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S2 licensed
is that as apose to "good" rush hour traffic pete?
S2 licensed
Quote from SF-Turdtron :Great stuff Dean...

Still not back up, but i'll accept the 3 hours timeframe lol.

I was going to say.. whats so great!

Seriously though, thanks for your patience.
S2 licensed
Ok i have heard back from CPanel who say they had not added the correct IP to the license. They have changed it now and they said it normally takes around 3 hours to update.

@Bashor, what was your CP username originally?

S2 licensed
Who was it that crashed into the back of (was it jason's?) Car last year?
S2 licensed
Cpanel are the company that make the Cpanel software, As i have not heard back from them yet, i can only assume no, they don't
S2 licensed
Doubt u will catch me on skype.

Tickets answered.
S2 licensed
Hi Welder, Yes it should be, but it is not (hence the message) Waiting on reply from Cpanel.
S2 licensed
hmm.. that should have been completed by now... will send a ticket off to cpanel licensing.
S2 licensed
1 thread was "ok" 2 threads is just plain greedy
S2 licensed
OOOh i dont think i would manage it without a drink, Small pipes u see, always have to have a drink of something whilst eating.
S2 licensed
Quote from rockclan :Shush,

Quarter Pounder is a kinda big burger over here at the McDonalds.

be careful if you go up north in england then, i know a place that does a 2pound burger! (although u do have to seperate it to fit in your mouth...).

Yummy though
S2 licensed
as far as i know it would depend what your bank policies are.

With my bank i can make transactions oversees cost free, but to make a withdrawal its something like 2% or £2 (whichever is more)
S2 licensed
Should be fixed within the next 24 hours,

The License is being transfered.
S2 licensed
maybe , that and his beard!
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :4 man team?
How big are the teams?

TBH I would love to drive as much as possible, but I have understanded that you have to team with someone, and therfor you are one of those friendly turds I want to team with

as far as im aware, 10 karts, 40 people. you do the math

Thats part of why i want bob and fel, both friendly turds i've teamed with before
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Haha, I punch you fatty Franky for all those infractions you have dealt me earlier

Joke aside - team up Franky?

I don't see why not. although i would still like to see if Bob / Fel will join us makes a good team!.

Quote from CSF :But the question remains...up or down?

We will see

Quote from zeugnimod :Wow, half the people in this want to beat up Franky.

Its nice to be wanted
S2 licensed
Quote from rockclan :My 113KG


and yet i'll still be beating you

I know i can go quite well around this track, Last year there were times that i was flying! the rest of the time i was simply either too tired or uncomfy in the seat. This year i intend on staying focused!.

I wonder if my team from last year will have me back... hmmm
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :If it's to any help, I have got'n fat myself, 80kg. Weight 68 before
Now I'll be a fat snail making an ass of myself on the track and even worse in the bar harrrrrrrr!

i now hate you!. try whats closer to 140KG for me!
S2 licensed
Quote from Andreas B :We FLP/r Swedies are leaving from Stansted, and i just looked at the routes, and found out that the Route A14, via Cambridge, Birmingham, Worcester isn't much longer then the M4. So I just thought i should take that route to the meet and M4 back again. This way we can see more from Your beautiful country.

Good idea? Anyone got any other suggestions?

well by going via the A14 you avoid the roadworks at the top of the M25 here, Although im not sure if theres any works going on on the A14 itself.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :I'll send you a postcard.

A blank one i assume
S2 licensed
500servers CP now has updated core files available.
S2 licensed
The control panel is now up and running [rp[er;y agaom/

Apparently the IP our control panel is on had been blocked by their licensing server. All fixed now though.

Sorry for the hastle.

@SF-Turdtron, Sorry for the slow reply to your ticket.
S2 licensed
a wet race would be fun probably give me a chance aswell with the extra balast to keep things planted
S2 licensed
at the moment no, i can edit them through the box itself if required, but until the control panels running again thats about it. Was expecting to have heard back by now but still waiting at the moment.

If you need me to edit it for you either PM me or e-mail [email protected]