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S3 licensed
No way!

You're telling me that if your sat there thinkin to yourself, why do they have more wheel nuts or less wheel nuts on some cars, then thats an ok thing!?

That should set some alarms off in your brain to do something more interesting
S3 licensed
You need to turn your computer off right now and go do something else cause that is a shit, boring ass thing to be wondering about.
S3 licensed
This whole thing is just not good enough. It plays to all the cliches and its.........just not good enough.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Hmmmmm. My guess - disgruntled or banned LFS forum member.
S3 licensed
You can't deny it when the proof is right there, you are right.

Phew man, have I learned a lesson.
S3 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :
I shall now get my coat.

Have a good one.

I think its awesome that you come back 2 days later, still wanting....I dunno, maybe for me to go: "Ah, you're right I have been so foolish"?

Plus I'm liking the way you end your statements like they are fact.

I'll check back in a couple of days, keep up the good work, the internets wouldn't be the internets without people like you
S3 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :A time machine, so i could go back about 1 year and not lose my fiancee!

Way to kill the fun guy
S3 licensed
Quote from JPeace :And why would that be?

Webber has already shown to us that he is a hipocrete, and that when he is desperate - he is willing to do anything. Your argument is pretty pathetic I must be honest, if you have no evidence to back yourself up then don't come here at all. You cannot simply say anybody apposing you is a moron. Moron.

Ah, sorry my bad. I'm only a spotter of the retard not a healer (no patience for that) so I can't talk to you anymore or help you.

So yeah, good job little buddy
S3 licensed
Anyone who thinks webber intentionally tried to take someone out is, hmmmm how to put it in a nice way.....ah, a total ****ing moron.

Was a good race, when they remembered it was a race. Funny to see the race directors be so conservative at the start but then think, **** it, when it went dark.
S3 licensed
I saw LFS in 1994 then started thinking about downloading the game in early 2000, after that it was about 2 years before I installed the demo and maybe another 6 months before actually I played it.

But it wasn't until last week that I remembered that I actually thought of LFS before the internets was even invented so that makes me the best
S3 licensed
There must be a picture about quoting big pictures just below the big picture. Doing that must break about a million un-written forum rules.


S3 licensed
Damn, I really can't choose which univeristy to go to, hmmmmmmmm......not a problem a LFS forum vote wont sort out!

LFS - Helping you race towards a brighter future
S3 licensed
Quote from robt :The first challenge cup (i love my own inventions :razz and stock cup were great! Getting second in the championship behind no_one who was in a diffrent league that season was my best moment...on keys too!

I'll have to keep an eye out for you at DMR kev, just use the keyboard and I'll go back to my good old days of fastest driver on keys Was always a leugh to tell people after the race.

Zeug: I sometimes race in the evenings (8 or 9 onwards UK time) on DMR, you'll have to come join some time.

This may be a who do you miss thread, but I think we should add a congrats to DMR for keeping what we miss alive

I have the results and standing for the stock cup, 2006 and some more on my computer. Got quite a few actually.
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Mini League!!

I got my first ever league race victory there.

AS1 I think:

1.zeugnimod (zeugnimod)UF 100017:41.331:07.83151ks ac
2.gAg|CRC (garph)UF 1000+2.901:07.83151w ac gb
3.ATC Weed|M (Weed)UF 1000+17.111:08.99151w ac gc
4.[SCCC] Tukko (Tukko)UF 1000+18.381:08.61151w ac gb
5.ATC Bandit|M (WildRaceruk)UF 1000+18.441:08.81151w ac gc gb
6.[DPR] Dadge ™ (dadge)UF 1000+20.721:08.50151w ac gb
7.R4R 9Kringle88 (MR_B)UF 1000+22.411:09.62151ks ag ac gc gb
8.--==Gogo==-- (--==Gogo==--)UF 1000+30.741:09.51151w ac gb
9.DPR Widdow CRC (Widdowmaker)UF 1000+35.521:10.08151w ac gb
10.MaCaW|M (macaw)UF 1000+49.781:10.15151w ac gb
11.ATC Snowy (mkinnov8)UF 1000+50.061:10.31151w ac gb
12.DrDink CRC|M (Dr Dink)UF 1000+53.041:08.20152w ac gc gb
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :
The CRC was great fun at first but it became pretty officious when it was handed over to ATC to run, it seemed like we ended up with a bunch of well-meaning people with too much time on their hands making up rules that didn't need to be there, and the racing became centred around the XFR and nothing else.

The CRC was never run by the ATC (lol). If I remember right Stoney ran the CRC (he was an ATC member at the time).

I miss those times

All the leagues with the CRC, ATC, SCCC, R4R guys and others I've forgotten were great fun. Mini leagues, stock cup, challenge cup, ah, good times.
Last edited by garph, .
S3 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :And here is my conspiracy theory for this weekend - Massa sucks on purpose.

No point cause its just bollocks.

Watching the re-run of the race now, boring as hell, so I'm off the get some cupa soups for work. The Ainsley Harrioit ones, he is a tool but they are nice
S3 licensed
Paranoia for the win....about something you'll never use.
S3 licensed
Autowipers are awesome. If you wouldn't have them, your wrong.
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :blah, blah, blah...

Why would you need to use a stylus (never seen someone using one) and why would you need to use both hands, touch screen phones can be use the same as the keyboard ones, when to touch screens phones over heat?

You can get screen protectors to put on the screens, they don't even effect the touch screen either. Why would someome who is prone to having dirty hands, so much so it would effect the use of a phone even go for a touch screen? If they were that dirty they'd **** up none touch screen phones.

Where are you getting this awesome information? In fact just stop making bullshit problems to try and prove your point.

Most new touch screens wont even work with a stylus, they work of the heat of a touch and not pressure.

I can't event take you seriously (I want to) anything you say is just lost becasue you go to such an extreme

And Jakg, the iphone is no longer the only phone with an amazin touch screen keyboard.
Last edited by garph, . Reason : i hate this forum, i hate myself for still reading it.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Well, after Autoglasses initial £615 megaquote, i've now got it down to £223.25 with Auto Windscreens, booked up for the week after next... Now if only I knew why it just spontaneously broke

How did you get the price down so much?
S3 licensed
Ouch, I would have thought it will fail its MOT.

Autoglass have this quick internative thing on their website that gives you an idea of what can be done.

Can't believe you got that car, spent all that cash then skimp on insurance, TPF&T :biggrinfl oh dear.
S3 licensed
Yeah I guess when the nissan driver admits it was his fault and apologies for it and the corsa driver also says it was the nissans fault then yeah, people watching a 30 second clip know better than the people actually involved.
S3 licensed
That's actually Franky500 in that picture (avatar). Think it just makes him look big.