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S2 licensed
Quote from g7usl :Applied Z30 via TCA and produced an error I couldn't get rid of, so couldn't access the server.

I then went back to my TCA and applied the default patch and that put everything back again.

Suspect something wrong there Franky?

Thats a strange one. Have seen several people apply patches without an issue. Looking at your server now.
S2 licensed
Z30 now available on the control panel.
S2 licensed
If u PM me your name / E-mail address i'll get a look at it for you.
S2 licensed
hi guys,

@Mustang, Will reply to your PM soon
@Neto_R, Will get to your ticket soon
@Koa, there has been a problem transfering to the US, will PM you shortly.

@Mikjen - For it to be demo you must have it set to BL1 or BL3 Carsmax must be 12 or below, Maxguests must be 15 or below, and cars allowed can only be maximum of XFG+XRG+FBM

@Lysargic. All servers running fine here. The CP was restarted a short while ago, Perhaps you were trying to get in whilst it was restarting. If u do not know your username / pass, I will be happy to forward it on to you.
S2 licensed
quick thought.

its "Mainly" compatiblle with Z28.

What of the above improvements "WON'T" work with z28 hosts.

So if a (we'll call it Z29 for now) Client connects to a Z28 host, What will be disabled / unusable.

I am guessing the Max objects and open track configurations would not be usable. also the additional Insim collision packet etc. Anything else?

EDIT: also any changes to the setup.cfg file?
S2 licensed
Quote from boothy :Could this please be extended to racing conditions as well? Say, if you have a DT and you need to pit (e.g. out of fuel) then a pit stop is allowed but the DT remains valid so that you can serve it next lap?

would be good to have the option under F12 eg: "Serve Penalty yes / no"
S2 licensed
Sorry Koa, forgot about your servers needing to be moved. Will sort that now.
S2 licensed
*Gulp* This could get interesting.

Nice one Scawen
S2 licensed
Quote from banshee56 :Dean,

I sent this message via PM here, but haven't seen a response yet:
Please let me know what can be done.

Hi Lee, Sorry for the delay. PM Replied to

Quote from MariusMM :It's been 5 days now, and it's still showing the old "unknown" message on the insim?

What's happening?

Hi Marius, As far as i can see it all seems ok here. But just to confirm im looking at the correct user on the CP can you please open a support ticket, or reply with your CP username, Thanks
S2 licensed
Well although it appears clear that AMB has done this, as he has denied it and currently AMB, his dad and victor are all in communication straightening things out, I dont want to say, just on the off chance that he can prove himself innocent. So it would be unfair to brandish somebody for this until the outcome is clear.

I'll close this thread now, as its being dealt with privately.
S2 licensed
What AMB has done is not acceptable. and the most recent thing he has done (according to the evidence in Victors possesion) is clearly illegal across most of the globe.

Unfortunately when one member of a household acts in such a way that it compromises the integrity of LFS and its forums / Services. action such as this has to be taken
Anyway, Communications between all parties have begun and im sure the situation will be rectified. Although i do not know which way it will eventually go.
S2 licensed
yep, the system will let you install insim's as soon as i have removed the old instances from the CP. which im going through now and should be complete within the hour.

After that i'll be going through individual support tickets.
S2 licensed
What im going to do now, Is remove the service instances from the old insims that are currently showing as unknown. and then the CP will allow you to install Airio or Lapper. I am also about to add a new custom-insim option that you can install yourself and upload your own apps to.

More on that later.
S2 licensed
for those who had the object reference error for your LFS SERVERS try now.

I am at work again and cant go through all the insims right now, so insims will still have the error. but servers should now work (just checked urs G7usl and seems to be working).

I will fix the insims when i get home between 8-9 PM
S2 licensed
thanks for the reports, Insim's i am aware of. Just servers i need a priority list for.

Cheers guys, Keep them coming.
S2 licensed
I will do so Dave,

Just so i know i have an up-to date list of priorities to check when i get home. can anybody whose SERVER is not either allowing CP / FTP controls to work or is simply not showing, please reply here and i'll make sure they are priorities to fix when i get in.

