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S2 licensed
i haven't really gotten a chance to race or practice w/ the mazda or COT, but both were fun for the few laps that i've gotten done this season. What do you guys think of the COT? I'll try and upload a video this week if I can squeeze in the time. itll be a chance for me to learn how to splice 2 videos together.

I've heard some people note that the sense of speed is not there w/ the car: (200mph feels like 120 or something). I can't even speak for myself because I haven't driven the car in days due to being busy.
Last edited by Gabkicks, .
S2 licensed
people who's owned both seem to like the porsche wheel. i hear g25 owners complain about a deadzone and notchyness, and the porsche doesnt have those problems. who here owns both wheels and isnt just voting for the one they own?

it looks like the g25 pedals may be better. if you tighten the porsche wheel properly, it shouldnt come off the desk.
Last edited by Gabkicks, .
S2 licensed
yeah, anyone got good sets for the next build? i am having trouble w/ the formula mazda. I think a lot of it is that i am inexperienced, but maybe the default advanced setup could be better...
S2 licensed
license upgrade for next season, I think. i was still D class right before it went down when I should be C.
S2 licensed
i think it was either rad racer for the Nintendo or pole position for the Atari (2600?).
S2 licensed
very beastly system Just make sure you dont look at the prices for the stuff you bought a month or so from now. I bought some ddr 2 1066 ram and it dropped to almost half the price after a couple months, but thats the name of the game.

How are the monitors? any noticable backlight bleed? meh u just ordered it so i guess u woudlnt know yet... or maybe u ordered it a few days ago, i didnt read carefully...
S2 licensed
can you still play multiplayer if you use crack? I was unable to connect to the social club all day, but it just worked for me now. if anyone wants to add me, my name is xGabkicksx
S2 licensed
anyone found a fix to get around the drivers not being digitally signed other than readydriver in Vista 64?
S2 licensed
SRT Review

and fanatec showing off the beta 360 wheel on Forza 2 (i think)
S2 licensed
when u said nearly, did you mean clearly?
S2 licensed
Quote from DratsaB :Nice vid, cheers. Have to admit the sound in LFS is actually pretty close to the real thing, just missing some of that raw dynamic sound. Is that the sound of rev limiter at the start or is it because of wheel spin?

yeah, when i clicked the vid, that's the 1st thing i thought haha. we also have to keep in mind that the microphone cant pick up all the notes and records nasty feedback instead. I've never heard a Formula BMW upclose.
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT ::o That would have been awesomeo though. (Even though I don't play rTractor)

Gabkicks, if all you look for in a sim is graphics, then may I suggest GT5 or something on a console.

LoL, I hope you're joking. but tbh that kind of humor doesn't work well online unless you know someone personally.
S2 licensed
And people call me a lfs fanboy... Show me an unedited screenshot of LFS that looks better than this?

S2 licensed
also, the way the cars interact w/ the track sometimes looks very unrealistic
S2 licensed
rfactor is lacking in dynamic shadows and lighting. also, i'd like to see more skillful shader usage. Look at games like far cry 2 or Crysis (soft shadows)

It'd be great to see LFS step it up in the graphics department. I been meaning to disable one of my cores and see how that affects framerates. but I'm sure someone else here has already done that.
S2 licensed
Quote from floodan :Army of two awesomenes

Is army of 2 out for the pc? I don't think it is
S2 licensed
i dont have any of those, but I'll get a PS3 when GT5 comes out
S2 licensed
Some good ones were mentioned. Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. Gears of War?,

Doom 3 has a coop mod, but I haven't tried it. Also, there's monster hunt for the original Unreal Tournament. That was pretty intense back in the day.
S2 licensed
I got to spend time w/ my family and eat some nice food. that's all.

I just ordered myself a 22 inch widescreen LCD... No more crappy nonwidescreen ghosty 19 inch.
I get motion blur in LFS without any addons.
S2 licensed
what cpu and ram do you have?
S2 licensed
yes, i mentioned the cpus to make my point again. I mistakenly assumed I didn't need to explain myself. ATi drivers are giving people problems in some games, but they'll be resolved eventually. If you look on any forums, you'll see the same trend. Anyways, the 4670 is not a bad choice for the price.
S2 licensed
Yeah, I've got a 4850 on my main rig. and i got a 9600GT from newegg for $78 for my 2ndary computer, and it runs noticeably faster than a pc w/ a 4670 that also has a superior CPU. Also, ATi drivers have not been too good over the last 2 years... If you look around. you can find 4850's for $100 in america as well as 9800 GT.

It's not about being an ATi or Nvidia fanboy for me. it is about getting the best performance for price for me. I wanted to stay with AMD, but their last generation of CPUS were just weaker "pound for pound", so now I've got an Intel CPU.
S2 licensed
well, an nvidia 9600gt costs a bit more and it should be noticeably faster than the 4670. Is that the best you could do for that price range in your area? I know in America, there are ati and nvidia cards that are faster than that card for the same price. The 4670 consumes very little power, though. about half as many watts as the 9600gt, but its not that big of a deal. the 9600gt is only 95w. I guess its the 55nm tech and low specs. It should run LFS fine and other games okay (w/ decent cpu and ram) as long as you dont expect to run uber high resolutions.
S2 licensed
hehe yeah. iracing, any side to side contact is a 4x penalty... my safety rating is only 3.36... Trying to get up to 4.0 so i can race the mazda now...

when i make contact w/ people in ctra, it doesnt annoy me anywhere near as much as in iRacing.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bladerunner :Dont know if anybody has stumbled across this yet, but it works for me..
How to run GTA4 at "high" everything @ 1680*1050 WITH ONLY 320Mb (in my case!) vRAM!!

This is only a temp fix for me...Nice Mr Sandy Claws gonna bring me a 9800GTX+1Gb

i thought there was an easier way to do it, where you add a line onto the exe or shortcut icon. i dont remember the line, though