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S3 licensed
Quote from Sternendaal :But if I have worked around a hour to make the highway two lines on both sides,without the wall somewhere,and I see that is reverted back again,what is the point that I keep working on it?
I have the idea that it is just wasting my time.

i didn't mess with the Higway... i only made an acess to the gas station on it... i have changed that street from the pits, to the roundabout...

I turned this :

Into This :


sorry... but my english is crappy...
Last edited by Dudles, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Sternendaal :That is what I have done,I worked about 5-6 hours to work on my new version,and I am not home from holiday,and I see everything is reverted back and other things have changed

I actually am completely done with this,as everything I chance gets reverted back,and everybody says "nice layout Max". I am done with this,and I am somewhat dissapointed.

Sorry Mate... but i changed it because playing on the server, i See a lot of people chrashing because they are too fast to go through the little detour... and i have done it because i think that that barriers between lines cause more accidents too... some nice improovement you could do is to keep the detour but change the barriers in the middle to that white line...

sorry... I wasn't sopposed to upset you... sorry... my principal idea was really the Gas station...
S3 licensed
Got The 1.8 version of the Layout and did some minor changes.

Added a gas Station on the Highway, that street from the pits to the Roundabout now is straight... no little detour... less accidents i expect. did some division inside the pits... there's the little parking lot ( where you pit-out ) and in the side of it i made what could be the Police keep the law breakers inside of it while punished. Hope You'll Like it.

Tomorrow i'll post some Screenies and take care of some details...
S3 licensed
Srry to Bump this topic... but need help... when i start the tweaker, it shows a warning :

"System Error &H80076007E (-2147024770 )"

And when the latest S2 Version was the Q patch, i could use it with no problems... now i tried to use with the LFS S2Q in another folder, and thet System Error appears....

Could someone help me ?
Last edited by Dudles, .
S3 licensed
I'm gonna put here, a sugestion from another person i can't remember the nick... that sugested in Sileighty's CnR Layout... You should put a gas station or something like that... so the street-racers could gather to race... instead of a lot of parking lots, you could do something like a gas station...
S3 licensed
should play mate... when there are the right people in the server, it's a lot of fun... i think a gas station would be superb... for the "street-racers" to gather
S3 licensed
i liked a lot the idea... but you should be more careful placing objects... looks like you were in a rush to finish... and some barriers' edge, are pointing to the street... some street lines, the one that places the center, are not well placed... if you improove it, ti will be awesome...

and in my opinion, doesn't look like you've used the 512 objects... if you really haven't... please do more stuff... it looks really good...
S3 licensed
Quote from Zeeall :I modded my layout a bit, it got road lines and markers now

I hope you will like version 1.1 better :crown:

lemme know if you want screenshots!

edit, version 1.6 now

i really want to see some Screenshots...specialy from the Mod's you made... because i have your layouts saved here since your first one...
S3 licensed
Quote from RAYfighter :1st of all I love this brilliant idea, because (and now please don't throw rocks at my head) I was quite amazed by the gameplay of NFSMW, just hated those stupid "physics". Always dreamt about being able to cruise that beautiful city with some LFS car, with LFS outstanding physics. I also missed living people in the NFSMW city (and pissed on stupid superfast cops there). Now you brought this nice extension to the LFS gameplay, once we are seriously tired from the heat of GTR races and looking for some relax.
This even made me go out in the streets of Citylife with those drifter ricer skins on my XRT pretending I'm a bad guy sitting pretty high on the Blacklist!

The suggestions I'm writing here mostly follow the idea of getting the police pursuits from NFSMW to the Citylife, as well as even a bit more reality as we got now.
  • there are more cops than typically now - at least 4 or 5 of them
  • these cops are patrolling around the city, not necessary all of them, looking for rules violation
  • minor rules violation (speeding, no turn lights) they solve themself alone - POLICE! Stop the car! -> warning
  • When suspect refuses to respect cops and run away, they still following alone
  • If they can't stop the suspect, they call assistance using "police comms", telling their position and heading -> 2-3 cops in pursuit
  • If they still can't stop the suspect, and if the suspect crashes other cars in pursuit etc., they call "helicopter" = spectating dispatch (a must admin) who organizes a large police action with road blocks
  • during the pursuit the punishments are raising from the warning only, up to the several minutes in spec. (10 at total max?)
  • Shift+S (teleport to pits) is denied by the LFS Lapper, pressing shift+s resulting to spec = instant *busted*
  • If car crashes => damage, and needs to pit (while pitting is denied), the player must spec and rejoin - this should encourage players to drive carefully, like they would in real life
  • I lost the track because my wife just called me on the phone
  • oh yes and the dispatch/admin, could modify available cars, to be able to give FXR to the cops, while other cars can be only non-racing cars (up to the LX6)
  • of course the dispatch/sheriff does not have to be the speccer all the time, when things go smooth, he can patroll or do whatever other cops do, but he has to have admin rights, to force rules on the server (and make it an enjoyable place for those who wish to follow).
As you can see, I'm suggesting pretty organized and somehow trained cops - not anyone can become cops just when they wanna have the power (and abuse it) - they have to know and follow few simple rules, and admins have to control them - very similar as moderators in any other online game (cops here) and smods or sysops (admin/dispatch/sheriff here).
To offer more nice streets to cruise around (and more escape paths for bad guys) I've also edited Maxe's Citylife layout a bit. The screenshots are here also for those who wanna see the Citylife layout basically as it is now. For your convenience i have filled out areas where you can't normally drive with a blue tint.

