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Quote from ssj3_goku :bump....

you will not make ANY friends bumping your own thread after 30 minutes...

How about waiting and seeing what people do over the next 24 hours at least before thniking there might be something wrong with your post and then changing it with more detailed information than just a 'bump'
S2 licensed
Quote from Richie Cahill :Drop it into a basin of soapy water!

who do i send the bill too?
S2 licensed
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :To earth it, you need to unplug the power wires (imo, would be best to unplug all, as there will still be currents running through) and then, holding your computer in one arm, place your hand onto something metal, like a radiator and do that for about 5-10 seconds, then it will be earthed properly.

S2 licensed
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :Vacuum hose and a brush will be good enough. Obviously, make sure you "ground" the static from the computer before you clean it. I clean mine every 2-3 weeks (have a couple of dogs, and due to it being summer, they are malting like crazy! ). I just take the 2 panels off my case, and then just use a small paint brush and the vacuum hose to get it up. Then, every 3-4 months, i do a major clean on it, like taking the CPU apart and clean that (its good to do that. You will find that the heatsink will be filled with dust if you dont do it regularly) and i then apply some new paste. I also do the same with my graphic cards, but both of them are right at the bottom so they dont collect too much. I then take the fan guard of my PSU and clean all inside that.

so as long as i use the power cable to plug into the mains (but have the plug and hte computer off) the computer is correctly earthed and I can 'quote' unquote - give it a blow?

Thanks all for your answers btw
Simple cleaning question
S2 licensed
Hey Guys,

REALLY simple cleaning question.

Last week I installed an additional HDD, but I was surprised to see quite alot of dust/hair within the computer case (I've got cats before anyone says anything :razz

Also the computer is floot mounted.

How do people SAFELY clean the inside of their computers ie get the hair and dust out of the heatsinks or fans on the CPU and graphics card.


S2 licensed
Quote from Ashley Williams :Hi all

just want to run this idea past you for a possible new league.

Ok the league would be run over a month with 1 race every week. Week 1 you would race at this track at with A car and then a diffrent car and track for week 2 and 3 but on week 4 the top half overall from the league will go into a A final then the bottom half will go into a B final so if you qualify first in the B the highest you can get is B1. Naturally the races will consist of qualy and a race which will be decided soon i just wanted to run the idea past everyone and all the races will be on a difrent track except for the finals which will both be run on the same track.


sounds like ideas that have been used before... so I suppose they are ok, but nothing new.

A word of caution a league of just 4 events will likely die after a few races, once people know they can not win the league or that the combo's coming up are not what they like.

You have to pick your combo's VERY carefully as a result.

TBH if yuo are doing just a 4 week league, you may as week stick to either one car and run on 4 different tracks or run 4 different cars on the same track over the 4 weeks.

Just my 2 pence, ignore at leisure
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :I think we have a future Nestle CEO.

a geniune LOL for the first time in a few weeks thanks
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Corsair PSU's rock - the 450w units have been tested up to 593w before they give out and all the while still getting 83% effeciency...

If Jack says its good then I know its right or that hes just got a free one beta testing and is 'contracted' to talk it up J/K Jack
S2 licensed
Quote from amp88 :In my experience you don't need a lot of power for hard drives - certainly nowhere near as much as even a medium-range CPU these days.

Did you get this drive, Dru? If so, looks good.

Actually i got this one - bit cheaper and a bit smaller but still plenty good enuff for me

Quite funny actually - I installed it with hte sata cable then failed to realise that the second sata connector was a the power one

So i took it out and trawled through the internet for 30 minutes looking for pictures as I was convinced I had been supplied a HDD without a power source

I'm such an idiot when it comes to technology
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :He hasn't exactly been inspiring this season.

Have you actually been watching any races this year - or are you only looking at the championship points table?
S2 licensed
Quote from Toddshooter :Yup the only thing I would think about is your power supply. A little extra juice is needed to spin it up and run it.

Current PSU is a modular hx520W Corsair - should be enuff with my titchy system
S2 licensed
TSW Imolas FTW....

