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S2 licensed
weeks? WEEKS?

once i tried staying offline for THREE DAYS and i ended up finding a way to connect online through xml-delivering proxy , http over wap over gprs with my cellphone, with a cocktail of firefox extensions to unmangle the html-turned-xml delivered by the proxy!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :But in LFS you don't drive to the grid, where you'd certainly notice if your wheel wasn't centred - you're just dropped there. I've started a couple of races tearing off into the wall (luckily, never into the person next to me - yet) because my wheel was rotated one complete turn to the right or left without me realising.

yadda yadda yadda:sleep1:
why or how it happened is irrelevant.

point is, you went to a race without checking your gear.

it still is your responsibility
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose : It turns out he'd just got a G25 and unwittingly didn't have it centred... A bad call on my part.

ensuring your gear is in a race ready condition is a serious responsibility both in VR and RLR

not a bad call.
S2 licensed
Quote from swisscosmo : -Is the Mouse Support just for the Menu or is it also for ingame?

Quote from swisscosmo : -How long does it take to complete the whole story line? 4 hours gameplay or 48 hours game play?

depends how often you need to restart a race, how fast your computer can load each race, but keep in mind you will spend more or less one hour loading each race, loading back to the menu and clicking around in the menus, for every one hour you actually are in a race, racing.
Quote from swisscosmo :-Is it worth it?

i didn't like it. at all.
Last edited by george_tsiros, .
S2 licensed
i wanted to ask
when that dude block goes powersliding

how repeatable is it? can he just go in and out of that hangar (iirc) until his tires give up or is there some chance he will screw up?

just asking

i can correct minor to medium understeer in my lancia and minor oversteer (can't manage medium oversteer yet. maybe the steering is too slow for this to work)
S2 licensed
for that money get a small tiny netbook and stick a gsm/3g module on it.
S2 licensed
Quote from gotspeed :think of it like what you would call a hot hatch 200hp v6 rwd 4 speed.

a 4.5 m long, 1600 kg heavy truck is not, and can never be, like a 'hot hatch'.

this is a 'hot hatch'

barely 4 m long, 1050 kg, 200hp

and this is a 'v6 rwd hot hatch'
mid engined v6 2.3l 255hp 1400kg 3.8m

(sorry but i don't think i would find a v6 with only 200hp in europe)
Last edited by george_tsiros, . Reason : thanks for the suggestion, JJ72
S2 licensed
in short you try to make a semi-truck look better and have a tuned engine.

which means it will never handle like a properly tuned car and it will never be a truck anymore, since you try to treat it as a car.
S2 licensed

and yeah, i just remembered that the 8800GT cards were virtually all problematic.
(or was that only for the mobile ones?)
go nvidia :/
S2 licensed
so you finally started talking about 'perfection'

you poor misguided soul

as for the impala... jesus, the way it hops about on the track... it's like a frickin boat with wheels

an ugly boat with wheels
S2 licensed
... so what?

if i don't show you a photo of my girlfriend does that mean that there isn't one?
S2 licensed
to recap.

one guy is programming LFS.

one guy alone has managed to create a sim that is arguably better than almost any other. i haven't tried netkar pro and some people say that it is damn accurate so i will try to avoid sounding like a fanboy and say omg lfs teh bestest (but i am a fanboy)

we don't care about graphics. even if the cars still looked like that in the hideous screenshot you show us, we wouldn't care much.

it's a racing simulator, not a screenshot generator.
S2 licensed
What the **** is that
S2 licensed
if i didn't know any better i'd think that gotspeed says that a game that has greater demands from the system is automatically better.

Quote :no the game is in constant development so it should take a pretty reasonable system to run it. at some point i expect my 7 year old 500$ used laptop not to be able to play lfs at 50 fps when im in class

so a game is good only if it stresses the system?

what is this guy saying anyway!?
S2 licensed
the pcie interface is supposed to provide 65 W (or 75 W, i don't remember exactly)

if a card sucks more than that, it has that socket (or more than one).

if it needs less, it might have that socket, it might not. (the 256MB 3850 i had, before i got the 4850, is a 63 W card, but it had the connector)

i don't reject the possibility that some mobos aren't designed to provide the full wattage specified in the pcie standard.
S2 licensed
Quote from Deutschland2007 :Does not being online for 3 days mean you´re dead now?

well... yeah...
S2 licensed
it is quite possible, just not worth it.
S2 licensed
i doubt there is any chance the cell will 'decimate' a 4+ GHz i7 in any kind of meaningful benchmark

it's four years old now anyway.

also, car analogies don't work very well here.
S2 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :Here is the usual cause of this sudden acelleration that you speak of...

those things have quite a lot of torque!

Quote from cardriverx :10,000 Gs on your self! Sick.


Quote from tristancliffe : To do what he meant (but failed to write) - accelerate to 100km/h - would take just 170G. Not 10,000.

tristan dude, did you actually do the calculations?

considering a constant acceleration, 100 km/h / 0.1 s / 9.80665 m/s^2 ~= 28.33

it would take 28.33g

S2 licensed
i was more or less right then, it has to do with power distribution.
S2 licensed
i'll shave my balls with a blunt razor if you manage to write code that simulates and visualizes smoke interaction with fast moving* objects in realtime.
within a year.

*: for slow moving objects you could probably get away with a model for laminar flow only, which will never be in a racing environment.

the point is this: the effort, time and computing resources for this are so not worth the extra realism or having realistic smoke obscure your vision.
S2 licensed
gotspeed, i gotsolution for you.

it seems you want the game to take into account the possibility that something might happen and you lose the race because of it. randomg things that LFS as of yet doesn't take into account.

you want a fix?

get a dice. roll it. got a 5 or 6? great, you can go race. since it's determined by luck, and you, by luck, rolled a 5/6, it will be (luckily) an uneventful race, no engines will blow you can go race . you may not complain that it is an uneventful race, because not all races have such events, and this time it happened to be an uneventful race. in real life this is determined by reality. in LFS you can determine it with the dice.

rolled lower than 5? it means that you crashed because the car in front of you spilled its engine's guts on the road and you slipped and crashed. so don't race. you stay out of the race, maybe spectate, drinking a nice cup of hot cocoa, because you need to feel a bit better about things and stop being so irrationaly butthurt.
S2 licensed
and it doesn't matter really. whether it's one or two or eleventy yellow cables, it still sucks power from the same circuit. the PSU determines if there is enough power.

i have no idea why they insist with putting more plugs... maybe because one individual cable is not rated for above 10 A? (random number) so we need four to get 40 A to the card?

just thought about it. what do you think?
S2 licensed
Quote from gotspeed :how is it that one guy with 3d max or what ever can render his own car and realistic smoke.

ya know how i know you've never rendered a car with realistic smoke in 3dmax or whatever?
S2 licensed
you think those files are accessed sequentially, from start to finish?