Thanks for the reply ACCAkut. I've always been a fan of your H-Shifter/DIY pedal posts and have also started a DIY H-shifter endeavour last year - pending completion. I also have a DFGT but would like to avoid plugging them into it if possible. It would be pretty simple to build an adapter to interface the different pinouts. The problem would be with the clutch which would still require some sort of interface itself. If only the rotary dial on the wheel was a pot...
I was wondering if there was a way of physically modifying the G27 pedal stops. That way, I could get 10% more pot travel and the remaining 10% of the axis remaining.
EDIT: Regarding the wiring diagram, I noticed that it says 10-100kOhm. Is that referring to the pot range? :S getting anywhere from 0.9 and 3.7 kOhms from pole to ground across the range. Weird enough, if I measure the resistance across the entire pot (between the +5V and ground), I get 3.4 kOhms. Huh?
Probably gonna go the DXTweak or DFGT route. I think it's just gonna be a lot easier.
Not sure if I'm wiring it properly, but while in the Atk 3, I get approximately full travel shows up as 20% of the axis range and really bad resolution. Currently, I have the pedals in an interface for the Act Labs pedals. In there, full travel gets 90% of the axis range. Is there someway where I could solder in some resistors to get the full axis range?
EDIT: or alternatively, any type of program that can "cut off" the ends of the axis.
I recently acquired a set of G27 pedals (without the G27) and am looking at wiring the pots to a joystick PCB. If possible, I want to avoid purchasing an interfacing board like Leo Bodnar.
The PCB I am looking at using will be pulled from a Logitech Atk 3. G27 pots are rated at 10K ohms, while the original Atk 3 pots were 100K Ohms. Would this cause a problem where I've depressed the brake pedal all the way down, and the Atk 3 only reporting only part of the brake pedal being pressed down?
Not thinking of a new solution to encrypt setup files because they are inevitably going to be decrypted by hackers is like saying I'm not going to take care of my health anymore because I am going to inevitably die. (I'm not trying to complain. I respect what Scawen develops and rightfully this is his project. Just putting an analogy out there)
Those who want to share their setups have been given the option to do so but rightfully to those who dedicated a lot of time to making theirs should have the right to keep theirs secret. I don't think this is a matter of what type of racing you are doing. It's moral and principle. As crude as it sounds, just because you are willing to share doesn't mean others are.
But... If I share, we will have better races! Yup, there's a Send Setup button in the bottom right hand corner of your screen. Hit "n" and you'll see the menu.
But... If I'm a better driver, and I could be faster than him if I had his setup. Well then, learn to make setups or admit you're not as good, because making a setup / communicating your needs is also an integral part of driving.
Thank you!! Trust me, I really want to give back to the community who made it possible for me to get this to work. But at the moment, it's not very convenient for me to publically release the code; it's for the Formula SAE (Hybrid) team at my university.
I got it to work! My obstacle now is working with Optimum Lap, which seems to love to drive our car at 0.1 km/h
My solution was to have program A print out: [time signature], [speed], [lat acceleration], and then get program B parse the data, calculating the distance by multiplying speed by the interval between the time signature on the current row by the time signature in the previous row, and then outputting a CSV file in the format [distance], [speed], [lat acceleration]. The track that is outputted by the Track Maker in OL looks awfully close to the line I ran on LFS.
So I've gotten Outsim to work with Python by using the sample code provided by the author of the PyInsim library.
I'm currently extracting lateral acceleration data and speed data by using two functions getLatAccel(), and getSpeed() that I added to the pyinsim library. For the speed function, it is extracting the local variable self.Vel[1]. Is this the actual speed the car is travelling forwards, or is it "wheel spin" speed?
EDIT: I removed the functions, and am directly accessing the variables from the object via packet.Accel[0], etc. I found out that I was getting an actual vector for speed (was negative one direction, and positive the other), so what I did to get resultant component was by using Pythagorean's Theorem on all three components of velocity, Vel[0-2].
EDIT 2: Stuck on distance. Current delay in cfg is set to 1 (0.01s), so my original plan to calculate distance was to multiply my vel variable by 0.01s to get a distance travelled in that 0.01s interval and accumulate that to a "dist" variable. However, I am unable to accumulate this distance because all the variables are local to the function and get re-initialized every time a packet is sent. Any suggestions or ideas?
