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S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :That program that you have shown to get the point information from should be in the front end, and you should not have to dig around the jar file to find it. Other then that, awsome work!

Yes, that is also on the todo list But first I will have to give it a few more features
S3 licensed
Quote from Pablo.CZ :OK, its running now.. I didnt know that I must export files from .jar

Normally you wouldn't have to extract them, it should run fine without extracting them, but aparently there is something wrong there. Cant really tell.

Quote from Pablo.CZ :
Small bugs:
- if focused on two cars and then to one car only, camera is zomming in and out in cycles.. Focusing on two cars again fix this (edit: probably known issue)

I didnt know about this one yet. I do know that it zooms in and out if you pause the replay in CustomCamera mode however.

Quote from Pablo.CZ :
- you cannot ESC from replay when noobTV in CustomExternal

I will try to make some sort of Stop replay button in the controlpanel, but I should find a way to do this safely (if I send the /end command to lfs, it will also vote to end the race during an online game, which is quite dangerous in case the admin uses my tool and accidentaly presses that button).

Quote from Pablo.CZ :
Suggestion: add combobox with all defined custom cameras and button "Fixed CustomExternal" -> should stay at place and not follow any car.
Option for skip some cam in cams.txt in standard CustomExternal mode would be nice -> I can define finish line cam and use it only in the end of race by selecting it from combo.
(sorry for my english)

The way the camera's are choosen and managed is the next thing to update indeed. I would really like to have other camera's at the end of the race then mid-race as well
S3 licensed
Quote from Dygear :First off, I am not an InSim expert by any means, but this is the way I would go about it, from the information that I have learent from the InSim.txt. I am sure that my colleages will post something on here that will not only blow my idea out of the water and also do things in much less steps, thus taking less resources to complete the task you have asked of it.

$place[] = $IS_LAP['NAME'];
$place[$lap][$IS_SPX['SplitNumb']] = $IS_SPX['NAME'];

Get the start order, with the player (user) name as the key.
From the IS_LAP packet, the order they are received in will dictate what place they are in for that split (In a perfect world that is, if a car is 0.03 seconds behind the other and the network lag causes it to delay a packet by 0.04 seconds then you have a problem.)

The LAP and SPX packets contain the time as measured by LFS, and should therefor be lagfree. If you manage to capture all the LAP packets, you can simply add all the laptimes, to get the total time after X amount of laps.

If you really want to know the exact standings you can use the NLP packets, but you have to keep in mind that the node on the finishline isn't necessarily zero, so you cant just say if (car_A_nod < car_B_node) then car_B is in front.
S3 licensed
The cars should be close enough to each other. If you dont see the difference, put the replay speed to 0.5 and then right-click the name of the second car, and then rightclick the name of the first car again. Doing this you enable and disable the 2-car focus, and you _should_ see a difference.
S3 licensed
In the JAR file there is also one other program that should run by itself.

1. start LFS, and type /insim ...
2. Export the files from the noobTV.jar file, winRAR should be able to do this.
3. Start > Run... > cmd > and browse to the folder where you find the files from the jar.
4. type 'java TVcameratool', press enter
5. you should see something as the attached image

Btw, the TVcameratool can be used to create your own camera's, and I am currently working on the documentation for that.
S3 licensed
Quote from AtomAnt :Looks like they plan to torture us day by

It should be well worth the wait.

Thanks for the heads up Tweak

Forget waterdrops, forget bamboosticks between your fingernails, forget bonecracking, this is the Mother Of All Torture Methods.

Quote from Blackout :Hmm, now we can start betting on when the patch is coming, how many litle teasers they can make out of all new thingys?

Hehe, yeh, this way you HOPE that it will come on the last day this month
S3 licensed
Here is v0.6 for you. Use it at own risk

It only has cameras for Blackwood Reverse at the moment, so I suggest that you should also use the replay I attached I should work on all replays at BL1R, but just in case you dont have a replay of it.

Post all your bugs and suggestions please
Last edited by Frankmd, .
S3 licensed
The development is going OK I'd say. I changed the name to noobTV btw, I think TVdirector sounds a bit dull
Before I release anything I need to work a bit on the menu part (it need some optimalization) and I will have to document the way the camera's are defined in the configuration file.
S3 licensed
If you run the ghostcar mod by Kegetys you get the splits with difference to your pb. I'm not sure if you can use it without seeing the ghostcar (if you don't like to see it, that is...).
S3 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :why else would you be afraid to take off from 0mph in the FV8?

they may be AFK too.. never know, thats just annoying... it happens, it happens in life, a car may stall

Hopefully AFW if they're in an FV8...
S3 licensed
Ah, that is again some sad news I know some of you guys from the endurance league, always nice to race with.

