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S2 licensed
that's a very nice time I've only managed to get into the 1'26's but i feel like my lines are off. Infineon's a pretty fun track to drive. I'm trying to get my road rating over 4.99 before saturday, so maybe i can race the craftsman truck on roadcourses. i'm already at 4.99 for oval.
S2 licensed
I don't play because i dont have time, and i have iRacing. I'm waiting for some new cars, a new track or something new to come out for LFS, probably the same as a few other people. I think my s2 license is the best $4x I've ever spent...
S2 licensed
My subscription doesnt run out till july I'm interested to see what is implimented in that time to make racing better and draw more people into iRacing. hopefully the craftsman trucks make for good racing, because that's what i plan on buying next. I'm not sure if I'm gonna get the mazda. Life is steadily becoming more and more busy. I'll need to form some sort of schedule in order to find time to race, train, study, work and other crap.
S2 licensed
sorry to hear about the crash! that was quite unlucky. Good thing the injuries don't appear to be anything too bad.

I was thinking about getting a bike maybe in the summer when i have some freetime and some spare cash.
S2 licensed
if he was sober, his pain level would probably be over 9000...
S2 licensed
unless u have bad aim, you'd be worse off tha unconscious... unless u were using some uber low caliber gun.
S2 licensed
looks like a potential darwin award.
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :sooo...thus far, how much have you guys spend on Iracing?

$153 (+ $20 for the 1 month trial). I also got 75 credits when i signed up for my yearly subscription, and I've got 15 credits left. I think I'm gonna buy the craftsman truck and then whatever ovals/roadcourses are required. I'm not sure If I'm going to continue onto the formula mazda or wait for something else like a decent tintop/gt car to be released.
S2 licensed
hopefully we'll be able to run the sprint cup cars and maybe even the trucks on the road right off the bat. My plan is to have well over 4.99 rating so when i get promoted to D class, i can jump right from the legends to the craftsman truck 600+ horsepower sounds like fun
S2 licensed
R.I.P Paul Newman. I remember talking with someone either here or on another forum a few weeks ago about who would probably be the next great guy to go, and Newman's name was brought up as next
S2 licensed
I'm more into road racing, so I'd like to see some gt or touring cars. Sofar, Maybe they'll let us race the stock cars on road courses at least...
S2 licensed
Quote from marzman :Why is it so important for you that others find a way? It's not like you die if you don't buy S2 and if people want to buy other stuff with their money that's their decision. If the devs don't care about the time people use demo why should you?

This was i nice thread about a user that wrote about the fun year he had with LFS demo. Why destroy that and attack him? What's there to win if you are "right"?

Where did I say that I personally care. the only person here who is acting personally invested is you and the other people targeting me because I speak the truth. Its like you're not even reading what I'm writing. Reading comprehension is a useful skill.
S2 licensed
Yeah i know, but for small things like this, there are ways. I found a little internet sidejob I did over the summer to make some extra cash. I haven't decided if I will continue it because that's time that could be spent studying (or gaming). you just have to find a way. For some, it is harder.
S2 licensed
I'm not saying he's cheap. People get s2 when they really want to get it. He had the money and so he decided to. People constantly say they don't have the money when they've been playing for a long time, and I guess in that time he saved up for it or his parents finally said yes or whatever.

I didnt know you guys were so sensitive.
S2 licensed
Quote from marzman :In Europe 1.351 dollars means what you name 1,351 dollars. You could look a little bit out of the US before making an opinion on things you know nothing about.

either way, I'm right. Whether It's 1 or 1,000. at this pt you're just being a 頭がくそ。You still miss the point and fail miserably.
S2 licensed
He owns a computer though. How'd he get that making 1 dollar a year? He play lfs demo at the library or something?
S2 licensed
Quote from marzman :Why? He doesn't seem to have a problem (why do you think that?) and maybe he prefers his beer and M&M's. It's not for you to decide what other people do with their money and it's not for you to decide how long people may play demo.

You are missing the point. I am just saying people always say " i dont have the money" when that's bs. Its just that they prefer to spend their money on other things. I even said that i waited a long time before buying.
S2 licensed
Your mom can't spare a dollar a week? I mean, i am not attacking the OP, but it makes me wonder why people can't just solve problems and instead make excuses. 1 dollar a week is about 52 dollars. that is pretty much enough for an s1 an s2 license. 1 dollar a day is a about 8 weeks. People really can't save 1 dollar a day? drink water instead of soda a few days a week? skip the M&M's or a pint of beer?

I played the demo for a long time too before i bought S1 hehe. They need to teach money management and how to save in school.
S2 licensed
Quote from spanks :can anyone share with me how you're supposed to set up your g25 to actually be able to drive this stupid game?

I keep hoping that over time they'd make their game work with 900 degree rotation...but the steering is just so unrealistically slow its impossible to drive.

What rotation should I be shooting for?

also, you can go into the car setup and bump up the steering lock from the default to something higher.
S2 licensed
Quote from spanks :its hard to understeer and oversteer at the same time

inducing understeer to keep from oversteering might not be a very good technique...but probably not an unrealistic one They're your tires, abuse them how you want

Meh i am not doing it in an abuse way usually. I've never blown a tire in iracing. its more like i'll know i will oversteer on a certain corner, so i steer in more as a precaution before getting on the throttle .
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :Hyperactive, is it not simply a case of turning the wheels far enough to exceed the deflection tolerance and break grip on the front, matching the rear wheels' exceeded grip level and resolving oversteer that way? Or am I missing the point?

Yeah, thats how i think of it. I'll sometimes stress the front tires by turning in a bit extra so that they're stressed a bit more and i don't oversteer. I do the same thing in LFS and rfactor sometimes. Its usefull on sharp corners in the xrr.
S2 licensed
Thanks for the tips samuli, i had a feeling that i was going too far to the right on the 1st corner. I'm still learning the raceline and i've never raced there yet. I may tonight or tomorrow morning when i have more time to practice.

Spanks, what changes did you make to huttu's set?
S2 licensed
Yeah, i noticed that too. I think it's the cold tires and because people are scared of crashing and lowering their rating. Also, sometimes 1st place start position has an advantage of being on the inside of the corner.
I usually finish higher than when I started, and I can't remember ever not finishing 1st when I started on pole.

Here's a vid of me doing a 1'51.3xx around Infineon IRL. I think i can cut around 2 seconds off of my time w/ more practice. I'm using Huttu's set.
S2 licensed
Quote from Private6 :You should watch the TopGear episodes in America.
The people there think France is next to Europe
They just think Europe is a country, can you blame them for being stupid?


At least they dont think elephants are larger than the moon.
S2 licensed
I'm using one from:
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I've only done about 10 laps or so of practice and my lowest time is a 1:53. the setup doesnt feel quite right though... and I still can go much faster. I can't believe I won a race w/ the Skippy at VIR and had no incidents. I'd been spinning out about 3 times a race until today.

How much longer do i have to be a rookie? this is midseason, right? I want to try the formula mazda