This one's a crash compilation, but isn't a sequence of moments of impact set to metal or techo music. It shows the leadup and sometimes post analysis of what happened. Good stuff by the dude that put it together.
I really liked the vid. A pure racing video with no need for music or uberschmick camerawork. Just let the cars and their noise provide the entertainment. If only the driver steering input looked smoother on mprs.
I think that sensible trackside camera angles would integrate well too.
EDIT-How many frames does it cost you in Fraps to record sound as well?
I use open office and works well for simple documents and spreadsheets.
Not sure what it's like for advanced users.
It seems a lot less bloated than the MS suite too. i.e. No stupid dogs and paperclips talking to you. Where was the option to stab the dog in the eye with the paperlip?
Although I wouln't go near a console racing 'sim', I hate it how people write off consoles just for the sake of it. I have a 360 32 inch LCD and 5.1 setup,and although it's a fairly standard setup, it ilooks and sounds fan-bloody-tastic.
Please don't crap on about resolution etc. It's apples and oranges.
I had a few mates over the other night, a few beers and playing Fight Night 3 for a couple of hours. Awesome fun in anyone's language. And noone said 'yeh but teh resolution suxors compared to the PC'. It's not an experience you can get on a PC.
Maybe you forgot to read this bit.
I was making a point about Bush changing his reasons for the invasion after no WMDs were found. Sorry if it was confusing.
Sorry to bring this up again, but can you please justify this comment? It is absolutely not true. The original reason the Bush administration gave for it's premptive invasion of Iraq was a direct and imminent threat to America and 'her allies'.
After the invasion, when NO WMDs were found (and I mean none), the Bush administration did a complete backflip and said the premptive invasion was to oust Saddam and bring democracy to Iraq.
It astounds me that anyone can fall for that crap.
The theory is that if you tell a lie enough times, eventually it becomes the truth. It seems to have worked on some people.
The movies are just awesome on an artistic and technical level. That is obvious.
More importantly though, it gets me itching to boot up the PC and DRIVE!
Great job.
Western countries are destroying the world, not just the States. My country I'm ashamed to say also didn't ratify the Kyoto agreement and we should hang our heads in shame too. It is up our governments to solve this. Unfortunately in the States (and in Australia too IMO), we have governments that play on peoples fears to get re-elected and bolster our unsustainable economies for a few more years. It will change (it is changing in America at the moment), but it will take time, and it will be years or decades before we get back on target in terms of the environment.
Damn, that's unlucky, although 20mph over the limit is quite a lot.
BTW I didn't think cops in The States were allowed to breath test people unless they failed a sobriety test. Is this not the case?
Been driving for 10 years and never been booked for anything. I was pulled over for a breath test about 5 years ago. Just always make sure there's one car nearby going faster and you'll never get pulled over. In most citiesm I'm sure it's not hard.
Not too bad, although I don't like skins with headlights, they overlap with the real ones and look fake.
You need to turn shadows on.
There is already a thread for edited pics. You should use this. Imagine if eveyrone created a thread for every edit they did. It would be chaos.
Last edited by farcar, .
Reason : crap, i can't type
Turn screen resolution to 800*600 16 bit.
Turn framerate to 25 fps Fraps should be able to handle this. (record 1/2 screen size
Capture your replay in LFS at 0.5 speed
Get Virtual Dub and import your capture.
Change framerate in Virtual Dub to 50 fps
Viola - you have a normal speed LFS movie at a reasonable framerate.
Over all, you need to play around with the LFS / Fraps / Virtual Dub settings until you find something you are happy with. There is no single magic setting for every machine.
P.S You should read the aptly names stick atop this page. It has all this info and more.
There is a way around that. In the open source flight sim, Flightgear, the game installs with only a little bit of terrain, you can then download 10 x 10 segemnts of terrain to your heart's content, and they have the whole world available. A great way to do it.
@mdrodgers- this is the game I've wanted since I was a kid. In 10 years, there will be something like it and it will be quite reasonable.
The problem is that graphics / physics terms, it will be much less detailed than what is out at the time, so it will always be a niche game. Open source community?