it seems like all of my miss shifts are from 2nd to 3rd gear, so dog would prlly help. i dont think i will bother though.
the spectator mode is pretty cool. you dont have to switch from drive to drive manually, you can select "most exciting" or leader or incident, and it will switch automatically.
just had a good fight, but a bad race overall, because my shifter became unplugged a little over halfway through with the SRF and laguna seca I thought i'd miss shifted so i kept trying until i realized it was the shifter and fell all the way back to 5th from 1st place. won the next race, though
hooray for fixed setups and more realistic shift model. I have used gated shifter and clutch pedal for a while now w/ certain cars, so it wont affect me.
I was just in a mustang race and zoned out and just completely missed a corner. lost about 4 places and got 3 incidence pts from 1 mistake. The racing action sorta reminds me of a more powerful XRT, except scarier because of the safety rating system, and the unforgiving damage.
In the past, some of the guys who handled that stuff (Nim?) would be in the voice chatrooms, but now i never see any people in there. People used to discuss stuff like that...