Well, the answer to your question regarding types of cars is purely down to the team that you would be driving for..... are they a 'general team or are they specific in one type of catagory more so than others.. ie single seaters or enduro.
Also - it depends upon the reason why you did join a team in the first place.... for instance if you joined a team for purely a enduro ride/role and then spent most of your time single seatering and that affected your enduro racing - then someoen might have a case to get narked with you (so to speak)
There are a few 'hard core' or 'pro' teams in LFS which this might take place in, but generally these type of teams take them selves so seriously that they don't tend to be generally seen or posting on the LFS forums..
Most teams here on the LFS forums are a friendly bunch - there are teams of all levels and there will be ones which (if you wanted to be in a team) want you for several different reasons..... ie singles or enduro, pickup or league racing etc etc...
The world is your oyster... just don't pick a duff 'un
It also of course depends upon how much time you have to make your 'transition'
I can not just jump in a ss and be quick or rather hop from one car to another and be quick, i'm not in that 'alien class' but then if it only take a few laps than it is generally not much of a problem.
nice site and well done on the team with a good result at kyalami.
It's weird - with your comments about not sure of the benefits of being in a team in LFS I half expected you to be a single car outfit... so when I saw that you had 3 entred cars I was a bit set back.
Surely with 3 drivers you sohuld be sharing information, tips and setups in real life, just like we do in teams in LFS?
Regarding the points about picking up 'bad habits'.... maybe that would happen with running more 'real race laps too' It is surely all about your dedication and commitment. If you treat online racing as a simulator and a benefit for real life racing, then you should take it seriously and not allow yourself to pick up those bad habits
Be aware that if the guy crossed over the finishing line, then turned around, drove backwards on the circuit onto incoming traffic and pushed you across the line then he would be banned on a CTRA server. That sort of stuff is 'interfering with people in the race'.... just bear that in mind
What i thought I had - I didn't - so rather than let you down on the skin - i made it all again
The years of the cars you have posted vary and Leyton House did typically change their sponser SEVERAL times per season etc (due to being cash strapped)
Anyhow... hope you like what I have done the skins i do are basic - not as good as the real pros around here
I've done it with the number 15, but could make 16 if you like - just let me know.
Please see medley picture of the skin in action and also attached are the low and hig res versions.
If you need any help understanding what to do with the skins - just ask ok?
surely there is no point the O/P posting a huge dialogue about himself only to find out that there isn't any Austria Teams.... so why not give the guy a break
He could of course only have put in the post... 'Does anyone know if there are any Austrian LFS teams as I'm looking for one'
But at least he did put 'some' info down about himself
A agree with alot of Niki's points so rather than re-write it i'll just agree.
The other 'benefits' from being in a team is communication and understanding. People can help with setups and team practice for league events - whether they be for just one team member, lots or an actual enduro event.
The old saying is true. 2 heads are better than 1, 3 heads are better than 2 etc etc.
Also being in a team means you have support from other guys. Not always will you be the quickest on the track, but with others they will help with your spirit and for you to ask - how do you take this - at what point do you decide not to push etc etc.
Do not under estimate the power and effect of being in a team. It really depends upon what team you join and not only what you want to get out of it - but also what you are prepared to put into it.
Regarding team applications, I see a few people have posted that they asked a few teams and got no response.
Well maybe, you've been asking the wrong teams. Realistically you should only be asking to join a team that you know and understand... ie have a relationship with. If you don't have a relationship with them first - how do you know what its going to be like??
Teams are a little bit like Marraiges. Whould you just ask someone to marry them? or would you get to know them first and make sure that they also like you before you 'pop' the question.