Thanks guys! The Racenaut program is pretty interesting. I read that I can download it through SVN by after getting it there, and "save target as" the src folder, it wants to download an HTML file I think if I can get it to work, it would be the perfect solution for what I'm trying to do.
As for Optimum Lap, it's asking for an CSV file in the format of [distance], [speed], [lateral acceleration].
The goal of this project is to output acceleration data from LFS to an excel sheet. I need the acceleration data to import into a program called "Optimum Lap" to produce an autocross track I produced in LFS's track editor.
I don't really know how Insim works, but I have it setup in my cfg file. I know a little of VB6, Java and Python, but I'm not sure how to get started. How do I interface, for instance, Python with Insim?
Is there an option to change the priority for all SATA HD? I remember when I used to play around with my dinky EEE PC, it had the same thing. In the boot priority, it would be like - 1. HD, 2. LAN, 3. Floppy or something like that, so in some other place in the BIOS, there's a place to switch the HD Priority.
If the XP installation was installed from a different computer, it will not boot up in your current computer. For XP to work on your main, it needs to be installed from there. I think it has to do with the way the drivers are loaded and installed during the installation process.
Let's say you did install Vista on C:\ and XP on D:\. You should receive a boot-up option on start up asking you which install to boot from. Alternatively, you can try using boot-managers, or try switching the boot-priority order in the BIOS to the HD you want to boot from.
I'm not sure either, but it makes sense that they would be implemented this way both in LFS and IRL (and therefore wouldn't be a bug). Check if the car is above the pit speed limit. If it is, stop fuel injection - reduce engine speed to try and reduce car speed. Check again and loop. If you're holding the clutch, the car will reduce engine speed until it stalls.
IMO, doesn't make sense to do a speed limiter off RPM (or it would be more complicated). What if you are in 5th gear travelling down pit road? The 7000 rev limit for 1st gear isn't going to cut it.
That's poor logic. The number of S2 "racers" online has nothing to do with the amount of racing servers. There are plenty of racing servers out there - they're just empty. And I don't see why having drift/cruise servers is a bad thing. Will you have more "racers" if you banned drifting and cruising? I doubt it. In fact, you keep more of the community active by having these servers around - and once in a while, you'll see parts of that community jump over to racing servers. At least, that's what I did and it's been a while since I have been on some drift server.
C'mon guys. Community is ****ing small as it is without people whining about servers they don't like. If you don't want to drift or cruise, don't join it. The last thing we need is even more people closing down servers or leave LFS...
They used to do that, didn't they? Updates during Xmas? That'd be quite awesome!! I don't think it's going to be too late, even with AC released. If you take a look at the forum visits when the 3D update (the update I think it irrelevant for most of us - but w/e), there were 3000 people who came and took a look. I think most of the community (new and old) is just waiting, waiting for something that they will find worthwhile. For me, that's physics.
We've been waiting for 4 years now, and it's become a habit to check LFS before I get started on work. Always hoping - always hoping that I'll see a dev message on the homepage saying that we get some new content.
Gave it a run on a 7 year computer on triple monitors. Felt silk smooth. Not sure where this "you need a $23000 computer to play it" comes from. Feels like something I would've expected from LFS's S3 & Physics updates. Maybe LFS's spirit lives on in AC
I respect the fact that he's still active, but I think his energy is being projected in the wrong direction. Is there really a need to rush to get updates to get Oculus Rift working on LFS? How many people in this community will really benefit from this update? Isn't there something that is more important than getting Oculus Rift working on LFS? I don't know... maybe an update that was "announced" 5 years ago.
There is a reason behind wanting to get more content beyond getting the actual content. If ACTUAL updates are made, we will be seeing some people come back to LFS. The online community is just too small. I don't personally see myself running Aston or something when the only servers up running it are empty. That's why I have like 3000 laps in BL1.
I'm thinking of making a "real-wheel" - wheel adapter for my DFGT by using scrap computer casing parts. My idea was to dremel a circle piece of metal and drill in the adapter holes. Do you think the thin metal would be able to take the torque of the FFB motors?