Yesterday, during the MoE race at Aston, it struck me that there is no command to cancel a penalty (drivethrough, stop and go, 30 seconds, 45 seconds) in case you gave the penalty to the wrong person. Of course it is the responsibility of the admin to tripple or quadrupple-check the username you enter, but getting the correct username is sometimes quite hard since the connection-list gets a rather small font-size when a lot of people are connected. Apart from giving the penalty to the wrong person, it can also happen that you give a penalty to a car that was on it's last lap before a scheduled pitstop. With a DT, the pitstop cannot be done and this car may run out of fuel on the next lap.
It would be nice to have a command like
/p_can [username]
to cancel all the admin-induced penalties for that user. Ofcourse, penalties for speeding in the pitlane should not be "cancel-able".