. Do NOT simply edit the post - there's a high chance we will miss it.

From now on, please do.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bokujishin :In the Signups post, it says we need an S2 license, but isn't Rockingham S3 only?

Yeah, it's going to be S3 needed, I'll fix it.
S3 licensed
Entries opened again after Round 2!
S3 licensed
UPDATE: Please also provide your Discord username in your entry, after the teamname. If you've already signed up, just edit it into your post above.
GT2 Challenge 2024: Announcement
S3 licensed

GT2 Challenge 2024 - Announcement

Hello racers!

The GT2 Challenge is back for it's 3rd season!

It's become known as a great strategic gamble series - can you stretch tyres to last, or pit for a fresh set and hope you can out-pace the stretch folks? The racing has been fantastic in the first two seasons, and after a brief hiatus, it's back!

The schedule:
4th February: Aston North Reversed (AS7R)
18th February: Rockingham International w/o Chicane (RO7X)
3rd March: Kyoto Ring GP Long w/Boothy Chicane (KY3b)
17th March: Westhill International (WE2)

Those pesky pit stops are still OPTIONAL, so you're free to try whatever strategy you think gets you the best result!

Restrictions remain as 21% for the FZR, 24% for the FXR, and 25% for the XRR.

All races will be streamed live by our good friends at Sim Broadcasts
Last edited by Jonathon.provost, .
GT2 Challenge 2024: Rules
S3 licensed

GT2 Challenge 2024 - Rules

Attached are the rules for GT2 Challenge 2024. Please review them. The NDR Sporting Code is in effect with this series.
Last edited by dekojester, .
GT2 Challenge 2024: Skins
S3 licensed

GT2 Challenge 2024 - Skins

Per the regulations, you are required to run a skin with elements that we provide. For this season, we are providing a sunstrip as an overlay (2048 square), and a numberboard as a PSD file. Please overlay the sunstrip on your livery, and place the numberboard on the following locations:
  • Both sides of car, anywhere between the front and rear wheels
  • On hood
Remember that your number plate (set in your game options) must carry your team name or tag. If you are not representing a team, you may leave it blank.

The series logo and the NDR logo are provided for your convenience in the pack.

The Univia Pro font on the numberboard is part of Adobe Cloud - you may substitute that font for any other similar sans serif font if you do not have access to Adobe Fonts

Please post your skins by 16:00 UTC on the Saturday prior to the round, so we can generate a skinpack.
Last edited by Jonathon.provost, .
GT2 Challenge 2024: Schedule
S3 licensed

GT2 Challenge 2024 - Schedule

Calendar of Events
  1. Round 1 - Aston North Reverse - AS7R - 4 February 2024
    45 laps, 232.560 km
    Clear Day, Low Wind

  2. Round 2 - Rockingham International w/o Chicane - RO7X - 18 February 2024
    60 laps, 232.44 km
    Overcast Afternoon, Low Wind

  3. Round 3 - Kyoto Ring GP Long w/Boothy Chicane - KY3b - 3 March 2024
    32 laps, 236.064 km
    Cloudy Afternoon, Low Wind

  4. Round 4 - Westhill International Reversed (No Chicane) - WE2Y - 17 March 2024
    41 laps, 235.053 km
    Clear Day, Low Wind

Event Timetable
13:00 UTC Fri prior - Pre-Qualifying - 48 hours
15:00 UTC Free Practice - 20 minutes
15:30 UTC Qualifying - 20 minutes
16:00 UTC Race

Every race broadcasted live by Sim Broadcasts:
Last edited by dekojester, .
GT2 Challenge 2024: Signups
S3 licensed

GT2 Challenge 2024 - Signups

To enter the GT2 Challenge 2024, make a post here giving your requested car number, LFS licence name, real name, nationality, team name (if representing a team), and Discord user name. Separate each field with a /, no space between the text of the field and the /. Example:

1/dekojester/Jonathan Palmer/GBR/New Dimension Racing/dekojester

Any number 2-99 is free for selection. Number 1 is reserved for the previous seasons champion, Joe Holmes

IF YOU NEED TO CHANGE YOUR ENTRY: Please edit your ORIGINAL post, then quote it, and notify us what detail(s) you changed. Do NOT simply edit the post - there's a high chance we will miss it.

