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S3 licensed
I normally use noobTV on my laptop and connect it through LAN to my desktop. That way it should work, but other than that I dont think it will.
S3 licensed
Happy birthday, Scawen.
S3 licensed
Since that machine would be rendering stuff and such, wouldn't it be easier to have a non-dedi lfs server and then an application that places the camera somewhere and takes a screenshot? This would only work if it is a windows server, since I dont think you can run LFS under any other operating system?
S3 licensed
Yes, that works, but then I would have to exit LFS and restart it every time, which takes a lot more time then disconnecting and then reconnecting. When I exit LFS and then restart it, all the stuff has to be loaded again, while that is not needed when I only leave the server.
S3 licensed
That is exactly what I was looking for, but after reading the script-readme I dont think there is a /connect-like command...

I hope Scawen can put this quite simple thing into the next patches, since it would save me a hell of a lot of work.
S3 licensed
I hope I am not too late for this future request (or that it has been mentioned already; I couldnt find it anyway).

It is possible to let LFS join a server automatically by adding /join=[servername] to the shortcut (or using a cfg file). There is no command however to join a certain server from ingame. The reason I request this is to be able to disconnect and reconnect from a certain server, to start a new replayfile. There is a /leave command, but no /join_server command. At the moment I would have to use /exit and then use a cron job or something to start LFS using /join=[servername], but then LFS will have to load the textures again which is taking a lot of time.
Help needed
S3 licensed
I think I need some help on something. I would like to automatically make LFS disconnect and then reconnect to a server. The purpose of this would be to get little chunks of replays, instead of one big replay.
Using InSim you can leave the server, but then how would I make LFS reconnect? I've looked into InSim, but I cant really find it. I know there is this thing called LFSJoin (or similar), so I'm sure it is possible, but how?
S3 licensed
Back in the S1 days, when the TBO/SO Classic combo was immensely popular I was racing in on a 15 slot server. Somewhere in the second lap I was driving in my FXO next to some RB4, when I suddenly saw a very slow driving GTi in front of me. I dont really know why I didnt brake, but somehow I managed to squeeze through exactly at one of those street-crossing-gaps, as indicated on the picture I think I watched the replay like a thousand times, from all possible camera angles. Especially from the GTi it looked very close
S3 licensed
I am really sorry for those bugs, I would love to fix them, but Im afraid I dont have time to do that.

About the camera presets, I hope to be able to make a set for the Masters of Endurance stream of the next race at Westhill.
S3 licensed
Quote from BlackEye :Are you sure you would fit into FD with that thing on your head? lol

It sure would pose a huge amount of strain on your neck I guess... Looks like a heavy unit :P (if it is real, anyway)
S3 licensed
Quote from Renku :NOOOOOOO - I need this view!!!
I've started to use the custom cockpit views in more and more cars. I definitely need it. This doesn't help me at all.

Whom does it confuse? People just doesn't know what are the differences between ext and ext 2. I don't think it's because it squashes the other 3 options.

Although I agree that a narrow button is hardly a good reason to leave out a feature, I think having neat code is a good reason. And why not use the mirrors? It is really faster to glance at the virtual mirror then to press a button.
Cancel a penalty given by server admin
S3 licensed
Yesterday, during the MoE race at Aston, it struck me that there is no command to cancel a penalty (drivethrough, stop and go, 30 seconds, 45 seconds) in case you gave the penalty to the wrong person. Of course it is the responsibility of the admin to tripple or quadrupple-check the username you enter, but getting the correct username is sometimes quite hard since the connection-list gets a rather small font-size when a lot of people are connected. Apart from giving the penalty to the wrong person, it can also happen that you give a penalty to a car that was on it's last lap before a scheduled pitstop. With a DT, the pitstop cannot be done and this car may run out of fuel on the next lap.

It would be nice to have a command like

/p_can [username]

to cancel all the admin-induced penalties for that user. Ofcourse, penalties for speeding in the pitlane should not be "cancel-able".
S3 licensed
I have to say that this looks very similar to my tool noobTV. Even the camerapositions are very similar

I was wondering what your technique is to calculate where the camera should be positioned and in what orientation? Do you use a linear model, do you take into account the angular acceleration parameter?

It was always my plan to port noobTV to C# but sadly I don't have much time for that nowadays, maybe I could assist you with the development of this tool?
S3 licensed
Well, if you measure the rate at which the file grows, you can calculate the rate at which you should stream.
S3 licensed
Isn't it so that if you have a superfast car, you go out of sync (Mechanic etc.)? Afaik, there have been cheats where you could drive an LX6, that would appear to be an RB4 on LFSWorld, back in the S1 days, but apart from that I havent really heard about performance-improving cheats.

