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S2 licensed
Quote from The Moose :Dont know about oval racing in LFS, but in iRacing the last thing i would call it is boring! It absolutely awesome. I'm a convert, that's for sure
It's so intense at times i forget to breath for laps at a time

yeah, oval racing in the trucks can be a bit scary at times.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mattesa :We are not paying extra for the Scirocco.

That is all.

Eric did a good job for someone without lasers.

That is all. For real this time.

Hehe, paying for tracks gets easier w/ time... sorta like doing heroine? :shhh:
I mean, for me it is expensive, but it's the cheapest of all of the hobbies i'd like to pursue, photography, martial arts, and real life racing can get pretty expensive, depending on how serious you are. For me, it's worth it. I don't really regret subscribing for a year and buying a few add-on tracks, but I just don't have the time to simrace that much anymore... I need to work on my time management. I dont even really have a life. I'm just gonna try and get my license and safety rating high enough to race the corvette in the near future.

We can have the same conversation over and over again w/ different people making the same pt. Yes, iracing is relying on a bit of common psych for people to stick w/ the service and maybe for others to jump on. If you simrace very often and you want great physics and a good racing experience, then iracing is great. I just to race hours a day, now sometimes i go almost a week without driving at all in any sim.
S2 licensed
playing iracing on my old, 19 inch (nonwidescreen) lcd isnt so bad. I'd imagine most people who would like iracing already have a wheel. I've talked to a handful of people who's first sim is iracing. Most are auto-sport fans or race in real life, so spending 80 bucks or so on a lower class wheel, or 200 or more on the better isnt too much to ask along w/ a subscription. It seems like almost everyone i talk to in the chatrooms is a member of some real life race series except me.
S2 licensed
yup, i just use the same settings as g25 pretty much.
S2 licensed
I turn spring force and damping all the way down and use separated axis for the pedals.. i use the steering lock suitable for whatever car i'm driving. for the Historic GT cars, i use 900 degrees and the recommended realfeel settings included. Most of the time, the cars will come w/ reccommended realfeel settings. The historix mod comes with rfactor ffb setting as well.
here;s an example of a realfeel setting. if you get lots of oscilations, turn the maxforceatsteeringrack up. if you get weak ffb, it is my understanding turning it down will increase ffb? or you can just bump it up somewhere else.

[Corvette GTS-12]
S2 licensed
Yeah, it can get very expensive if you buy everything in one shot along w/ a years subscription. But you get 60 iracing dollars spending money each time you (re)subscribe for a year, and there's bonuses for doing really well that will be coming soon, i think.
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :argh take care of yourself, if the infection goes any further it is drop dead dangerous......

Yes, some people have died from tooth infections as well. i can think of a few recent cases of people dying of tooth infections recently because they waited too long... It's a good thing Chris didnt wait too long. Sorry to hear about the damage.
S2 licensed
Quote from deggis :"Virtual Version of Le Mans & ALMS-Winning C6.R Available in New Year"

That's kinda smartly written, reading only the title and not realizing it's also Le Mans winner, one might understand that also La Sarthe is coming... I already shit my pants but obviously it doesn't mean that. And finally rest of the story clears that up.

Hehe, thinking about driving a lazer scanned version of that track gives me goose bumps. due to the size, it'd probably be 25 bucks, maybe they'll give us the config w/ out the chicanes too then. I'd be nice to have a porsche in the game too maybe a class below the corvette?
S2 licensed
Unfortunately, for many, iracing is their first racing sim, so mistakes will be made in the rookie class and D as well. I feel so embarrassed any time i go off the track or spin out in iRacing.
S2 licensed
well, everyone already knew the C6-R was coming to iracing, and now there's an official announcement up on the news page. It looks like it'll be the gt1 version? Some time before June, they say... I wont have high enough of a license to race it... i think it's Class A? I will be class C by the time the car is released, i think since i am class D now. I'll still buy it, though
S2 licensed
yeah i agree, NFS is just so much more of an advanced ricing simulator that it doesnt even belong on that list. it's far and above anything else on that list. IT's an insult to the great people over at EA.
S2 licensed
it is almost December 2nd, 2008, and the drift vs grip debate still continues. Looks like it will till the end of time...
S2 licensed
Happy Birthday
S2 licensed

there's the new fanatec Porsche wheel that's $129.99
S2 licensed
great video. he got some sick angle on some of those slides. Almost makes me want to go do some drifting right now like the 'old days.'
S2 licensed
You guys think that GTA 4 will run faster on a Q6600 at stock speeds than an e8400?

I dont remember seeing any benchmarks showing the q6600 beating the e8400 stock in gaming...
S2 licensed
I am a southpaw. but i just play like everyone else in orthodox stance of whatever sport. I have a really heavy jab hehe.
S2 licensed
yes, it's a bit stressful, especially in the trucks. should i buy milwaukee? i am not sure if i'm gonna race this week or just wait for phoenix
S2 licensed
we've got 44 people in the north east chatroom, all waiting for the 1st race
S2 licensed
yeah, it's pretty simple. If you have a problem, send a respectful message to iracing and they'll respond pretty quickly or search the forums and ask respectfully for assistance with your problem.
S2 licensed
just bought the truck and daytona. anyone made a road-racing set for this car yet?
S2 licensed
i think once you get higher up and if the rating system is working correctly, you should run into the same people more often than not. Maybe once iRacing becomes more populated, we can have separations between regions for competition.
S2 licensed
yup, i ran the skippy for part of my rookie season. I'm gonna run it for class D too, i think. I will have to buy many tracks if i want to race every one for the Craftsman trucks. I
S2 licensed
I was expecting the car to be released during fun week, and then it is supposed to replace the SK as the class C oval (maybe additional road too) but maybe i am setting myself up for disappointment.