I'm sorry I offended you, I was only pointing something out that if he keeps doing it will cause someone to say something about it at some point. I wasn't being nasty or putting him down just asking him to not use text type.
The whole paragraph is text type and it makes it difficult to read, if people use the odd word then it's not really an issue but when it a great block like that then people will point it out.
The txt, instead of text was used...well there is no point in explaining.
LFS is an online racing sim so it's probably a good idea that demo users get to drive an actual race car.
...and people will probably have a go at you as you not the first to ask for more stuff from the demo. It gets a bit repetitive after a few years of asking.
LFS is more reliant on the CPU, only uses 1 core (so Dual, Tri and Quad cores mean nothing) and your internet connection has nothing at all to do with your FPS.
Your FPS is probably about right, remember that AI use your CPU so that why it will be lower than online.
I doubt the new power supply broke your card, I dunno why you'd jump to the conclusion that a power supply would break anything when you've been overclocking the shit out of your entire system.
Like mcintyrej said, remove everything, clean it then run it a regular speeds and see what happens.
p.s. If you downclock something I'd say that would mean going lower than factory settings and not restoring it back to what it's supposed to be.....and overclock to regular speeds made me laugh cause thats just overclocking.
The quote he was answering was regarding a Corsa. It's not like that car was picked on out of the blue, others are mentioned in the same light as that.
I agree with what he said it’s unfortunate that a minority give a certain type of car a reputation.
For example, where I live 3 people were recently killed by a young and extremely stupid Corsa driver (himself, his passenger and a young girl in the car he hit) as well as causing the mother of the girl who died to loose both feet.
His friends then drove around for a few weeks with stickers in the back windows saying "living the dream"....they were then later arrested because they were all racing home and helped cause the accident, all drove Corsa's or Saxo's.
Last edited by garph, .
Reason : coughing fit mid reply
Although it was a generalisation you missed the point. He was explaining why the insurance for certain small cars, for certain people is so high when really it should be low.
The slower cars generally make the racing much closer, easier to pick up, better for public server racing and much more exciting.
Try racing the BF1 and you'll see that it is very difficult, you need to really trust and know the people you're racing with and even then it can be very tricky, hence the reason it's not really used (public BF1 racing is not much fun).
If 4GB of RAM isn't working just changing to a 64bit OS with the same hardware wont make it work as the problem is more likey to be hardware related. Could be as simple as tweaking things in the BIOS or it might not.
I've used 4GB of RAM with XP (32bit) and so have loads of others.
Might need to up the RAM voltages and even alter the RAM timings. My motherboard has not detected the correct settings for any of the DDR2 RAM I've had....and I've had 3 lots 2, 4 and now 8gig. And random crashes, blue screens was how I found out it wasn't detecting the correct settings.
I think you're jumping a few steps and going too fast, it could be something very simple which you'll miss by needlessly upgrading or formatting....oopps.
Probably just that COD5 is more demanding, you might have to just drop the graphics settings do get some FPS back or like other have said it could be a known issue.
I don't think you need to upgrade just to max out games again, if you do that you'll be splashing out loads of cash all the time. You'd also need to check if you motherboard can accept a TRI or QUAD core as they are AM2+.
Read some reviews and do some comparisons i.e. CPU's at around the same price (don't use GHz as a comparison between AMD and Intel, it more complicated). Do the same with the graphics card.