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S3 licensed
A cowboy is a great job, riding horses and shooting bad guys, can't go wrong with that.
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :I just tried it with my real name and it suggested I should become a sewage worker!!


Sounds about right.

...said I should be a Cowboy.
Lorenzo Highside...into orbit [SPOILER ALERT]
S3 licensed
Last edited by garph, . Reason : Good picture, caption of the month!?
S3 licensed
Quote from nihil :I could hear a pin drop....

Fine, carry on with the way you're going then
S3 licensed
Hmmm, this is gay.

Popps seems to have misunderstood why the server names were all set to 500 Servers, they were reset to default when something broke, nothing to do with advertising or admin power abuse. It's just a simple misunderstanding and I'm sure he realises that now.

And the rest, I speech for the dumb and all but....shhhhhhhh now.
S3 licensed
I thought phlos did loads of things to the game and with servers he shouldn't have done? You're just argumentative, this is the second pointless argument I've seen that you just won't let go off.

I know the forum can really get on my nerves and it can, some times, get difficult to let things go but guy come on enough is enough, you're not going anywhere with this.
S3 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :Perhaps it's time to make another Hackers and Cheaters server for S2 to keep them off normal servers?

That wouldn't work at all, plus it would just spread the use and knowledge of the hack around much more.

The exploit needs to be fixed and the cheaters need long bans.
S3 licensed
You need to get the right people together, people who will put the time in needed to race it. Because it's so fast you really need practice in racing with others that know the track and car very well.

The BF1 is not really a pickup, I've got 5 minutes to spare, changing the track kind of car. That's why it's not used so much, public server BF1 racing would be a nightmare on anything other than the oval.
S3 licensed
The right way is to blip, but some times you can get away (depending on the track) without having to blip. Going from really fast to really slow is when I tend to blip with most care. I don't tend to blip with high speed down shifts, 6th ot 5th for example.

You'll just have to adjust your braking points and gear down slower, thats just the way it is. Tweaking the gear ratios and brake power/balance may help a little and getting better at blipping as well.

I use auto clutch.
Last edited by garph, .
S3 licensed
Quote from matze54564 : I hope the developers change it in the next version of LFS, because i dont want buy a wheel.

They won’t. The idea is that LFS is used with a wheel, the devs do their best for keyboards, mouse users and joy pads but only up to a point. Just like you don't want to buy a wheel the devs don't want loose or stray from the goal of making LFS a realistic as they can.

Saying that you don't want a wheel will mean that you will miss out on experiencing what LFS can fully offer, but thats your choice.
S3 licensed
See rockclan that’s the problem and why it's a bad thing.

No one will trust you, everyone hotlap you set, everyone PB and fastest lap, not to mention should you ever lag someone will be watching and then accuse you of cheating or not even bother but ban you instead.

Now times that by all the people who use that cheat, it's the mistrust that it spreads around everyone in the whole game.
S3 licensed
Quote from rockclan :Dude I Didnt Join Servers With The Hack.
I Hosted My Own Stfu.
Don't Make Up Lies About Me Ffs.

I Didnt Hack On Other S2 Servers Point!

Guy you seem to be completley missing the point about this and what it means if nothing is done and people see using it as not a problem.

Using the hack is a bad thing, no matter where or what it's used for. It has to be stamped out and now before it gets out of control, I don't understand why you can see this.

...and saying its just a game is the most stupid thing I've ever heard, EVERY online game does all it can to stop cheating, LFS is/should be no different.
S3 licensed
Hopefully the devs with collect all the evidence of those who have used the hack/cheat and global bans will be handed out. 6 months would give people time to think then longer bans if they didn't come to the right conclusion.

Doesn't really matter where you use em, you shouldn't use it at all and the more people that see using it as OK the more people will use it on race servers to cheat the honest LFSers.

It seems to be a serious problem, so serious punishments will be needed
S3 licensed
Quote from matze54564 :In patch Y is the shifting very hard, it wont work when throttle fully down. This is very hard to handle when using Mouse XY Axis in Wheel setup.

That's the point, it's supposed to be difficult/more realistic.
Quote from matze54564 :What can i do, is there a ability for automatic lift throttle while shifting??

There is no auto lift, you'll just have to get better at shifting.

Getting a wheel would help, obviously, but thats up to you and your wallet.
S3 licensed
Quote from nesrulz :Why AI drivers have my (private-team) helmet skin?

Because that applies to the car skins. AI have always used the player helmet, this patch hasn't done it, it's just that you've noticed it now.
S3 licensed

Skins > Skins Request :

Helmet skins are difficult, more so than the car skins.
S3 licensed
Karl Harris is as hard as 10 men!
S3 licensed
As long as it will not come up in my server list along with the rest of these kinds of severs.
S3 licensed
NOTE to DEMO users :

- You will need to set a GAME password at to go online
- Log in and click on "account details" to set your GAME password
- You will not see older demo hosts (Y to Y16) in the list of hosts
- You will see new demo hosts and demo compatible S1 / S2 hosts

Have you set a GAME password yet or you might trying to use the wrong one.
S3 licensed
Guess saying you were hacked sounds cooler and less stupid than saying a friend guessed your password!

Email the devs and do this directly with them and not via the forum, you might get lucky and have the ban lifted.
S3 licensed
First make sure you have a Y version of LFS installed, then extract the test patch to the /data folder in your LFS directory.

If you still have problems I would download a new install of LFS from the website and the Y18 test patch and give that a go as well.
Last edited by garph, . Reason : added link
S3 licensed
I think its a great idea, the new patch, but giving more away free is not the way to go.
S3 licensed
Who are these people asking you? Friends?

I haven't had any ask to use my account, I think the easiest and most simple thing to do would be to just say no...NO...just say noooooooo.

Seriously, just tell em to **** off and stop asking. You don't need and excuse.
S3 licensed
Is the question: How to get a thread locked?

And the bonus: How to make yourself look like a complete tool?