good idea hazaky... but did you not notice that he is running in a window? that screws up the measurement of the fps, because, he is not running it at full resolution.
if you wanted to give advice to make it easy for his machine, there are two things that you can do,
increase minimum sleep and enable the fps limiter at around 30-40
if you are good at it and not scared unscrew the heatsink, check the fan is working, make sure everything is clean, apply a tiny bit of thermal paste wherever the heatsink touches any chip and screw it back on.
ok then... with your own logic
you go to buy a car. a new car.
you look at the odometer and let's just say that it is correct and not zeroed
you see 1 mile. do you buy it?
you see 10 miles. do you buy it?
you see 100 miles. do you buy it?
now you can answer your own question "when is it brand new".
personally i think anything above 1mile is suspect because the car does not need to be driven that much to go from the factory floor, round the back, on the transporter, and off the transporter to the dealership.
i also see some motorbikes at that dealership. bmw r1200gs. i see the exhaust and it has become BLACK near the cylinder. and they sell it as new?? how harshly must it have been driven already so that the exhaust has been discolored this much?!? my father's gn250 was driven for 10 years... 10 years it was driven by a 110kg guy with his gear and baggage on open and twisty mountain roads... and the exhaust was as clear as new (it even had some of its initial shininess).
not a very convincing argument since it won't be on public road but on private area, the dealership garage... but anyway let's not get involved on this
an engineer (mechanical engineer) friend of mine who i respect a lot (i mean a real lot) as far as competence and knowledge (he completely stripped down and rebuilt a 250cc 16v watercooled bike engine on his own, in his home and the engine started immediately. i'm just giving an example.) said that it is not really good to do that to an engine. turn it on, drive a few meters, turn it off.
i am pretty pretty sure they can not do "pretty much what they like with it", because at some point...1 mile? 10 miles? 20 miles? it objectively loses the status of "new car" and starts being called "used". there has to be some kind of limit on paper otherwise they can just use it as they like for as long as they like, go do whatever and then give it to me with 100 miles on the clock. or 1000 miles.
the lancia my family bought in 1996 was DRIVEN from athens to my home town, about 80km.
i'm getting a renault twingo, new, with a turbocharged 1150cc engine.
has my twingo engine worked before i get it from the dealer? i mean, at the factory? a friend of mine says they work it for ten minutes at the rev limiter.
i highly doubt that.
the dealership says that to get it off of the truck that carries it, they will have to turn the engine on. can't they just, you know, roll it off?
do they have the right to do that? who can tell me that they won't rev it like an idiot or that he won't mistreat the starter motor? i've seen ridiculous things here in greece and i am very scared. many people here still have the idea that before you turn the engine off you have to rev it (that was merely an example of idiocy i've encountered).
my previous car was driven from Athens to my home town... someone actually drove it for about 50 miles.
i do not want that to happen again. at all.
tl;dr: i want to be the first to turn on the engine, not anyone else.
driving your single seater can you give a 'score' of some sort... how close is, say, the fbm or the fox simulation compared to the real thing?
i mean... do the cars behave similarly?
because from what i've seen, the xfg (with appropriate intake restrictions, weight and suspension settings) and my lancia are pretty close as far as behaviour is concerned.