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S3 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :nice skins :jawdrop:

better then i could do

Ty, just keep practicing you'll get there, we're made using gimp btw
S3 licensed
Quote from joshur21 :I recently put an XRT nissan silvia skin on LFS but the skin is missing car parts all over the car, the interior is dodgy, please help

if it is the skin post up the skinfile or a screen shot of the problem.

However as your having problems with the interior aswell it sounds like a dodgy car mod
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Seriously Stig, for your own sake just unplug your keyboard before you log on to the forum ...
S3 licensed
great looking site you've got there and thank you for the credits

Any other skins you need doing just give me a shout
S3 licensed
All three skins finished and uploaded to lfs world, have zipped the skins up and pm'ed the 2048 x 2048 versions to you. If you spot any errors on them just pm me and i will fix them. Prieview below
S3 licensed
Is it ok like this or do you want more adding to it or anything changing before i do xrt and xrg

edit: the main logo on the bonnet needs adjusting, not sure about the logo of your team name on the front looks a bit low res
Last edited by GAVD999, .
S3 licensed
Heres what i got so far still needs a few logos, not sure if its what your after, let me know what you want changing/adding
S3 licensed
will have ago at them for you later on, any chance of a bigger version of your avatar logo so i can use it on the skin ?
S3 licensed
Quote from JoshsDad :That would be brilliant but I'm guessing that as it's a month out of warranty they probably won't be doing that in my case - when I eventually get hold of them

if its out of warranty then it might be worth having ago at fixing it rather than buying another, heres a step by step guide on how to fix it, Click

credit to [DJ] Logicalx and the tc forums for the tutorial
S3 licensed
Quote from Clutch240 :Hi. newbee here. Is there a certain program that I need to create my own skins? If so can someone please point me in the right direction? Thanks.

Any half decent graphics package will do, but I would recommend Photoshop if you have it or Gimp is a pretty good alternative and its free download it here
S3 licensed
any missing default skins can be found here.

However I would recommend using the master skinnerz pro kits you will also find some good tutorials on their forum.

Hope this helps
S3 licensed
Google predictive search throwing up more random stuff
S3 licensed
this has got to be up there
S3 licensed
when you spin the car you do not change down so you are expecting it to pull off in 3rd gear which is just cooking the clutch, press f9/f10 and look at CT.
Last edited by GAVD999, .
S3 licensed
upload a replay so people can see what is happening
S3 licensed
subphonic made a suit skin with a black tie, not sure if its private or not, you can see it in his avatar link below
S3 licensed
your getting there just keep practicing, like others have said just keep an eye on logos stretching and where they line up on body panels, not sure if you have seen the master skinnerz site but that has everything on there you need including some very good tutorials and of course the pro kits
S3 licensed
will finish it in the next couple of days and pm the skin file to you
Last edited by GAVD999, .
S3 licensed
wip, still doesn't look right but here's what i got so far will have ago at finishing it later on.

Didn't realize what a pain to skin helmets were, and this is a pretty simple design, now I know why people don't tend to do the helmet requests
Last edited by GAVD999, .
S3 licensed
will have ago at it, first attempt at a helmet so not sure how it will turn out
S3 licensed
Great work
S3 licensed
use the cmx viewer as you are making your skin.

As your skin progresses save it as a jpg and load it into cmx viewer (click the reload button in viewer every time you re save it), that way you can see how things line up, check for stretching or spot any other errors before its too late. Also leave the wireframe layer on top when you save so it shows on the car in viewer and then you can see what part of the car the wire frame is lined up to.

Just remember to save a psd of it when you've finished skinning so you can go back and edit it
S3 licensed
Quote from Krammeh :Hello it's [LTC] Krammeh here.

we have pleanty of server slots - we have a server located in the UK and located in the US - if required, we will run more than one LFS host, and spread them accorss the two server locations if it comes down to it. If this is the case, then you will be assigned a server (team mate WILL be on the same server, regardless of racer location, although locations will be taken into consideration). If it turns out that it would be better for two, three, four UK hosts, then so be it. Both servers are good enough to house multiple!

as far as i know there will be no passwords as you need to be pre registered in order to race in the event,
S3 licensed
wip so far i've got the base colours about done needs a little tidying, struggling to find the CRUZE logo anywere or the font thats used for it, anyone have it , anyway here it is so far