loved the rules and the Lyt... we just have to wait to see the server's owner's opinion about it...
S3 licensed
awesome idea mate !! gonna upload some things... like Tyres and stuff That i've done here and want to share...
S3 licensed
it really looks like a city... nice... somebody could put this in a server...
S3 licensed
waiting the Layout... looks really good...
S3 licensed
I Know, but i want to know how the arrest us ? by crashing ? or they need to imobilize the car ?
S3 licensed
i just loved the layout... but i just bought my license and i wan't to play in the server but don't know the exact rules of this game... could someone explain it here ? Thanks in advance.
S3 licensed
Quote from bbman :Actually, it doesn't use anything to simulate some sort of glass from inside the car... It is as if there were no windshield, side window or back window...

That's right... and i think that the devs could do something about it... like if they improve the weather conditions ( addin Rain and stuff ) they could add glasses from the inside, that could be dirty and something like that... i guess it would be freaking cool...
S3 licensed
Quote from Captain Slow :thanks for that, i suppose it isnt that important it was just a bit of fun. lol is ther a dds file for the windows?



edit it and test... i just darkened it to give the impression of black tinted windows... at least it works in XFG. XRG and XRT... don't know about the other cars... and, it works only if you look from the outside to the inside. if your camera is in the car, it looks like the original... it doesn't darken from an inside look.

Sorry for my bad english.
S3 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :It's possible, but it only works if you have an S2 liscense.

are you saying that tinted windows only work with an S2 license ?! Because if you are, you are totally wrong... you just darken the and it's done. If you're not, just sorry.
Lfs S2 P
S3 licensed
I need the LFS S2 P to test some old tweaker i have here, but i managed to delete the zip file from my HD. does enyone has it to share ? Thanks in advance.
S3 licensed
i think people just put their name on them. i put my name in my private skins... but, if the skin is named as : "XFG_HondaBAR" for an example, i believe that it's a public Skin...
Custom Dashboards
S3 licensed
I Was wondering if it is dificult to the devs to put some "changeable" dashboards... something that could allow us to choose the position and the gauges we want in the dashboard. I saw some screens of the RB4, and the dash is so full of gauges that you can only see the RPM gauge and the Speedometer in a clear way... so if you could change the position, size or exclude some gauges from the dash ( like the FPS gauge (What the hell ) in the XRG) it would be superb.
Last edited by Dudles, .
S3 licensed
Looks really Nice... I'm searching that Helmet and suit that is like if you were wearing T-SHirts and Long Pants or somethins like that... but I Never find.
S3 licensed
Quote from :Don't exactly know what you mean, but search for threads where this already was been discussed (a few times). (Reload function in CMX viewer does not work for in/exterior files, if that's what you trying to ask.)

I'll try to explain my point in a better way. The Screenshots that you have taken, you took using the CMX Viewer, Right ? I already trid to make the mods function on the CMX Viewer too but I it doesn't. I'm askin how have you done it... to prevent me fro9m opening and closing LFS everytime I change somethins on DDS Files.

sorry for my weak english.
S3 licensed
what do you do to make it appear in the CMX Viewer ? because i don't have the S2 license yet but i want to start making mods already... and my CMX Viewer shows the original interior and exterior of the car... so i can't see if it's OK.
S3 licensed
i don't know... to me it looks like the front lights are out of proportion... looks like thei are "taller" than theu should be...and that famous side scoop is missing too...
S3 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :I saw that when originally posted. That's great, but.... How do we get it? I never saw a link to a file in that thread.

i guess in this URL :

you can download it... at least i saw this link in another thread and saw this LED conversion there...