S2 licensed
Servers should be up, Its possible i might have missed a couple though so will double check as soon as i get home.

Unfortunately i ran out of time at 4am this morning and had to go to sleep so i could come to work today.

When i get home i will finish off what should only be insim's... but apparently (according to some of you) there are also servers offline.

Will check it out guys.
S2 licensed
yep, that will be your new permanent IP
S2 licensed
yes thats correct. Your LFS Server should be accessable now if your IP has changed on the listing.
S2 licensed
Hi, Lysargic,

Im assuming you missed the updates before the domain kicked in, I'll post them here fore reference.


Quote :The 500Servers Game Control panel is temporarily offline. The Control panel is expected to be back online and servers available between 21:00 BST 31/03/2011 and 04:00 BST 01/04/2011

- UPDATE: 10:30 BST, 01/04/2011. there was a delay with installations through the night. Access will be restored over the next few hours.

- UPDATE: 14:50 BST, 01/04/2011. Things are coming along nicely now, Users who were on the ip: have been updated in the tcadmin database. Still lots to do but user-accounts should be open for use on ALL accounts from 17:00 BST - 20:00 BST. Please keep checking back here for updates.

- Update 19:30 BST, 01/04/2011. Not much further to go now. Will be opening up access to the Control panel within the next hour, NOTE: this is still a Work In Progress, Not all users will have their servers listed at this time. Please check back periodically to see if your servers are reinstalled yet.

- Update 20:45 BST, 01/04/2011. The Control panel has now been re-enabled and is accessable via Note: the domain: will also point to that IP once the DNS records for your ISP have been updated. NOTE: The Control panel is STILL WIP and not all services will be accessable. Secondary applications (Airio / LFSLapper etc) will also not all be available at this time.

S2 licensed
Got caught up with some installs during the night, Had to take a rest stop at around 5am, I AM now getting things completed.
S2 licensed
Actual servers will be coming online throughout the day / night today.
S2 licensed
just to clear things up, I am happy to help people via this thread, But only if people can keep their abusive remarks to their selves. From now on anybody that does decide this thread / forum is a place to throw abusive remarks will find that their posts are ignored and / or moderated (as per LFS Forum policies). Customers will also be bound by the 500servers terms of service. Specifically section 4 of the 500servers terms of service. (you are of course free to give your reviews both good and bad. but in a civil manner)
S2 licensed
Quote from DCke :received mail , i cant login to billing system t send mail

a simple question

The backup for this machine was on the Control Panel machine. And the most recent backup for the control panel, was on this machine. This means that ALL DATA on this machine has been lost.

that means we lost all files from months racing ? pb files points ranks ??


Unfortunately that is the case officially. Although if the files can be recovered using recovery software (no guarantee of this have used this method 4 times before, only been successful once) before the servers are back up, i will make sure its available.

Quote from Anthoop :It is difficult to raise a ticket if the Control Panel is down.
It would seem pointless to raise a ticket if previous (pending) tickets are still not answered.

By all means, use the thread, I have no problem with that, the problem is "HOW" the thread is used. If people treat the thread as if they are writing a support ticket, then i have no problem. But if its just a bashing message (check the last 2 pages for examples) then i do not see why i should put up with it.

There is also a support ticket system on the billing system which can be used ( If you do not know your billing system login / pass, there is a "forgotten password" link that can be used. (note the username is your e-mail address).
S2 licensed
Unfortunately i have been left no choice, I can no longer take the abuse that i get in this thread. People are much more to the point and actually tend to write with respect in their support tickets.

In terms of not answering support tickets.. If the issue has been solved. i do not reply to them, If you have an issue that is affecting only you, you will find that it is replied to.

If more respect is shown in this thread, then i will be happy to continue to offer information and support. but if its just to Bash myself or 500Servers, then im not going to listen.