18 years old and had them on my Renault 21 Turbo
S2 licensed
Quote from swisscosmo :oh ok thx i thought he may have differnet name since people do that

i just type that username into LFS and it found it
S2 licensed
Cheers mate - looks great - I'll grab it later when at home.

Thanks for your hard effort on this one - it is appreciated
S2 licensed
Spent £50 on a 320GB a 500GB Seagate Barracuda.

Hooked it up an works like a charm

Video editting is gonna be so much better now. I did a test and it handles 30 TBO's driving by in 1280 reso no problems

Thanks all for your help


S2 licensed
I think all 4 points are good and valid Dan

But you forgot to put point 5 down:

5) driving the Baby-R. Cause once you've driven that - you think anything else is REALLY fast
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :It would be nice to see these things banned from racing servers and restricted to cruise servers, because the number of times I've had replays ruined by some numpty without a helmet is silly.

S2 licensed
Quote from jonaz lindberg :Pretty much done I think, is there anything more you want one it?

Thats great - no - nothing else is needed as long as you give me permission to name ny name to it and maybe team name etc etc, thanks very much
S2 licensed
Quote from swisscosmo :ok thx do you know his LFS username by any chance becuase i don't feel like having to make an acount so i can ask him?


that IS his LFS username
S2 licensed
well - that would be very kind offer if you did Jonaz

I know that it is a fairly simple colour scheme - its just i can not get my head around those curves and how to line them all up properly

Let me know if you need ay further photos and pics etc.


Anyone able to skin me a 'fairly' basic helmet
S2 licensed
Hi guys and gals,

I've got a fairly simple request - I know I skin some cars and have produced some skins for others on request, but I always come unstuck on helmets

Is there any chance someone would be able to make me the basic colour scheme of a helmet, that I can then finish off myself with logos and names etc??

The simple helmet I am looking for is the helmet worn by ex-seventies F1 Driver Francois Cevert. ... ert_tribute/Gallery2.html

You do not need to add the goodyear or the CEVERT name etc. I am only needing the helemt colours and designs - that way I can then finish off the helmet with DRU or PARKER depending upon which league etc i will be driving in etc etc.

Any kind soul out of there would woulf help this Cevert fan out?


S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Well, I guess I should have said redder rather than brighter. It now has red to maximum and the green a bit reduced so it is less orange, and now the same colour as the red LED lights of the gear indicator.

I think this is a bit easier to see in your peripheral vision, there was something a bit washed out about the orange, though I'm not certain it achieved all that Dru wanted. It is still not popping out at you, to say the least.

Although the red channel of the shift lights are now at maximum, the whole texture is toned down by the colour Eric chose for the dash texture, so it is duller than on some other cars.

Hi Scawen,

Yes it is a little better but to me it is still either in the wrong position and/or the contrast is wrong.

I've done a quick mock up... hope you can see it, the reason is - i don't understand why the brightness of Y24 patch can not be mirrored in Y32 - even against the weird blue bezel.

The pictures i have in order is:

PAtch Y32 - dull red light under gear selection which is still not clear.

PAtch Y24 - bright light on black background clearly inditiable by periferal vision as there is nothing with the same colour around it.

My proposal - Have it on the top of the Speedo display, similar to the PL button. This way even though its still on the blue bezel it is in a position which will be identifiable by periferal vision.

BTW i've just copied and pasted the light from the PAtch Y24 into it.

Again, sorry for being silly, but why is the light in patch Y30/32 not able to be as bright as in Y24? even with the different colour bezel - it is still clearly brighter?

Cheers and regards,

S2 licensed
Quote from ivantod :Lol ! I dont know what happend

it was too early
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I don't have time to comment on every report, sorry.

But I do report every change I made, and if you look at the change log you will see that I did this, as requested.

The shift light is now as bright as the gear text.

my apologises for missing this crucial fact on speed reading

cheers Scawen
S2 licensed
Thanks for Y32

but please Scawen, where do we post about improving the race speedo dials that now appear in the UFR for example where it is impossible to see the rev limit dial without ruining the simulation experience by putting virtual dials on the screen as the real life one does not have any decent contrast?

I posted in the Y31 thread but you closed without commenting