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S2 licensed
Hi there,


Might be good - the problem is getting the balance between the 2 different classes - and take it as a rule that you need to do quite a few different tracks to get it right... also except that you will not get it right on every track

however, as long as you have plenty of racers in both classes - then the racing (as a whole) will always be great

Best Of Luck

S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :If everybody thought like that we would have just one big "General LFS discussion" forum without any subforums.

People, who are interested in participating in leagues and events obviously WILL look at that forum. And those are the people who you want to read the thread, no?

S2 licensed
snowboarding - not related at all - but classic never the less... ... XZOd0&feature=related
S2 licensed
Can a Mod - PLEASE - move this thread.

Bad positioned threads just encourage more of the same.
S2 licensed
I voted FZR... which is weird cause I'm in a league racing one and i'm crap with it ...
Don't count your chickens.....
S2 licensed

Race, Win Celebrate.... only do it in that order...... just in case... ... 6k8d0&feature=related
S2 licensed
nice setup Jak - the AI can be quite hard to beat foer the novice
S2 licensed
Quote from The Moose :The FF is garbage and the physics don't exist.

Pure arcade...and poor at that.

Is this another rFactor thread ?
S2 licensed
check your fans for dust build up.. sounds temp related tbh.
S2 licensed
much preferred the second version you made of this crash

at least it shows graphically the quality of the the footage...
S2 licensed
Quote from Zaleo :Last 25 minutes (the gp was an hour) chasing DvDave with FBM in South City

497 MB download..... anyone actually bothered? although the girls on the link are quite hot
S2 licensed
waste of 30 seconds of my life.....
S2 licensed
Quote from Maissi :Hi!

Time for me to write something here too. This LFSCART sounds cool and I have holiday/vacation on July, whole month, so I have time too Got to practise those hard, haven't played S2 much yet, I just got it.

.......Do you realise that only 3 rounds are in July when you are 'available'

There are 4 rounds in June including ther Kyoto 500
S2 licensed
+1 for trying

-1 for the line....

"The cars upside down..... looks like he might have not rolled it..."

S2 licensed
Quote from aoun :Oh id never contact Honda. I don't want the NSX in LFS.

As much as i would go crazy and act like a cheerleader with it in the game(like this fella here -> :banana, it would be like raising a kid with healthy foods only, then giving him McDonald's for the first time and only giving him McDonald's, with no KFC, Burger King etc. Stupid and pointless!

To me RL ROAD cars would kill LFS. RACE cars would be awesome in my own opinion.


I see, so its more agreements and arrangements rather then cash. I'm pretty sure not many car companies would do agreements and arrangements for a small known racing simulator, would need the GT series for their attention.

no KFC!!!!!! are you kidding me - what sort of parent are ya :P
S2 licensed
Quote from TeamPlayersBlue :my original number is actually number 1. Thats whats on my skin if you will allow it....

Are you a champion ?
S2 licensed

greetings from Norway.... will we ever be greeted with those words ever again....
S2 licensed
I hope you paid your missus a 'modelling' fee
S2 licensed
My views

UF Baby-R

however i've started to mess about with flipcams for some movie work too
S2 licensed
Quote from StableX :I don't know mate. You could change your license name to clam and see if it sticks

I'm swelling up just thinking about it.... best not eh?
S2 licensed
Quote from StableX :I think Sam has an allergy to Kirchetorte or something

I have an allergy to Seafood - is it the same kinda thing?
S2 licensed
Thanks for hosting such a grat evenings worth of LX racing... first time i have really done any LX4 and was getting better with each race
S2 licensed
Quote from CELTIC100 :Cough

Lets just say the Muppet had twins

that would explain........... a lot
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :What if all cars just had to start the race with certain amount of fuel onboard? Not some rigid one number, more like a small range like 100-130 litres so you wouldn't have problems with pitstops (enough gap to make every teams' cars to pit on different laps and probably enough gap to prevent too many drivers going to the pits at the same time.

isn't that just like saying - ok we will shorten the race by 20 laps?