And never say something is impossible to hack, everything is.
S3 licensed
Quote from bbman :Why does it need for a celebrity to be hurt that people start donating? illepall This is such false-faced sympathy... If you donate, then for their service of rescuing people, not for rescuing one celebrity...

Well, did you know there was such a thing as an air ambulance that has exists by the grace of gifts? I'm really surprised that it is not paid for by the government (as in Holland if Im correct). And that people only give when something big happens is just the nature of humans.
Masters of Endurance : 12h of Kyoto GP Long
S3 licensed

The Masters of Endurance league has started it's second season today. The 12 hours of Kyoto GP Long is 50 minutes underway at the moment of posting.

As always, the race can be watched live using LFS Spectator, the tracker and later today on the live stream by Gamer-FM.

The stream will be up around 4pm.
Last edited by Frankmd, .
S3 licensed
Usually the gearbox and engine are one part, so you can look at it either way...
S3 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :I think an Airport track would make a nice addition. But first, I want a more flowing track with major elevations.. a la Mosport. (I know I know, I've said it hundreds of times...)

A realistic airport track would have barely any scenery, so you will have a big problem creating some sense of speed. I'd say it's a bad idea.
S3 licensed
Quote from MataGyula :@ Frankmd
First of all, thank You for this great lil' tool ! After figuring out how it works, i started to build a camera set for BL2
Anywayz, I would like to see a few improvements. Basically, i would love to see some kind of interface in LFS (dunno if it is possible ), where actually by using the shift+U view you could create your cameras - You wander around the track, find a good spot, set up the view You want, and You push a button, than the program asks You to set the Start/Stop nodes on the track,and when You are done, it simply saves what You have done to a txt file. It could also track the movemet of the camera, so you could set exactly the way you want the camera to move ( this could be done by pushing a button to start "recording" the movement of the camera, and then to stop the "recording" ). These suggestions would make the process of setting up the cameras a lot shorter, and what is more important, easier :P
Btw guys, yeah You there, what about making a contest of creating the best camera set for a track ? The winner would have honor, glory , and the good feeling, that he/she has made a service to the community
Now really, lets post here some of the sets You made, please !
I hope everything was clear, and understandable , and I can't wait to see a new version of this tool !


I think having some control panel in the LFS window would be very nice, because at the moment I dont think a lot of people are actually using this program. However, I highly doubt that I will find the time to port the program to C# or C++ anytime soon, so basically that would be the end of the program.
S3 licensed
Quote from JohnUK89 :That has a hint of Duke Nukem Forever sprinkled in it, I think

Nice work on the test patches Scawen, some really good stuff has come in with them. As was said further up, I would like to see a replay deletion feature at some stage, I have a load of obsolete replays I want rid of.

Whats wrong with deleting them in windows?
S3 licensed
I wrecked an Aston National fanboy in a drinking contest.

Me -> :drink:<- Aston National fanboy
S3 licensed
I dont know exactly how you construct the packages, but arent you forgetting the zero at the end of 'SCH' ? But then it should not display the 8 in the chat line either...

Hm, dunno then, sorry
S3 licensed
Next year there will be a lot of changes to the engine rules, I believe it will become allowed to place the trottle behind the restrictor. There will also be some sort of alternative energy-source class.
S3 licensed
Quote from Warper :Topspeed in FSAE: The rules say that the longest allowed straight is 75m. But if the you use the complete distance you have to build a relatively tight corner in front of and behind the straight. But nonetheless you can reach 120km/h with a nice FSAE car. But fast corners are very rare - so we say the same: The only downforce of these spoilers is there weight

DE-Tuning: Yes thats right, to build a nice FSAE car you have to de-tune the engine - we are even working on another camshaft - but exactly to get the opposite effect of normal tuning. We use a suzuki GSX-R 600 engine. In the motorcycle it had about 120hp, but because of the small intake diameter as i said, we do have about 85hp. But very important is, that we concentrated on a nice tourqe development. We do have over 50 Nm from 5000 to 11000 1/min - with a maxtourqe of about 60 Nm. Thats really broad for this kind of engine. But so, it's very easy to drive - you can drive nearly the whole track in second gear.


Sorry for bad english

I am not on the class 1 team of my university's team (class 3 here), but they are tuning the engine, instead of de-tuning. They use a 1 cylinder engine, so maybe that is the difference.
A year ago they drove the 2004 car on a landing strip on a military airfield, and reached about 140kmh iirc. The strip was built of large (3 by 3 meter) concrete plates, with considerable bumps, causing the car to get all four wheels off the ground at some moments...

BTW, who is going to England this year? I'll be there from the wednesday before the race weekend.