The recycle bin has a set size, depending on the size of your hard drive, normally a few gig.
As LFS doesn't add any registry stuff there is no need to uninstall like other application so you can just delete it. When you uninstall things it doesn't use the recycle bin.
Taking into account all the skins, setups any add-ons and replays it could easily get over a 2 or 3 gig which would make it too big for the recycle bin and you'd be told that and ask to permanently delete it. And you can't serach for something that been deleted.
I don't know if system restore would work how you want it do but it MIGHT be worth a try. If you just need wheel settings it might be best to just ask for help with that, then for next time you know what to do.
Don't really want some half arsed guess and have more hot laps than are absolutely necessary delete now and then again later when the arse arsed bodge is updated again. Best wait until it can be done correctly and properly the first time rather than adding stuff that isn't finished or correct and will just need to be fixed later. It will just cause less hassle from those who don’t want hot laps deleting.
People should actually read the first post and then also read the post in the test patch to discover what is actually in this update.
Also asking for stuff or more info about what’s coming is never going to get an answer and is just pointless.
Apart from that, glad to see some movement and recognition of people thoughts and worries about what's happening with LFS.
That’s not true at all. People will have been brought their computers and LFS, people won’t be able or have the ability to pay monthly or the simple fact that they just cannot afford to have an additional monthly cost.
There are a million reasons why what may seem like a very small amount is just a step to far. To say everyone can afford it is to simplistic.
...and not forgetting those who just don't want to pay more money.
I have 2 harddrives, 1 for the operating system and 1 for everything else. Plus a 3rd that I use to back stuff up but I only plug it in when it's needed.
You just plug it in and format it, job done.
In XP or Vista for example all you need to do is right click on the drive you want to format and then click Format.
Just because you didn't get a replay doesn't mean no one saw it, it means no one knows the answer or doesn't want to help. Don't repost just cause no one answered, you can bump the orginal post by replying to it yourself or try harder to look for the answer yourself.
That's true, most of the stuff James Allen says about Hamilton just makes it more difficult for him cause you end up getting sick of him constantly talking about Hamilton comparing him to Senna, Like he did al the way through the Monaco GP.
You can say the same thing about all the F1 drivers.
Hamilton is not the only F1 driver to do all of the things he has done/said or make mistakes. Most of the negative stuff said about Hamilton always makes it out as though he is the only driver to ever do whatever it is they are talking about.
I dunno what it is that grates people so much, Casey Stoner gets the same kind of thing and I don't really understand why.
OK, if you don't like racing sims any more cause you've done some real driving and the racing sims aren't real then there really isn't anything anyone can say so.....bye, bye.
Everyone goes through phases of loving/liking/not liking/bored of playing LFS.
And buying the game, then leaving...DOH! First thing is no one cares if you leave, there is no need to tell everyone (sorry to be harsh). And second, you haven't even been playing the full game, you've got bored of the demo.....3 years! God damn.
The full game offers more in terms of more actual content and more things to do, leagues, teams more racing.
If you have to go AMD then the 9850 is the only choice, the rest are beaten by Intel, just read some reviews of any of the E8xxx series or even the E6750 or E6850 and you'll see no AMD really comes close.
It's always worth getting a top of the range card, for games the graphics card the most important part and is where I'd be looking to spend as much money as I could.
Taking advice is good and I'll take all the info I can get from friends and ppl here but you also need to do some more detailed research for yourself. Read some comparison tests and reviews to get a better idea of what you want and what you're looking for so you can make your own mind up and learn what you're getting and why.
The 9850 is the QUAD AMD should have brought out in the first place, it's the only one that can even try and compete with Intel's. And it's the only AMD worth getting if you're looking forward.
Everyone has a different opinion on Vista, most of the negatives just haven't given it time or haven't even tried it.
When I swapped over I liked it, then you have a bit of a dip because everything is different to XP and you have to learn where things are and how things work, once you've got past that you'll love it.
If you're getting a new system and DX10 card then there is really only one way to go.
There isn't much you can do apart from dropping LFS to it's lowest settings, which you've done. Don't forget draw distance and dynamic LOD (0 for best look, 1 for best performance), the AA will gain the the most IF you have it on.
Could try and make sure programs that aren't needed are killed, laptops can also run low power modes where certain bits of hardware are turned down, so double check everything is fully running.
I don't know if you can make it look like XP but it can go back to looking like previous versions. You just right click on the toolbar, properties and then customize the settings. I like Vista you just have to get used to it.