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S2 licensed
Lol. :P
S2 licensed
Lol I knew someone would say that xD.

I think it is fake... You can see that theres grass were the car was going... Why would anyone slam the gas pedal to go on the grass?
S2 licensed
Battlefield 2 was good, 2142 was horrible. :S

I tried the demo of 2142 when it came out and I just HATED it. I've never been a big fan of those futuristic weapons and robots and lazer stuff anyways.
S2 licensed
I doupt it then, de Souza beat me in that one after punting me off in T1,waiting for me and repassing when I slam the throttle through the chicane :P.

I do remember practicing with you in FE for a league maybe it was H2H. Anyyyways, good luck with XFusion.
S2 licensed
Quote from chanoman315 :i beated (?) you in H2H if i remember correctly haha

Proof or it didn't happen. :P
I don't remember that =_=! In what season/event were you in???
S2 licensed
Good luck Fletch, I'm sure they'll see your skill.

Good luck to Lopino, you seem like a great driver. Saw you today in our server and you seemed like a good guy as well.

And finally, good luck to Chano. I've never seen you on LFS. Actually I think I did once... Can't quite remember where or when but it was ages ago :P.

Good luck to all of you, including XFusion.
S2 licensed
Great promo video btw, really impressed.
S2 licensed
Good luck fellas.
S2 licensed
Quote from BigTime :I'm really not to fond of using such well known music. The first thing that came to mind when I heard that was...

Ouch, poor guy. What the hell was that woman doing driving so fast there???

And for the video Zsoltee, keep it up. Not the greatest video for now but you'll get it.
S2 licensed
Rudy's running mid 38's consistently.
S2 licensed
Good luck with the team guys and congrats to your newest members as well.
S2 licensed
For 10 000$ I understand why some people are taking huge risks like that :P.

Nice video, I agree with BigTime but it was entertaining none-the-less (writing a post at 4 am = fail spelling)
S2 licensed
Good luck in 2009 TDRT! Logo's and stuff are looking good!
S2 licensed
Meh, not new years for me but all I'm doing and going to do is sit in front of the TV and watch the fire works and mute the sound because I hear and feel them from my house :P.
S2 licensed
Lol nice one.
S2 licensed
Good luck with the team seems like a very promising team and happy new year. Good luck in 2009.
S2 licensed
LOL Dougie, fail.
S2 licensed
Take off or reduce the FF damping and FF friction in the Setup 2 options. That should reduce or take off the crazy wheel movements. Worked for me at least (Thanks Troy :P.)
S2 licensed
11.5 hours to go...

Oh well, happy new year in advance I guess :P.
S2 licensed
Thanks for the tip Moose. Added an extra 5-9 FPS A lot smoother but still when I counter steer its a little slow but meh. I'm sure its nothing that cant be fixed with some cleaning up in the pc heh.
S2 licensed
I'm having FPS problems at my dads now... 20 FPS Its ruining it because when I slide if I try to catch it the wheel turns slowly and the FFB gets mixed up and all lol. I think my pc needs a defrag or reformat now its getting a little loaded with junk.
S2 licensed
LOL. When I saw the thread name at first I thought you had sex with his dog and got it pregnant.

Anyways, well just tell him and hope he doesn't kill you. :S There isn't much more you can do heh.
S2 licensed
Good luck with the team, looks promising.
S2 licensed
Amazing promo. Loved it!
S2 licensed
LOL! That was funny .