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S3 licensed
There is a program called moveonboot, that might sort it.

Is there a reason that you don't just format the drive?

..also, it's a LFS technical help section. Off-topic or even the hardware section would be better, more folks would see it there.
Last edited by garph, . Reason : added link
S3 licensed
Formula BMW (FBM)

BMW Sauber F1.06 (BF1)

Just look down the list for the track BL1 and then across the list for the car FBM, then click in the box and download the setup.

It's really not difficult.
S3 licensed
Think you mean the FBM, you can't get the BF1 in the demo.

There is a setup section on this forum.

Also try:

You put the .set files in the setups folder in the LFS directory, don't rename them.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :What the hell is wrong with people?
It fails at all levels of trying to be funny.


Think folks should stick to finding proven funny things rather than putting stuff on their cat, posting MSN convos and posting a list of servers.

They may have been funny at the time but now....tumble weed.
S3 licensed
God damn.

This is one of most boring arguments/discussion I've seen, and one of the longest, it's been rolling on for days!

You're both a pair of cocks, equally stubborn and obviously care, which is relative on a forum anyway.

Enough with the bitchy grammar lessons!
S3 licensed
..yeah, so anyway.
S3 licensed
Quote from pipa :Am i the only one being bored of those lame msn chat convos?

No. Dunno why they are posted.

Jokes/funny things between friends almost never work on the masses who don't know them/don't want to know about them.
S3 licensed
Still not fully understanding.

Extract the game again but this time make a note of where you've extracted it to. Could just search for the lfs.exe.

I don't think the current LFS version has the default skins as jpg anymore, they are all dds. If you want the default white skins as jpg you need to download the CMX viewer or look in the skins section as they might be there.
S3 licensed
Bringing up an infraction in a totally different thread is not going to get you anywhere.

Mods do the best they can at the time, they may not seem consistent at times but, meh, it's not like they are paid for this.

You got an infraction, deal with and move on.
S3 licensed
Quote from liveforspeedfan007 :This is one of the funniest robbery videos I could find

Like everyone has said, I don't find it funny at all. Not saying that a good kicking will more than make him think twice or that he didn't deserve it, but it wasn't funny.

If you truly think it's funny then maybe some counselling might help.
S3 licensed
i'm ashamed of you dadge, god damn. you have rained down dishonour upon us all!

your ass will pay for this!
S3 licensed
Thought he didn't like books.

And oli17, you seem to know more about what that guy was saying than anyone else. Not syaing it was you but you do realise the forum mod can see people IP's.
S3 licensed
Quote from earmelon :every single on of you is boring and really not funny. ur a book crew. u blatantly meet up on saturdays and discuss stupid old books. u r all neeks and u bumlick each other so rawly its not even funny.

We're not clever, you're just that stupid we seem like we're clever.
S3 licensed
Quote from earmelon :garph please do me a favour and **** off. u werent there for anything. so **** off. irrelevant bastard.
p.s go to school is the sae as calling someone uneducated just like ur stupid little self

No. you're gonna need to do that again I missed that as well.

Type slower or something.
S3 licensed
Quote from earmelon :devildare ur another gay boy with a foto of a hot woman to compensate for ur hideous face. have fun. and btw u are actually spineless. if ur gonna boy me, u mite as well do it rite. wankpot.

Wait, wait I don't understand that bit?

And when you type like that telling people to go to school kinda looses it's edge.
S3 licensed
Man alive, someone got a thesaurus for his birthday....but lost his dictionary and probably a few pages out of said thesaurus.

...girthless little man whore.......bahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahah!
S3 licensed
Yeah you see, you've managed to totally miss the point I was making about people connecting to humans being hurt more than animals.

Not going to talk to you anymore as you're clearly an idiot, bye.
S3 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :I am very amazed that people think that animals getting killed is funny, and people getting catapulted not. Last time i checked humans were animals too.....

That has to be the biggest load of complete none sense I've read in a while.

It's quite simple people have more sympathy or are able to make more of an emotional, caring connection to someone/people getting run over than a bird being minced.

I can't believe that you're so offended by animals being unfortunately killed, in what some see as humorous ways, but you fail to understand why people feel more towards actual real people being hurt.

Turn off the internets, go back to bed and don't come back
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :HIS ATi 4830 512 MB.

The specs are all in my sigs under Uni PC.


Who on earth give a flying **** about what satnav, wireless access point or memory cards you have, god damn!

That web pages makes baby Jesus cry.
S3 licensed
Quote from J@tko :I am [now] insured on my mum's Mazda 3, but she isn't letting me drive it yet [wonder why... ]

What vehicles have you owned so far?
S3 licensed
1997 Fiat Punto ELX 1.2 16v

1999 Peugeot 306 1.9D (owned for less than 24hours, driven for less than 45min before it was written off by a lorry while parked at work) Total bargin btw.

2000 Peugeot 306 2.0 Hdi Meridian
S3 licensed
There already is.

You add buddies on LFS world, the live alert icon. You can see when they are online, where they are racing and you can join them.
S3 licensed
Nevermind, I went with option C - Hack away at the spare I got made and take the chip out of that.

S3 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :....I listen to too many paranoid people and it seems to rub off.

Yes, it does.

My prevous car didn't have the orignal spare key (it was a copy) and I also still have all the details of the previous owner. He was a nice guy, I know you can never tell but trust me.
Car Transponder/Immobiliser Key
S3 licensed
Basically I've got a new car, came with the original remote locking key but no spare. I got a spare key made, they just copied the transponder signal from the original and into a new key with a transponder already inside, easy.

I've managed to get an original spare key but I obviously need the correct transponder chip signal so it works.

Can I get just the transponder chip with the with my signal copied over (like before) or can I get the transponder chip currently inside re-programmed.....OR can I hack away at the key I got made and get the chip out of that one?

EDIT: I can obivously just go the the place I got the spare key from and ask if they just do the transponder chips but I was just wondering if anyone has done it?