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S3 licensed
Here are the FSAE rules:

As you can see, no rules that prohibit the use of wings, only some rules that say how big they are allowed to be.
S3 licensed
I think they didnt put the wings on the mrt6 because they found out they dont work. Probably by testing it in LFS, as I kinda explained above...
S3 licensed
I believe the guys from McGill used this winged MRT6 version to determin if wings would be worth putting on the car. They equipped the MRT in LFS with wings attached to the unspung mass (as in the old F1 days, directly onto the upright of the suspension).

As for wings on an fsae car... the only downforce they add is their weight.
S3 licensed
A package is just an array of bytes.

So to make the ISI packet you can do something like

byte[] isi = new byte[24];

isi[0] = (byte)'I';
isi[1] = (byte)'S';
isi[2] = (byte)'I';

// .. and so on

Of course there are more efficient ways of doing that, but this should work.
S3 licensed
I've looked at the replay again and I think you are right that shawn was wrong in the way he rejoined the track. olddog appeared in his outside mirror, but I dont know if his FOV settings allowed him to see that mirror (he also showed in his internal mirror, but a little bit less apparant). He should have lifted as he got off the grass and saw that people were coming from behind.
Having that said, I still think that for olddog it would have been better to take a little bit of a wider line. Even if you have the right, you cant expect someone to dissapear. But maybe that is a matter of experience.
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :
It would not have been considered a racing accident, because it was a dangerous act which arose from a driver who had consistently overdriven his ability and during the accident in question had endeavoured to race another car whilst rejoining the circuit and left no margin for error in a dangerous situation which he himself had caused after failing to safely pass another car.

I think not only Shawn did not left any margin for error, but I also think that olddog left little room for shawn. As you can see in the attachment, olddog turned into the corner a lot earlier then he did the two laps before. At the moment he started to turn in, the car was still equal to him. Of course he had the right to overtake, since shawn was rejoining etc. but even if you have the right, you should not risk another incident. I am not saying olddog is at fault, but I think this is a race incident.
S3 licensed
Im going to get through that month learning... those @*&^$#^%$# guys from university planned the exams during the WC... So holland would better be out after the first round then, if I want to pass my exams..
S3 licensed
I'd say it was a race incident. Shawn was trying to rejoin the track and continue racing as quick as possible (maybe a bit too quick), but the other driver went way to optimistic into the dip corner. He steers into the corner as if there is no other car. I'd say both are at fault and thus a race incident.
Estonians biggest LFS fans?
S3 licensed
I am not sure how long this feature exists, but google has now Google Trends. It gives some interesting statistics on what people search for certain keywords.


Looking up the statistics for 'Live for speed' one can see that by far the most searches come from Estonia. Compared to the licence pie on LFSWorld (LFS Racers database > Stats) there is a big difference. Generally speaking most searches come from countries that are low on the licence pie (except for Finland).

Anybody has an explanation for this?
S3 licensed
Could a mod please remove those off topic posts. Finally we got a bit of a good discussion going on and now this. Just stay out please, for once.
S3 licensed
Maybe he mis-used the word arcade, and means S2?

Dunno how anyone could mix those up, tbh, but when it's late I can mix up about ever pair of words I know
S3 licensed
I'm not so much into tyre stuff, but maybe you can find some more information about Pacejka and a simulation that is derived from it here :

Edit: here is another document that explains tyre modeling in relation to Pacejka
Last edited by Frankmd, .
S3 licensed
Why is this world all about money...?
S3 licensed
Just a little notification. At the moment I am pretty busy and unable to find time to work on noobTV. I am also thinking about porting it to C#, to make some additional features possible. Don't expect an update any time soon, at least not before July.
S3 licensed
So you admit it is edited?

Thats even worse then using Mechanic to do that.
S3 licensed
I just have to confirm what is written up there, SHIFT + '-' blocks all messages, including results, (dis)connections, pitstops etc.
S3 licensed
Quote from Chaos :yea, i know, even tyre pressures can be changed... but if you want to change the gearing or anything else that is not in the F12 menu, you have to warp into the garage...

That sounds pretty logical...? You change your tires during a pitstop, so the pitcrew can put any pressure in those new tires you want. But to change the gearing you need to open up the gearbox, and that is done inside the real pit of course.
S3 licensed
How much is this a last chance? If I dont get in this time, will there be another time? Will I be able to buy them at all if I dont get in? Will it be more expensive then?

Please some more info why we should get in now
S3 licensed
Formula Student UK is also Late June, Early July. Not sure if anyone who went last year is on a FS team..?
S3 licensed
noobTV on itself should not be very heavy on the system. I havent noticed any fps drops on my own system. If it happens in Custom Camera mode, it could be possible that the fps drop is caused by having all the cars in one view, because most Custom Cameras are far away and thus draw a lot of the track and maybe all cars during the start.
30fps is a bit on the low side too, so I guess it quickly drops to an even lower value if some other process runs. On my own pc, noobTV never gets above 3% cpu time, and only for a very short time (after you press a button for example) but otherwise uses less then 0.5%
S3 licensed
wrong place to post
S3 licensed
What exactly is he capable of doing? If it is just the connection to LFS and reading the packets, I think there are enough people here who know some C variant to help him out (assuming he also uses that to write to the lcd).
S3 licensed
I think he means something different..? Im not quite sure, but I think you mean something like LFS Spectator, but instead of a top-down view, normal ingame view...?

Im not sure if anyone is working on that, but I do know that Scawen wanted to create something like that. If you see how good lfs spectator works, I think LFS TV can work pretty good too.
S3 licensed
This is not a feature request, but just a little question about something in the InSim.txt that is not quite clear to me:

Quote :Car Position Packets : (Initialising OutSim from InSim)

To request Car Positions from the currently viewed car, send this InSimPack :

Id : "SSP" - Start Sending Positions (sends UDP packets using OutSim system)
Value : delay between updates (zero means stop sending)

The SSP packet makes LFS start sending UDP packets if in game, using the OutSim
system as documented near the end of this text file.

Does that mean it will work for any currently viewed car? Or do the normal OutSim rules still apply (only singleplayer and the users car in multiplayer)?

Thank you for all your hard work, Scawen
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Why do you want to? I have never heard that anyone wanted MCI packets at such a high rate. It was designed for internet spectating, I think, in which case you would definitely not want such a high rate of packet sending.

For my noobTV tool. If I send a CPP packet to LFS, it will move smooth to the new point. It will however 'accelerate' and 'descelerate' that smooth motion, and in order to get a truly smooth view, I have to keep the movement in the non-accelerating region. With 100ms update rate, I have to predict the cars position about two or three times every 100ms and then send a CPP packet with Time = 600 to keep it in that zone.
So either a higher MCI rate, or a 'non-accelerating' smooth movement would make it a lot easier.

EDIT: If the OutSim packets would work for every multiplayer car (just the Position fields) and not just the users car, it would have the same effect and be more efficient, since Im only using 10% of the information I get in a sequence of MCI packets (in case of 10 cars, that is).
Last edited by Frankmd, .