You want a specific rule that defines the length of a ban, they don't have them. They use their derision, taking the users history and each incident into account.
It sounds like you've been watched for a while now. Your attitude after the incident was bad, it seems to continue now, you feel you've been wronged and are shouting to anyone who will listen and not listening to anyone.
Why would they want you back in their server after this? I wouldn't. They don't have to let you race their.
Popular server + people getting banned = millions of threads here with massive arguments that never end.
You got banned from a server, take up in the correct place.
OMG - You hit the barriers which put you into traffic (they couldn't avoid you), then the collision detect bug fired you into the air. No one wrecked you, no one should be banned it was just an accident. Then called for an admin to ban someone for nothing. The car's that hit you were the innocent party, there was no way they could avoid you, if you hadn't hit the barriers yourself no of that would have happend.
You got the ban for swearing.
What should have been you pitting and re-joining has now turned into a ban, well done.
He is just giving him self the best chance in WRC he can. Subaru don't compete anymore and they we're out classed in the end when they did (unfortunately).
Not really got a car choice but I'd go with myabe £1500 to £2000 on the car, use the last £1000 (or more) for insurance. I swallowed hard and paid mine off in one go and it saved me about £150.
Also think about parts, depending on the make the price could go up quite high.
Rallying needs a kick in the ass, x-games is not rallying but for some of those guys to go to WRC or some WRC guys to x-games, how freaking awesome would that be.
Just think is Loeb had thought, I wonder how far I can jump this ****er!
Rallying needs some personality, these guy brings it (yes, they tend to be annoying Americans) but at least they have a personality.
Way to many arguments, score settling, moaning revenge threads have started here to do with a popular server and people complaining about being banned.
The shifter is the worst thing about the G25. The wheel and pedals look and feel amazing, really good quality but the shifter really lets it down, feels cheap and nasty.
The trouble with wireless connections and games is that the wireless network searches for a wireless connections every so often and creates the lag in game, some times is just a stutter other times in worse.
With XP I was able to disable the windows wireless software and use the software that came with the wireless card and hey presto, no more stutter every few minutes.
With Vista it was rubbish because you can't fully disable the windows wireless software, BUT, you can get a small program that works its magic to stop it. Can't remember what it's called so google, vista wireless stutter or something.
Hopefully that's what it is.
I use Windows 7 now and I have a cable connection.
How many games use the source engine and you can say pretty much the same for every FPS, each is a facelift of the last, same idea different levels/characters and tasks.
If you want to use your argument then every game ever made or will be made is null and void, god damn you're such a selfish bastard, now no one can play anything, ****s sake guy!
That's an amazing reason to not buy the game. It's been that for how long now, 4, 5 years. And the best thing is, all the bad stuff that you think is in an alpha game, will probably still be in there....baaaaahahahhahahaha!
Good job on that, you've probably missed it's peak (the good old days that is always being talked about, even thats a few years ago if I think about it.)