Are a lot of the (ex)members gone from the lfs scene, or are they just going to a new team?
S3 licensed
Please don't call the police.
S3 licensed
Those red areas are all used except the silly bit in the 2nd sector.
S3 licensed
Quote from mpracer :I'm sorry dear LFS developer. I love this simulator an I follow you from 2002 year, but now I have to write you down some consideration:

It's long time there are no patches and no improvement. I know it's born a baby (end that change the life) but I think was better to spend the few time to develop and delivery the complete S2 and S3 version before to spend your precious time for something that was not related to the real simulation. You'll have a lot of time after the final version is out to implement other payable features. I know this is business, but your first goal is to develop the final simulation

So I will wait the patches and the final version (paying what you want) before I use these unnecessary features.

Everithing IMHO, of course

I dont think developing this in any way influenced the development of LFS itself, since there are 2 people working on those 2 things. Victor is normally not coding LFS itself, he's doing LFSWorld etc.

EDIT: SMS seems to work now from inside LFS.
Last edited by Frankmd, .
S3 licensed
If I do what is descibed above, I get a LFSW - unknown command error when doing /w txt [Some text]
S3 licensed
Config 5 looks alright for the slow to medium cars.

I think however that a larger difference between historic and gp long can be made. Normal GP tracks are always a lot slower then the historic tracks. Maybe it would be realistic if AS Historic would have a shortcut trough the last chicane, if it's made a little tight it could be a very nice corner coming onto the straight. And GP long could have some extra chicanes or such built in.

Green is historic, red is GP long.
S3 licensed
Quote from Fetzo :denmark is soooo flat

Flat? When I was there for the first time I thought it was pretty hill-ish.
S3 licensed
Easy with InSim, maybe it could be done from LFSWorld as a generic system. LFSWorld can also send welcome messages, so I guess it can also do other things.
S3 licensed
Yes, but now it's cheaper, and I think it's also faster? At least when I tried it out yesterday with Rob from the UK, it was quite fast.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :You can think of scenarios where it can be useful...

Let's say you don't want to sit next to your computer the whole time, and instead you want to watch TV (for example). Then one of your friends can go online and you could receive the alert that he's on a host. Or he (or any LFS user) could SMS you from in-game, without you having to give anyone your number.

The other thing I like is just SENDING an SMS. It's so easy to just type in a message instead of using that number pad on the phone. And it's cheap for international messages - on my phone they are 20p. From LFSW they are only 12p.

I just like to add something to that. For leagues it can be pretty usefull. During the 24h race I had to leave MSN, IRC, Ventrillo and whatnot on just to make sure someone could wake me up in case the server would crash. Using a phone it's a lot easier.
S3 licensed
Quote from Qurpiz :Red one would be my favorite too, but I think Eric makes the use of the unfinished part of the track.

In case of the light blue config, I do hope it will be a slowish 2nd or 3rd gear corner, since Aston has a lot of fast corners already. Something like the corner just before the bridge on Blackwood.
S3 licensed
Hm, sceptical at first, but now I can finally wake up the ocrana guys if they are late AGAIN for an MoE race

The premium pubstat was already there, or is that also new?
S3 licensed
LFS World will get better http physics, and slipstreaming it wont cause your mouse to lose the rear end anymore.
S3 licensed
A1GP Series Two calendar: ... ashNavId=1&newsid=267

29 September-1 October A1 Grand Prix of Nations, Circuit Park Zandvoort, Netherlands
13-15 October Venice street race (this replaces the round at Laguna Seca)
27-29 October Tibetan hill climb
3-5 November Kabul
24-26 December Lapland (night race)
5-7 January Narnia (for the Ikea Cup)
19-21 January A1 Grand Prix of Nations, USA - to be held in Baghdad (or Teheran)
26-28 January Canvey Island
12-14 February The Latvian round - to be held on the Isle of Dog (innit!)
26-28 February Falkland Islands
23-25 March Middle Earth 'the Ring'
6-8 April Bikini Atoll
20-22 April South Central LA (drive-by penalties will be enforced)

S3 licensed
Huh, R comes after Q right? Or wait,

a b c e d f g h j i k m l n o p r q s t u p i d w v x z y

No, indeed, it's the S...