InSim also works on LAN and internet, as long as you know the correct IP and port (and there is no router or similar blocking the packages). With larger networks you just have to take packet loss into account, on a local machine this is usually not really an issue.
Looking at the first graph, it seems that all the lines are going asymptotically to 0.05. Some data points are below 0.05, but within the margin of 1/60th of a second (0.0166 s). It would be interesting to know what the time is for the signal to be processed from the gamepad, to the usb port, through the mainboard, to the game, then to the screen and all that and then to your camera. So maybe the 0.05 s GPL is achiving is already the limit, and new sims can only be 'as good'.
Is the steering wheel drawn on screen really a good measure for lag? Maybe the simulation part has no lag, but the graphics part has some lag (I dont know about the inner workings of sims, but I can imagine there is an indirect coupling of the data for various reasons)?
Also, judging for this data, it might be wise for simulation manufacturers to force the sim to limit fps, so that users unaware of this effect can also benefit from it.
There is a tutorial included on how to create camera-positions, and the working of the tool itself is explained in the readme file (altough a bit outdated).
Here is version 0.95. I think it will be the last version before I post v1.0 in the addon forum.
It mainly contains fixes and other ways of doing things.
Camerafiles are read out in a more tolerant way (errors like spaces at the end of a line are not causing a crash anymore) and noobTV saves a log file while reading the camera files, telling you what camera's were succesfully read and which were not (and why not).
Different way of calculating the position on which to focus when watching two cars.
When I find time for new features, I will mainly focus on ways to present the current race events as good and extensive as possible to the user, so he can quickly make the decision himself. I think this works better then a program that decides for you.
Hm, might be an issue with old forceware versions. For some reason I cant find an up to date version of forceware that will install on my laptop AND produce more then 4 fps So I'm stuck with version 82.93.
A little tip for people experiencing problems with noobTV or any other Java program. I just switched on Anti Aliasing and all Java programs kept crashing the monitor (all other stuff kept running, sound, mouse etc. but the screen went black). This is a nvidia forceware problem: java cant handle forced Anti Aliasing, you should put the AA option to 'Let application choose'.
If you still want to have AA (for LFS for example) you can workaround this by adding a profile for all javax.exe programs that are located in your java folder. There are several files, like javaw.exe, java.exe etc, you should all add those to the profile. This profile should then contain the AA -> 'Let application choose' setting. You can then leave the global setting to 2xAA or something.
Rotating custom camera (will automatically look at the secondary player).
Probability of camera's. This way you can define multiple camera's for one area and the tool will choose a certain camera, where camera's with a high probability setting are more likely to be chosen. This way it will be less repetitive and it can also be used to give trackside sponsors or objects (public in the grandstands) some airtime during streams (point a camera at some sponsor board and give it a low probability).
The cameratool can now copy the data of the custom camera to the clipboard, so now you dont have to write down the coordinates anymore (saves time and risk of typos/writeos).
Known issues that will be fixed in version 1.0:
Random soft/hard lockups in the control panel.
The cameradefinition files should be perfect, otherwise noobTV wont load (for example, you can't enter a floating number for the FOV, although it should be possible). Same fore config.
The program doesnt tell you when there is a connectionproblem or has a reconnect button.
Trackside cameras show some weird behaviour when it is trying to focus on two cars, especially the FOV calculation is a bit weird.
Also, noobStarter is kind-of built into noobTV (since the noobTV functions come in very handy when you need a good overview of the field), so I'm probably going to combine them, so some kind of menu has to be added as well, since it looks a bit weird at the moment.
At the moment I can't really think of more features, apart from more control over the camera and some camera-creation wizzard that just requires pushing some buttons, but I cant promise that will happen very soon, since I'm pretty busy with other things. I think the bugfixes go first now
Here is version 0.9. Some new features etc. Version 1.0 will be the same as 0.9, but then bugfixed and including all the cameras I've made and the ones that were found in this topic (fetzo: I have to edit your camera's to make them work properly in v0.9), since I am sure there are some minor bugs in it. Please report them here
Looks nice. Just one question about the LFS Stats (made by detail) part: you've included it in your zip, but I couldn't find a mention of him. Did you ask him if you could include it in your package?
I think whether or not I will buy a shirt depends 90% on the quality of the shirt, rather then the colors of the shirt. The material, stiches and most of all the 'shape' of it is far more imporant. I always try a shirt on in the shop, even if it only costs 10 euro. A shirt in nice colors with too long or too short sleeves looks worse then a plain black shirt that fits right.
I also agree that emboidered logos are really a must. I have quite some experience with shirts with custom logo's that were printed on, and they always failed. Every time they had to be sent back to have them reprinted.
I'm trying to read the PTH files using Java. My program works kind off, but it shows some weird output.
What I am doing is read all the center values, output them to a file, open it in Excel, and let excel draw points. The result of Blackwood is as on the attached picture.
Obviously, some points are read incorrectly. Every time I run the program, I get exactly the same output, there is no random-ness in that. I suspect it has something to do with converting the 4 bytes to an integer value. This is the code I use
<?php BufferedReader readPTH = new BufferedReader (new FileReader("as5.pth"));
char[] p = new char[40];
char[] header = new char[16];, 0, 16);
I was also working on some InSim stuff (starting tool for running starts), and was trying to use MTC packets as well, but couldn't get it to work at all... Didnt work in MPR, multiplayer server or single player.
public void sendMTC (String mes, int uId) { byte[] temp = new byte[68]; Arrays.fill(temp, (byte)0);
for (int i=0; i < Math.min (mes.length(), 64); i++) temp[i+8] = (byte)mes.charAt(i);
temp[67] = (byte)0;
for (int i=0; i < temp.length; i++) System.out.print ((char)temp[i]);
System.out.println ("\n" + uId);
IO_OUT.sendPacket.setData(temp); IO_OUT.send(); }
It's Java code and pretty nasty, but it works in a very similar way for MST packets. The MTC messages are supposed to pop up in the chat area, correct?
Although Im not really amongst the actively playing LFS'ers, I would like to thank you for all your hard work. I wish all the developers happy holidays and all the best for the new year. :wmann3:
Just a question: is it on purpose that the wind sound is tuned down so much? With it set to max it is still very hard to hear. In the old versions I had it quite high since it added a lot of grunt and noise. Now it is more like a breeze'ish sound
I do like the new sounds though They sound more complete.
I really liked the action in the first race, didnt catch much of the second one (had to do other stuff). The first race had surprisingly much action, considering there were only 10 cars on track. Was a good watch