Signups are open NOW, and will close at 2 hours 30 minutes prior to each event start, and not open again until two hours after event conclusion.

Licence Requirements for Drivers

No NDR Licence Grade limitation.
You will need an S3 LFS License to participate.

Entries are tracked in the attached PDF. This PDF is updated at least once daily.

Numbers highlighted in orange are conflicted, and that entrant needs to chance their number. They have been directly notified.

Not in our Discord? Join us here:
Last edited by dekojester, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Negrito68 :Skin for #68. Sorry for the errors

One last item....the name of the skin is too long for LFS. I have shortened the file name for the skinpack to F1A4EF_FLATEAM68_GT4.jpg

If you can make your copy agree with that name, it'll all match and we'll all be good and high-quality. If you name it something else, it'll still download but may be lower quality until we match it in the skinpack, which I'm generating very shortly.
GT4SC 2024: Round 2 - Protests and Penalties
S3 licensed
Please provide the following in your protest:

Session AND SERVER of Incident (Official Sessions: Free Practice, Qualifying, Race 1, Race 2; Servers: Main)
Lap AND MPR timecode of incident (or session time or UTC Time of Day):
Car(s) involved:
Location of Incident:
Brief Description of Incident:

Protests are due by 11:30 UTC on Monday, 22 January 2024

Penalty Log
Entire Event
Car 30 - 1 point deduction - Did not upload skin to forum thread
Car 35 - 1 point deduction - Did not upload skin to forum thread

Free Practice

Car 8 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin
Car 30 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin
Car 35 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin
Car 35 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin

Race 1
Car 28 - 10 place grid deduction for Did not confirm attendance by deadline
Car 30 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin
Car 34 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin
Car 35 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin
Car 41 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin
Car 32 - Warning - Causing an Avoidable Incident (Lap 15 - T8)
Car 30 - 10 Second Stop & Go Penalty - Unsafe re-join (Lap 4 - T3)
Car 30 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 4 - T1)
Car 26 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 8 - S/F Line)
Car 95 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing an Avoidable Incident (Lap 5 - T7)
Car 35 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 17 - T1)
Car 30 - Drive Through Penalty - Overtaking before S/F line (Lap 3/4 - S/F Line)
Car 35 - 10 place grid deduction for Did not confirm attendance by deadline
Car 28 - 10 place grid deduction for Did not confirm attendance by deadline
Car 13 - 10 place grid deduction for Did not confirm attendance by deadline

Race 2
Car 35 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin
Car 30 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin
Car 72 - 10 Second Stop & Go Penalty - Causing a collision under safety car (Lap 8 - T8-9)
Car 42 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 1 - T8)
Car 27 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 2 - T5)
Car 47 - 10 Second Stop & Go Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 6 - T2-3)
Car 50 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 10 - Back Straight)
Car 96 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 4 - Turn 5)
Car 35 - 10 Second Stop & Go Penalty - Causing an Avoidable Incident (Lap 4 - S/F Line)
Car 35 - Drive Through Penalty - Unsafe rejoin (Lap 1 - Turn 5)
Car 13 - Drive Through Penalty - Unsafe rejoin (Lap 1 - Turn 1)
Car 98 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 1 - Turn 1)
Car 47 - 10 Second Stop & Go Penalty - Failing to follow a Formation lap procedure (Lap Formation lap - Back streight)
Last edited by Jonathon.provost, .
S3 licensed
Entry lockout for Round 2 started - unlocks 2 hours after event conclusion.

Any changes needed to your entry, please PM BOTH dekojester and jonathon.provost
S3 licensed
Quote from Negrito68 :Skin for #68. Sorry for the errors

No problem, thanks for responding and fixing Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from Negrito68 :All set! Skin for #68

you'll need to move the number board from the roof to the hood, once that's done it will be good
S3 licensed
Quote from Negrito68 :my humble skin for #68

You need to apply the numberboard and sunstrip provided in the skinkit in the OP to this skin, and resubmit, please.
S3 licensed
Received via Discord:

S3 licensed
Quote from Turbo_Tonny :I owned a S3 liscenced account for the event though I replied by a demo account.

