As you may or may not have read in the odds and ends thread, we are awaiting EVERYONES hotlap submission and confirmation of team entries and team names before publishing the final 50.
Then we can also start making PR stuff like what I made for season 1 entries, but this time it can be done BEFORE the season
Although I see what you are trying to post Jack, is it not the policy of CTRA to not name and shame? clearly in this instance your link is naming a shaming as you are not the driver on the screen.
Can you not just get banned yourself and then we can see the infor on your own page
Although I agree that would be a good idea to open a new page.
Although your idea is good in theory the primary purpose of the CTRA servers is to improve the drivers ability. One of these key abilities would be to be able to safely drive close and race wheel to wheel with other racers.
If you started putting these people on longer tracks then you would actually see a reduction in skills as people would be used to driving in relative 'free space'
Yes - we know you are from CRO Team but we have many drivers who belong to a real LFS team but are racing here with another driver in a 'made-up' team.
Just be aware that if you are driving in the championship as a single driver there will be no reference to CRO team in the Team Championship or Team information pages
Ah ok - well thats fair enuff - its just your post said due to money, lack of sponse etc etc that you were closing - not cause its requires 10 hours plus of your time a week - I can understand that reasonin a heart beat.
GL m8 and I'll come and popo by the forum to have a butchers.
Congratulations on the 5 members - but really - is it really possible that with all those numbers possible 2 of your team are effectively the same number? 07 and 007 - makes me laugh..
got the graphics recording and stuff to a good level - the problem is with sound... with frappsing the video and sound it jumps and jitters and the sound plays at normal speed whilst the images get left behind.
It's only like that when in fraps and then vdub - in game is fine.. i'm suspecting my system is not up to recording both at the same time.....
I suppose the promo could have no sound (as there would be commnetry over the top)
Niels - he says licence(S) rather than license - so we must presume he has 2.
Having 2 seperately purchased licenses is ok - and that WASN'T stated in the o/p you just stated it in a bad way.
Nothing is wrong with having 2 licences for two guys. The problem would be in this instance that more than one player if using the same 'account' name...on the CTRA system you have to earn your own points - you can not give your account details to someone else OR get another driver to drive as you on a CTRA server, otherwise everyone would go look for a Moose to get them up to Titanium.... oh wait, hang on thats a really good idea... just gotta go find me a Moose