Hi there, the best place I found for help with gimp itself was the online manual explains what all the tools, menus, options etc do can be found
here. other than that a quick google search of what your trying to do usually works or just post up in here and someone will help you
A good place to get help and read some tutorials on skinning is
master skinnerz, have a look round on there and you find pretty much everything you need to know about skinning including the pro kit skinning templates.
You should also download the cmx viewer from the main
lfs site. This allows you to check on your skin as you make it, making it easier to spot mistakes and also line up things on the skin as they cross different body panels.
When you have made your skin you need to save it as a .jpg in your LFS\Data\Skins folder. You also need to upload a 1024 x 1024 version to
LFS World so as other people online can see it.
Hope this helps, any other questions\problems just ask