Made a start with it, still need to find some more logo's and also remove some of the white over red text at the bottom near the rear arch. Anyway heres what i got so far
Edit: Also just noticed that the race plate needs redoing
I noticed the same thing on certain car models (still works on some of the gtr's) see pics attached the cage is clearly painted red yet in game/skin viewer it still shows white :
just redownload a fresh copy of lfs and install it into another folder, copy the new dds folder back to your old install so it overwrites the corrupt/missing ones
You got it mixed up there a little. The higher res the original skin the higher the quality shown to people who have saved it manually to there lfs\data\skin folder. These higher res skins are then automatically converted when you start lfs so won't affect you with lag
The 1024^ skin is only used to upload to lfsworld and this is what people download when racing (at 512 if they havent got credit for 1024 versions).
This is why you will see people posting up the 2 or 3 different res skinfiles when they post a new skin
create an image 3000 px x 200 px for the header (3000 x 100 for the footer) then download the persona app thing, once its installed click the little fox in the bottom left of your firefox window and click "prefrences - show custom persona" then "custom persona - edit" and upload them.
Try holding Ctrl not shift, I could be wrong been a while since i used 3ds.
a basic lighting tutorial i found useful when i was rendering (disable lights is about half way down the page), shows a few different ways of disabling the lights. Hope this helps.
Had ago at doing the fzr for you, hope its ok. Do you want a name & numbers putting on it if so what do you want? also if you want anything changing just let me know
To change camera angle use shift + U and then space to hide\un hide the controls\buttons, you can control the camera using arrow keys for direction and click and hold right mouse button then move mouse for rotation, press esc to exit shift u mode
As far as i know the FFB does not work on pc pressuming it works using the same drivers as the wireless xbox pad as the microsoft drivers do not support it.
XBCD drivers allow wired xbox controllers to use ffb and allow you to adjust the sensativity, dead zones etc but unfortunatley the xbcd drivers do not support wireless controllers.