Shots look superb Don Would you consider wedding photography as a profession? For example this guy charges between £1000-2000 and is booked up pretty much all year. Which is obvious when you see his work. I'd say your photographs are equally on par, so would imagine you wouldn't have any problems getting bookings.
Personally, and lack of talent aside, It involves too much care and pressure, so wouldn't be for me.
Think I slightly over did most of the shots with PP! Although I am happy with them.
Used: Canon 500d with 10-22mm / 70-200mm F4 IS.
I am considering selling the 70-200mm and buying the 100-400mm L lens as I need a bit more zoom zoom, if anybody has some advice on this, It would be more than welcome.
My boyfriend and I enjoy long drives with the top down both to and from the hairdressing salon. This is often followed by a game of hide the sausage that can last for up to 12 hours.