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S3 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :Seems a bit unfair to make her take me on a 2 hour trip just to say, "k wait here be back in 4 or 5 hours"

...oh, sorry my bad.

S3 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :I'll probably be wearing my Gillingham FC scarf and be with a short blonde haired lady.

Do you really have to bring your Mum along, can't she just drop you off outside.
S3 licensed
Quote from dtrott :vietcong, nolf 1&2

S3 licensed
I don't think there is anything weird or strange going on, problems were found and they are taking time to fix, simple.

It will come out when it comes, every time a date is even vaguely mentioned some people think it's written in stone or something and they are owed that date....they've obviously not waited for the half-life 2 series.

This thread is just another way of asking when the VW is going to be out, should be locked like the others.
S3 licensed
I may have missed something but you seem to be defining better as faster?

p.s. The cd player with mp3 aux can be brought from Halfords for £40.
S3 licensed
The idea is that the guy in front does his best to NOT let you past, he can take whatever line he wants.

The ideal line is the racing line which they will take or take a defensive line. It's your job to get past him, if you don't understand/think it's unfair then there is a bit of a problem for you and motorsport games.
S3 licensed
Pop the keys that aren't working out (with a knife or something) give the keys a clean and the keyboard, put them back in and see if it helps.

If they still don't work then get a new keyboard, all those keys on in a line so something could have broke
S3 licensed
Quote from 5haz :Didn't he do all this back in the summer as well?

Papers making stuff up/printing rumours as they do.
S3 licensed
Another one
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
You didn't even have to search, just look down a few posts....god damn!

S3 licensed
Quote from rockclan :I owned you guys soooo hard xD

I can only echo the other comments but I think you have missed something some where along the line?
S3 licensed
Make yourself into a tool in 1 easy step
S3 licensed
That's what happens when things break. They are workin fine then, boom, they break and don't work.

Your best bet would be to backup, delete and install a new copy of LFS.

Just to make sure install lfs somewhere else, don't need to unlock, all you want to do is see if it runs.
S3 licensed
You don't have to re-do your settings, just backup all the important folders, config files and stuff, then delete and install a new copy. Then just copy and paste the backed up files/folders.

You could even try just copying and pasting a new version of the lfs.exe file.
S3 licensed
Nothing would change.....except for people who buy S3, ofcourse.

You'd be able to play the demo the same as now, S1 users would be playing S1 content, S2, S2 content and S3 all of the above.
S3 licensed
Looks like he is, you could be blind I guess...

A few posts down
S3 licensed
Been watching this unfold for the last few weeks, even tho they weren't doing so well it's a big loss for MotoGP. There aren't many bikes as it is and loosing a manufacterer is a massive blow.
S3 licensed
Quote from GrIp DrIvEr :ok. i'm going to start a demo users only thread.


You probably wont read all the other suggestions about the same thing, not searching and posting something that’s been suggested a million times is one of the top 10 things not to do on any forum, so I'll give you the sticking point about having upgradable parts (see it's been posted so many times I actually remember) people would find the best combination of parts, which everyone else would then have to use to compete thus rendering the idea redundant as everyone would be using the same now.
S3 licensed
Ah well, that didn't last long did it.

You're most likely over reacting after reading some nonsense from some where, never take medical advice from the internet, if you have a problem go to a doctor.

On a more helpful note, I damaged my nostril as a child, you can't tell from the outside but one nostril is not as open as the other hence I can blow more snot from one and nothing at all from the other.

It could also just be a cold.

Please start your own forum and not let anyone on, anything that takes you away from posting this kind of rubbish here.
S3 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :Wired > Wireless. Simple.

I hate wireless networks, and I have never seen one work properly for any length of time.

Come round to my house then.

My wireless network has worked perfectly for all the years I used it. The only reason I ended up going to cable was when I went to Vista64 and it messed things up.

And I eventually found a fix for that, the only reason I'm still cable is down to all the time I spent putting the cable in.
S3 licensed
Sarcasm doesn't work on a forum very well/at all.
S3 licensed
I'm 29 and by the time you hit 20 you'll have all probably killed yourself cause you're so old and life is over.

The best years so far have been in my 20's and I know that there is so much more to come and at 17 I can promise you the same, seeing people say they are old at 17 or 19 is retarded.
S3 licensed
WTF to this thread, 19 year olds wishing they were young again, 17 year olds saying they're old....cough, cough wankers, cough, cough.

Sorry but this thread sucks monkey balls.