i really wish i could know what scavier is REALLY doing behind scenes... luckily i'm busy with "life" right now, but i do hurt a bit inside for lfs to take another substantial step forward.
well, i am up to the 4th volume and there are over 30
yeah, there are A LOT of details left out of the anime. but the gist of the story is the same. lol. The manga has more comedy and violence too. But what little of the anime that was made was welldone, the soundtrack and composition of the scenes was pretty brutal and emotional.
Great Teacher Onizuka is a great anime as well. I'd been hearing about berserk for a long time, but i just recently discovered GTO.
its not that usa is the only place w/ dumb people... its that the world is watching america. I dont know of any recent murders in ireland that have occured in the last 2 years... but people in ireland read about america.
lol exactly... this thread is just full of so much ignorance and stupidity, i don't even know where to start. not only from the topics discussed, but the people discussing them
yeah i do, because it makes then i can see "driverblah" ahead of me and remember that he's an idiot, so i'll be extra cautious . Or Maybe i see driverr43f33r2, and i'll know its safe to race him hard, because he's a good driver.