You need to post that you have access to this account, as we need to know you can receive private messages to the entered account, not the account you posted with. The entered license name is what we communicate with.

You can reply here, or PM myself or Jonathon.provost with additional questions or discussion.
S3 licensed
Entries open following Round 1!
GT4 Sprint Cup 2024: Replays, Results, and Points
GT4SC 2024: Round 2 - Confirmations
S3 licensed
To confirm your attendance for Round 2 of the 2024 GT4 Sprint Cup, please give your status for the round (YES I'm attending, or NO I'm not attending), car number, and LFS licence name.

Your confirmation is due by 13:00 UTC on Sunday, 21 January 2024. Failure to confirm by this deadline will result in a pit-lane start.

Passwords will be PMd to confirmed competitors via the LFSForums shortly after the deadline.



S3 licensed
Entry lockout for Round 1 started - unlocks 2 hours after event conclusion.

Any changes needed to your entry, please PM BOTH dekojester and jonathon.provost
GT4SC 2024: Round 1 - Protests and Penalties
S3 licensed
Please provide the following in your protest:

Session AND SERVER of Incident (Official Sessions: Free Practice, Qualifying, Race 1, Race 2; Servers: Main)
Lap AND MPR timecode of incident (or session time or UTC Time of Day):
Car(s) involved:
Location of Incident:
Brief Description of Incident:

Protests are due by 11:30 UTC on Monday, 15 January 2024

Penalty Log
Entire Event
Car 83 - 1 point deduction - Did not upload skin to fourm thread
Car 45 - 1 point deduction - Did not upload skin to fourm thread
Car 30 - 1 point deduction - Did not upload skin to fourm thread
Car 10 - 1 point deduction - Did not upload skin to fourm thread
Car 7 - 1 point deduction - Did not upload skin to fourm thread
Car 71 - Series Probation - General driving standards & contact

Free Practice

Car 83 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin
Car 30 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin
Car 10 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin

Race 1
Car 30 - 10 place grid deduction for Did not confirm attendance
Car 7 - 10 place grid deduction for Did not confirm attendance
Car 72 - Drive Through Penalty - Unsafe rejoin (Lap 1 - Sector 2)
Car 13 - 5 Championship Point Penalty - Spectated from on-track without RC permission (Lap 2 - T2)
Car 41 - Drive Through Penalty - Unsafe rejoin (Lap 2 - T8)
Car 34 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 7 - T4)
Car 30 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 10 - T1)
Car 61 - 10 Second Stop & Go Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 13 - T3-6)
Car 71 - 10 Second Stop & Go Penalty - Causing an Avoidable Incident (Lap 13 - T3-6)
Car 71 - Disqualification - Causing a Collision (Lap 13 - T3-6)
Car 45 - Warning - Chat
Car 83 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin
Car 30 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin
Car 10 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin

Race 2
Car 74 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing an Avoidable Incident (Lap Formation - T8)
Car 61 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing an Avoidable Incident (Lap Formation)
Car 18 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 1 - Pit Straight)
Car 36 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 1 - T1)
Car 69 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 2 - T1)
Car 69 - 10 Second Stop & Go Penalty - Unsafe rejoin (Lap 2 - T1)
Car 71 - 10 Second Stop & Go Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 3 - T11)
Car 61 - 5 Championship Point Penalty - Spectated from on-track without RC permission (Lap 7 - T7)
Car 7 - Drive Through Penalty - Causing a Collision (Lap 10 - T3)
Car 10 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin
Car 83 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin
Car 30 - 1 point deduction - No required elements on skin
Last edited by Jonathon.provost, .
S3 licensed
Rulebook has been updated in the OP.


Added VII.9 - Scaffolding how an overage of entries/attendees will be handled