u could use the longer cable for the shifter instead of the wheel, and use batteries for the pedals. what i reccomend is buying some energizer 2500nmh batteries along w/ a recharger. they last for a very long time.
yeah the shifter is removeable. it has a 6speed shifter and also a sequential shifter. you would have to make your own custom mount or buy one to put it somewhere else. the normal price is $350
www.newegg.com. actually, ATi's cards consume less power than the nvidia counterparts, and the drivers are starting to get decent again from what i've read.
or you could use www.tigerdirect.com
oooh... you mean they put the parts you select together well, there's sites like alienware, and i can't think of the others off the top of my head. >_<
newegg has some systems that are partialy put together (mobo +case+cpu+powersupply+ram etc) as well as full.
is there realy any point in buying a quadcore now (other than crysis and high end 3dapps)? it seems like it'd be best to get a dualcore athlon x2 or a duo, and then drop 200bucks or more on then ext gen of quads when they come out in the next few weeks/months. in many games dual cores running at higher speeds outpreform quads that cost much more.
i coulda sworn that they already explained that they are letting us keep the wheels. or something. unless you pay for shipping, it would be more money out of their pockets, unless they already payed.
its good to hear the centering bug is fixed in the retail wheel. i don't think i will do much online racing until i get the retail wheel. also, my pedals cut out once in a while...
you payed for a beta wheel and you're getting a replacement? or are you one of the testers? i'm confuzed... i'll read through the previous posts again, heh. i think arrassador means if you bought the retail wheel, it is being shipped, not that he was sending a replacement for the beta.
Correct i know i'm not the only person onfortunate to have seen that movie. Luckily it was when i was still a child, so i have very few memories of it.
i just saw for the 1st time zatoichi
is this a difficult movie to figure out? i post a pic of a scene w/ a more recognizable actor in it. i'll wait and see if anyone can figure it out.
4870's and 4850's are coming out in june, right? if you keep waitin, you'll be waiting forever. but... the 4870 is supposed to be really really fast. and it might cause a price drop on the 3870 when released.