Last night we spoke that IF we could not get the correct insims on one of our servers in time then we might require a server that was already running one.
As Bean0 points out - we now have that insim up and running - so therefore we can host it there instead.
Nothing to do with HR at all mate
we were just getting a backup plan incase the insim Bean0 was installed would not be operational in time.
not sure what server this is happening on tonight guys - will post later on.
Reason being we are wanting our League admins to also blow the dust off and re-familirise themselves with proceedings, therefore may not be best suited to run it on the HR server.
Will sort out whats going on later after work and edit my first post to inform people of the server name etc etc (needless to say you can always search for me (dru) online
As HR have a restriction program on their HR server I beleive that it is the best place server to run the promo this week.
Hopefully by next week ours should be up and running and then we can make sure it works prior to using in for the pre-qualification sessions etc etc later on down the river
The reason that we have 50 drivers is that it is managable and that ultimately there will be a good mix of drivers involved. If we opened it to say 100 people, then it is likely that only the top 50 drivers would ever get into the actual races.
Also - having such a large driver pool could mena that the championship is dominanted by just a few drivers who manage to get into every race.
With 50 there will be a solid core that will score every race and some others that will also race regulalry.
LAst season we took 40 drivers and it worked well, this season we have expanded it a bit further to cope with 50.
Altohugh it is disappointing that some people are ot of the top 50, we are very happy with the racers that we have got in the initial 50. I think the season will be great and that hopefully the situation is such that all 50 racers have the potential to make it oth the grid on at least one occasion thorugh out the season and of they fail to make the cut for round 1, they will be more determined and faster at round 2 to make up for it .
Yeah - good idea James..... you kind of stole our thunder thou...
we were going to suggest a drivers competition and a team competition where the winners where the ones that got the most points but maybe thinking about it - we should just have a competition for best team name instead... i'll be the judge.
we have a winner - Team Slot Car Racers win their first silverware of the season already