No. The lack of updates and the delay to up coming patch has done a fair bit of damage to LFS. They need to capitalize and push forward when the patch is released, not sit back and take a break.
I don't know if you know this but you can play other games you know, I have quite a few games installed on my computer.
When I get bored or fancy something different I some times play other games. It doesn't mean I have to totally abandon a game to go play another game, I just play another game.................
Guy come on. You race in a race server, you cruise in a cruise server and you drift in a drift server.
You obviously don't drift in a racing server, you'll get in the way and cause problems, you can hang the rear out when using some cars but thats not full blown drifting round every turn.
If you have to ask then you are going to get banned from loads of places.
You do see the fairly large flaw in that logic and how you could easily be tricked into buying a shit, expensive game?
I don't know anyone with calibration problems, I can't remember anyone of my group of LFS chums having persistant problems (and it's been a good few years).
You're not saying that the higher price of something says something about how good the game is are you?
I have no problems with having to recalibrate my wheel. Got my G25 a month or so and not touched it sinice I installed it, before that with the DFP probably never touched it for months and months.
I don't like bump drafting, if someone starts doing it to me then I ask them to stop. If people want to bump draft on a public server then, meh, I do kinda see it as cheating but not really so much I'd say or do something about it. If someone beat me by bump drafting then thats the way I see it, to beat me you had to do that
I'm pretty sure bump drafting would/is not allowed in league races so that really tells you everything you need to know.
If you can't see the difference between drafting and bump drafting then you really are not in the same world I am. Too me the difference is clear.
Second time you used the word wrecker. Confusing real life and LFS?
That's the difference you see, in real life coming back onto the race track in front of fast moving heavy objects is extremely dangerous, which I'm sure he was all too aware of as he slide backwards/sideways into on coming traffic.
Use something like PowerISO (there are loads) and open the ISO, like you normally would. You should have an option to burn the files to CD/DVD or even make a boot disk.
I haven't got PowerISO installed so I can't check for you.
Have you ever seen a BTCC race cause it really doesn't sound like you have.
And of course it wasn't an intentional pit manoeuvre, Collard tried to defend his mistake from the previous turn and Nash tried to take advantage, neither driver wanting to give.
Like I said I've seen much worse with nothing done, that's what makes this penalty such a joke.
EDIT: They are always doing things that they should not be allowed to get away with. Plato on the first laps of the first race at Snetterton for example. Most BTCC drivers race hard but those 2 seems to step over the line the most.