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S3 licensed
Guess it must have sounded funny when you thought of it.
S3 licensed
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Rotation? Spectating?

What he said.
S3 licensed
Not reading that either, edit the text back to normal colour and size, people might actually read it and take you seriously then.
S3 licensed
Quote from Antman :Well what did you expect its been ages and people wanna know and there is some serious bum licking going on just because you bumlick the devs whoever is doing it doesnt mean there going to choose soley you to have the patch first!

I haven't really stated anything positive or negative about the patch delay.

The only thing I've contirbuted to this thread are complaints about this thread, the miss information that people have posted and added some more spam....which about the same as everyone else.

The problem is that just because you're new to this thread, it's soooo long whether you bumlick or whine it doesn't add anything new at all hence the infractions.
S3 licensed
Quote from Xenoxiduis :hi i'm s2 registered and like i can;t find the new car its not in the listbut when i go to the data folder i find textures defult skins of the scirroco do i have to dowhnload it???? help me out please

S3 licensed
Quote from Termi :yes, every post who dont says "OMG scawen we love you", ist only spam and must be deletet, thats right.

Not really my man, it's just that this thread is nearing 1000 posts....of everyone repeating each other.
S3 licensed
Quote from FlyeThemoon :Songs about new Scirocco ;D

The Devs Killed NEW VW Scirocco Star

Don't cry when I go away with NEW Scirocco (well song Orginal its Named Nie placz kiedy odjade = Don't cry when I go away) Amynue and Byku know that

Let it Scirocco Let it Scirocco (Let it snow Parody)

Ode to Scirocco (Ode to joy)

You Cant stop NEW Scirocco (You cant stop Rock & Roll by Twisted Sister)

If anything can kill this thread then that was it.
S3 licensed
Nice first post.

I fail to see how opening windows adds anything at all to a racing simulator. Complete waste of time and effort.

S3 licensed
I've not got Photoshop installed right now but I would have thought that if it doesn't give you the option then you probably can't. If there isn't a plugin to download that would allow you to do that then you probably can't

This is the wrong section to even ask that question - - that's why forums are split into sections. If you post in the right section the people who know will be more likely to see your question.
S3 licensed
Quote from Speed Soro :...

I agree with that.

iRacing will never, ever have a cruise section, it has 100% focus on being a racing sim which LFS has lost, unfortunatley. People buy it for one reason, people used to buy LFS for that same reason but that has also gone.

Race sims need that focus on being a race sim to attract and keep the core users, without it something comes along that gives them what they/we/I want and move on.

Meh, maybe I'm just bored of LFS.
S3 licensed
I'm not your boy, pal.
S3 licensed
Quote from Byku :6 cruise servers with over 20 people on each. Around 160 people are cruising right now... oh christ.... Sry for this offtop, but this is starting to be a big shock to me .

Makes me feel like LFS is loosing it's identity.

No matter what anyone says LFS is a racing simulator, all the cruise servers are slowly taking that away.

Which is bad...mmmkay, very bad
S3 licensed
Quote from Zen321 :S1 has brought five cars to the game (two were added later : MRT ad FBM). S2 has brought 10 cars to the game (the BF1 was added later and the LX8 was scrapped), so we can suppose that during the elapsed time between the release of S2 and the release of S3, we could get between 13 and 15 new cars, along with other features that are being developed over the long run, but which take time to create and implement (weather, lighting, new tracks, even more realistic physics, etc).

Yeah, could also get some flying monkeys maybe even some naked chicks.

The last thing this thread needs is wild speculation. Why is S3 even being mentioned? You have no idea, I have no idea what’s coming or what being/been worked on so let just leave that alone.
S3 licensed
Quote from Alcatraz :i think there is much more than only scirocco in the next patch/update

There is, it's already been said that there is but it's been lost in all the other rubbish.

We wont be told about, well, we wont get a date or even a hint about future patch releases dates because of how people have been with this.
S3 licensed
Quote from Andrei221 :so,is it for real or just flaming? (@ today release)

Take a guess. The dev's have said NOTHING about a release date since the original one. No one here apart from them knows anything at all. People implying anything about the release day are just messing with all the people sooooo consumed with wanting it they have lost any brains they had.

But saying that I'm pretty sure is going to be released next Friday, they always release stuff on Fridays.
S3 licensed
You may not want the smartass comments (no one does) but you've done something stupid so it's too late.

Is there anyway undoing what you did?

What gear ratio's? (if it's the car gear ratio's I can't see how that would help you with the broken/semi-broken wheel).
S3 licensed
Contact the person/team who runs the server.....and that's it.

p.s. That's not a very informative thread title.
S3 licensed
You've not won, I've just drunk too many beers too fast to actually care/not get banned/start a massive argument so I'm gonna leave it at that.

It's geoff's fault, he was pissed when I can on TS so I thought I'd catch up by drinking my last 4 chirstmas buds as fast as I could not they are kicking in and I feel ****ed.

S3 licensed
Quote from MijnWraak, there aren't.

Yes, there is.
S3 licensed
Quote from Andrei221 :Yep, but atleast it would bring some new lfs drivers, that, why not, will become racers in the future.

You know what, if you really believed what you've posted in your sig then you would have never made this thread.

LFS needs racers filling race servers.

I'm not getting into this anymore as it will get shit, fast. My opinion is that LFS is a racing sim, there are other games out there for people who want to drive around at speed limits. It's just a good job that iracing cost so much.
Last edited by garph, .
S3 licensed
There is an option in the settings to show/not show hands. Just turn them back on
S3 licensed
LFS needs people buying a race sim, not people buying a cruise game.
S3 licensed
Quote from 7SEALS :well I find it useless to play the game online with a keyboard/mouse. I can't control the car worth a crap with the mouse lol. I am looking at the logitech G25 wheel/shifter/pedal setup.

after reading the wikipedia article it says they really don't support 3rd party mods for the game? Why is that? There would probably be nascar and kart racing and all other types of cars realistic and fake if there was allowed 3rd party mods

I'd suggest reading everything on the LFS main page. Very, very short version. LFS is made by 3 people, it's being made in 3 stages S1, S2 and finally S3 (not even worth talking about that as it's a long way off, years) we're on S2 now.

The game isn't finished, it's alpha and because of that 3rd party modding would get difficult as things change and would bring up compatibility issues. From time to time we get updates, we test them before they are released, one is coming soon (see all the muppets moaning about it in the other section).

Using real cars cost money, they have to pay the car makers.
Last edited by garph, .
S3 licensed
Quote from RenvoN :It doesn't really matter what options you have set, that's how the gearbox works in real life.

What he said......and the whole point of the game, you know LFS - Racing Simulator.

Auto clutch gives you an automatic clutch, NOT, automatic gears.