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S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Can you yar-har-diddly-dee GTL and have it work?

I feel like i deserve a cookie for understanding that. haha
Fanatec 911 Turbo Problems
S2 licensed
My wheel's power keeps cutting out. Its like the outlet where the power supply plugs into the wheel is not fitting right. Does anyone know of a way around this while i wait for a reply from fanatec? it has ruined a few races for me.

problem fixed i think
Last edited by Gabkicks, . Reason : i think i fixed it by plugging in the power supply for the other wheel.
S2 licensed
i dont really care about the DP or radical I think I'll just race the Mazda until the last 2 weeks if nothing interesting comes out before then. /me crosses finger for C6 or mustang
S2 licensed
TDI Cup Car is coming to iRacing in september. Drivers who excel in the iracing series will be invited to race the real car.:tup:
S2 licensed
I dont know if i have bad luck or what... my wheen was giving me problems so i sent it back to the company. and now this new replacement wheel is sometimes losing power on me. -_- i lost power=no steering so i smashed right into the wall

the outlet where the power supply plugs into the wheel doesnt quite fit, i think...
Last edited by Gabkicks, .
S2 licensed
hakosuka gtr hopefully it has the physics @ max realism settings to match the looks
S2 licensed
maybe the rfactor guys will give the team an early version of rfactor, so you can get started on moving the mod over the rfactor 2.
S2 licensed
R.I.P. its sad that so many people die so young. and it looks like he actually had a productive life and contributed to society? He was only a bit older than me.

I wonder why the driver lost control of the car.
S2 licensed
If you havent already, you can sign up for one of those free monthly trials, and then cancel before u have to pay . choose the one with the more interesting track if both cars are equally attractive. All your progess gets saved, and you can continue where you left off once you get the money, IIRC.
S2 licensed

People have guessed that iRacing would get IRL cars for a while now, and it looks like there will be a "big announcement" soon. I just want some decent tintops ASAP tbh. but this will be nice to have too.
S2 licensed
yeah, the 911 turbo s is the best one i can think of off the top of my head.
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :Perhaps actually they don't see how adding Paypal reduces the cost of iRacing, which is their issue with iRacing.

People don't hate things they don't know, not rationally anyway, so I'd suggest that what you think is people hating iRacing is actually them hating their inability to afford iRacing, or people resisting what they perceive as either a relatively expensive sim to play or a product that you effectively rent rather than purchase.

Hate iRacing? That's reserved for those who have tried it and simply don't connect with it, and that being the case and the matter being a subjective one, you can't force them to like it if they don't, or criticize them for it either.

It's not that, but people just bashing iRacing and attacking it at every opportunity. the same people over and over again when they haven't bothered to try the game once. People can have their opinions, but having some validity to their opinions would be nice too.
S2 licensed
yeah, i heard a lot of people asking for paypal. what;'s funny is some people don't see the pt of adding paypal because they are so caught up in hating iracing :P. Hopefully we get some interesting roadcars and tracks soon... my subscription runs out in august and money is tight...
S2 licensed
logitech and fanatec have both had very good support in my experience. I prefer the fanatec wheel over the other wheels that I've tried, though.
S2 licensed
yeah i just downloaded the latest ctdp 2006 mod. Now i just have to wait for my replacement wheel to get to me to try it out. What do you guys think of the formula nippon 2008 mod?

I was having fun racing in a VLN 2005 league. unfortunately i had to drop out due to school, but was great having cars of such varying performance on the same track. made for some hairy moments.
S2 licensed
I first heard the distinction between 'Grip' and 'Drift' In old arcade games like Ridge racer. Also in old Japanese movies there's mention of grip and drift styles. Other than the ridiculous arcadey meanings. I sort of thought of it as having a tendancy to understeer vs having a tendancy to oversteer. Both at extremes involve a loss of grip. It's just retarded in general to call racing "gripping" but I dont worry or complain about it anymore....

I remember back in the day i would drift, and if one guy wasnt going for big angle and wasnt sliding enough, someone would sometimes yell that he was gripping
S2 licensed
cpu utilization is so low for your quad. do you framerates drop considerably with other options turned p? or resolution raised?

You could try looking up overclocking results for 8600gt... but the gains wont be big.
S2 licensed
could it be that i have too many clips saved? I'll try turning it off
S2 licensed
every half season, I think every 6 or 7 weeks? a season is 13 weeks, I think. I was pretty much nonexistant this season. I'm gonna try and learn Silverstone real quick and get 1 race in before tracks change
S2 licensed
gta keeps crashing on me. It just froze up on me after a long mission -_-
S2 licensed
For me, its love/hate. I just had the game crash on me before i could save. I'd just completed a pretty exciting Mission that involved a gunfight in a museum and a car chase... I think it has something to do w/ my ATi 9.2 drivers. Maybe 9.3 will fix that... its supposed to be released today.
S2 licensed
Still no rain or night racing still no gt car until the corvette in summer, it looks like. A short track like Tsukuba would be great for the Solstice.
S2 licensed ... pout-founders-death-16555

Lewis’ red Ferrari and Kirby’s white Porsche were observed traveling alongside one another in the same direction on the three-lane Jamboree Road around 1 a.m. PST on Wednesday morning, according to a Newport Beach police officer who was traveling in the opposite direction and witnessed the crash.

“Kirby is accused of speeding alongside a 2004 Ferrari…,” read the release, “… [and] is accused of losing control of his car due to his unsafe speed and crashing into Lewis’ vehicle,” which caused Lewis to lose control of his vehicle and collide with a cement pole.

The Newport Beach Police Dept. has not depicted the accident as a “drag race.”
S2 licensed
I did mention that he started his own multi-million dollar business. But my title of the thread was inflammatory and poorly chosen. It sounds like he was hit by a porsche. I know he liked to play around w/ his cars sometimes, and this time something really bad happened... I've heard some say they werent speeding. detail are still sketchy.
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Not really, just get to see a Ferrari in two pieces. Must've been doing a hell of a lick to break a car in half like that.

The gene pool just got stronger.

Well, he helped a lot of people out with their careers and started up a company on his own. While speeding on public roads is idiotic and dangerous to others... I dont think his death was a good thing.