nope. the method still works.
you don't try a 700 feet fall. you try first 1 foot drop. then 2 foot drop. then 4. after a while you notice that the velocity with which you hit the ground is increasing and, together with it, the force which your legs have to sustain.
extrapolating, you can be sure that a 700 feet fall, even if survivable, is out of the question.
the single most important thing is testing for yourself anything that you learn.
in the beginning you can only test things that are simple... for example, physics experiments.
later on, when you have gained knowledge, you can rely on the experiments that you have done and this way proven that you have actual knowledge and not fantasy and so you can test what the others say.
physics code uses way more code than gfx rendering, but optimization is almost always welcome.
(i've done some opengl coding, reached shaders... and quit. )
Consider requesting help from some demo coders (demo as in demoscene. not demo of a game) to assist you in optimizing the rendering code. These guys can do magic with little to no resources. This would lead to either better gfx without a performance hit and/or less stress on the cpu for the gfx which frees up cycles for the simulation.
Also, they could most probably make it look nicer which would widen the audience which is only a good thing for the LFS.
Just thought i'd mention it
Thanks guys, for everything.
you feel sad for LERTS!?
Tomba, Tomba, Tomba... i wish you had HALF of the sincerety that lerts has! i wish you had half his confidence in himself! do you have the courage to say your ideas to the world as simply as lerts does!? do you see how lerts quotes passages from wikipedia? now shut up you too lerts is awesome!
Lerts, shut up with these stupid ideas. start learning science and soon you will understand that the problems is not 'geneticaly modified food' (we've been 'modifying' food for ages) or fluoride in the water or your pineal gland.
intuition or talent or whatever else is similar is not enough.
you need to be taught. no matter how good you are from the start.
yehudi menuhin could play the violin when he was THREE yet he studied like everyone else.