nope, no weather. I am wondering how far iRacing will go with content. It would be nice if we could see some sort of plan on what and when features would be released, but no developer's really done that very well.
Guys w/ the 4850 and 4870, it can run at those temps, but you can have them running at about half the heat w/ the fanspeed fix. I set my fanspeed to 50%, and now my gpu idles @48 degrees Celsius. i think load is around 59, can't remember. Also, i have my 4850 overclocked by about 9%.
Make a profile in the CCC. then open the file and edit the xml : C:\Users\""username""\AppData\Local\ATI\ACE\""prof ilename"".xml <Property name=""FanSpeedAlgorithm"" value=""Manual"" /> This will originally say ""automatic"" change to manual. - <Feature name=""FanSpeedPercentTarget_0""> <Property name=""Want"" value=""45"" />
I saw a few episodes of it a year ago, but I don't really have time to watch anime. I had to choose between blood+ and a few other anime like death note and naruto, and blood+ was left out.
the force feedback is very different from the lx6. you can really feel when the weight shift on and off of the front tires. its quite violent if you don't drive smoothly
A muscle under my left armpit next to the pectoral is a bit sore from driving the damned legends car.
Ah, the short wheelbase reminds me of the xfr, actually. except that the balance is different and the legends car is rear wheel drive.
wow, the legends cars are crazy.I literally was wiping sweat from my brow during the race while trying to set decent lap times w/ this car. I can get in the low 1'46's constantly, but that's pretty far away from the 1'42's that other drivers are getting.
I found some software that makes windows load automatically w/ criver signatures disabled ... ng-with-readydriver-plus/
I just payed for a monthly subscription to iRacing too. The solstice feels great w/ the Porsche wheel. I've only driven on Laguna Seca w/ the solstice sofar.
I can't figure out how to add you guys to my friends list. I was a bit surprised to see the framerate drop at the start of the race, but during the race it was above 60 most of the time. I was too busy trying to get a good lap time to notice the exact framerate.
woot woot. i finished 3rd only 2 legends cars finished ahead of me. It looks like the race didnt change anything about my rating. My iRating is till -- and so is my ttRating. and i'm still rated as a 2.50 rookie. So that race did nothing for me but get me more used to the game?
next race is in 13 minutes, but if it's not going to improve my rating...
yeah i was afk i'm back though. this will be my first race! I've only gotten in a few laps but the car feels pretty good. I'm still getting used to balancing it through the corners, and finding the racing line. My goal is just not to crash. My best lap time is 1'51.xx right now.
there's a solstice race at laguna seca that i'm waiting for. about 25 minutes till the race and i don't see anyone on the server. anyone got a good setup for laguna seca to share?
You'll probably be able to get it for less around now and september, since Intel is releasing Nehalem. AMD is coming out with Deneb soon, so you might want to go with that too if it is better.
If i just do the monthly demo and i stop for a few months after that, will my account be deleted/wiped? Or can I just pay and continue where I left off?
$850 total to be shipped. I mailed in all my rebates, and if i get all of those, I will have payed $800 for my system. I was thinking about getting a 22 or 24 inch widescreen monitor. My motherboard only has one pcie 2.0 slot though and was $89.
I think I'll buy a 4870x2 when that comes out for more powah. (hopefully my 550watts can handle it) I'm really impressed w/ the 4850 though. This system completely owns my old one.
the default rfactor cars are garbage you can get rfactor lite from rfactorcentral , then download cars and tracks from and review them. You can try out a bunch of mods for a limited amount of time.
IRL, F1 driver's can't see very well, can they? or is the default view not very realistic? i remember Heidfield saying he could barely see much of the front of the car because he sits so low.
Historix mod for rfactor>>>> GT Legends. Historix is great fun w/ a g25 or porsche 911 wheel.
I don't think reviewing sim games w/ an xbox controller is a good idea, but I guess you can try.
by that pt, your quad will be obsolete and 6 and 8 core cpu's will be out even crysis @ 1280x1024, my cpu runs at maybe 70% usage max, and i'm only running at 3.4ghz w/ stock cooler and stock 1.113 voltages. the e8400 can do 4ghz on air.
the e8400 runs most games faster stock and oc's better and is cooler and uses less power. if you do lots of video editing and other multithreaded cpu intensive things, you might prefer the quadcore.
Nehalem is coming out in september and Deneb is coming out soon too