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S3 licensed
When they asked you if you have destroyed your wheel you cross your fingers, pucker up your bum hole and say...


but obviously you don't destroy your wheel.
S3 licensed
Only Blackwood and Fern Bay have rally cross tracks. Fern Bay has two, a really short one and a longer one.

LFS is not an off-road game so you will be disappointed if you buy it for that.
S3 licensed
And tho it shall be thou who callest a child shall be a child forever until the end of time.

Internet forum come back No. 23394: Call the person the same thing they are calling you.
S3 licensed
I was gonna say no but after pricing up the exact same components it's actually cheap (but I would go to a US based site and check for yourself).

You could save money on the processor and motherboard and still get the same performance but....meh.

The base system is good (motherboard, CPU, RAM and H/D) and will last for a while, the only thing you'll be looking to upgrade at a later time would be the graphics card.

EDIT: Damn, beaten to it.
S3 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :how long will that last me then?

....let me just get out my magic ball here...

Come on dude no one knows that. The only thing you can do is get the best PC spec you can get now.
S3 licensed
Depends on what kinda of race and how much time you have to prepare, i.e Do you have a set already, does it need tweaking, how long is the race, etc, etc.
S3 licensed
I don't remember being such a retard when I was 13 -15. It's more like they are 6 or 7.

You can see them in other threads as well, there must be some sort of retard beacon that attracts them all together in one place...oh wait, there servers (sorry answered my own question).

That's what you get when the criteria for joining a team is to just about have the brain to click reply. And because they don't know each other, the falling out starts and then infects everything else.

Perfect reason to keep this stuff away from here..far, far away..and on their own forums (not make a section here, it would be a nightmare of girly bitching).
S3 licensed
It is a small point but an important one.

Saying it's offical makes it sound like it's something to do with the developers, which it isn't.

S3 licensed
Yeah. I think you're forgetting how fast things have progressed and got the time scale wrong

In 2000 I was running a 512mhz AMD and probably had something like 32 or 64mb of RAM.....things have jumped along pretty quick, no robots yet tho
S3 licensed
I don't think Massa will be back racing this season.

Problem is that the information that came out was different depending on who it came from so I dunno how serious it really was. What I mean by that is was it life threatening like some sources suggested, career threatening or what?
S3 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :can somebody who knows computers go through this and tell me if it would be good for lfsing, high-school, internet browsing some downloading, and good for quite a few years to come

rate know you want to

It will max LFS out with no problems.
It's probably too big to take to school with you, add all the cables, screen and everything else you'd be in a right mess.
Browsing the internet...are you serious?
Downloading fast has nothing to do with your computer.
S3 licensed
Quote from AndRand :he is turnig right so it looks like it is 2 turns ahead of the accident


He has just exited out of the turn onto the short straight, Massa was just a few seconds behind him.
S3 licensed
Quote from Sponge :I want to see that video..

Donno where the Brawn was at that moment.. but I think it's highly unlikely the spring was still 'bouncing around' at the moment it hit Massa....

You can just see something coming away from the back of the car at the start of the video.

It's then obviously bounced down the track until Massa hit it. It has bounced along way because of the speeds involved and because its a spring.

Brawn have also said they lost the part. This is what happened I dunno why or what you two are convinced something else was going on?
S3 licensed
Quote from aroX123 :Yea, but he was miles ahaed how could it still be in the air? Laws of physics failed?

There is video of it, it's already been explained.

S3 licensed
Quote from aroX123 :I dont get the spring, it was standing still in the air.
Maybe it was hanging on something?
Maybe somebody throwd it?

No, it came from the Brawn.
S3 licensed
Quote from Furiously-Fast :..does anyone think open wheelers should have roofs?

Are you serious?

Racing is dangerous, you can't remove that totally.
S3 licensed
As far as I'm concerned (and everyone else who I've talked to and told me about this thread) CSU1, you love the cock.

This thread will follow you everywhere, good job

p.s. wtf where you thinking?
S3 licensed
You must have read a different post to me then casue I read this one...

Quote from Skeete :How possible is it to have two new cars for Cruise Servers only.

1) Police Cruiser, Fast"ish" with good"ish" handling and with some bars on the front to prevent damage to the front of the car. Flashing lights would be a benefit

2) Tow Truck. Bags of Torque, limited rev range, top speed of 50 or so, LOADS of grip in sand traps to push cars that are stuck.
If at all possible a grapple function for stationary cars would be ace allowing you to pull cars out of traps.

Maybe something for S3, but it would certainly make me purchase it.

..the main points I picked up on I've high lighted.
S3 licensed
LFS is a racing simulator.

If the devs ever added cruising specific content as suggested it would be the day I'd leave LFS as it would be an indicator that things were moving in the wrong direction.
S3 licensed
Things that would help:

Computers specs.
Internet connection (shared or not).
Wireless or cable.
Does it happen in any other games.
Any problems with downloading or streaming vids.

Slightly better desription of the problem "...with LFS saying "Connection lost" or something like that..." is kinda like saying I can't be arsed to read what it says, just fix it.

p.s. Wrong section.

S3 licensed
Reading the information about something you want to buy really helps.
S3 licensed
Quote from mythdat :Is it just me or is Rossi vs Lorenzo starting to remind anyone else of all the Doohan vs Criville tactical battles?

No because Crivilles tactic was to sit behind Doohan all race, never attempt a pass at all, then mug him on the final turn.

Lorenzo has the pace to race with Rossi.
S3 licensed
School holidays then......
S3 licensed
Intel will come out on top but the new AMD's are just as good. You'll never notice any performance difference, get which ever one fits your budget.

Don't listen to the AMD/Intel fanyboys and anti-fanboys (cause they are just as bad), they are too blinkered to know anything at all or give good advice.

Like people have said, pre-built systems normally have a great spec but then a shitty graphics card so just watch out for that and you'll be fine.
S3 licensed
What wheel is it?

Stupid question but you have tried calibrating the wheel and assigning the pedals, buttons and wheel to the correct settings right?