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S2 licensed
Quote from jmkz :
The HD 5850 will be $299 ... 0-pricing-revealed-66208/

3850 was ~150ish (euros) a bit after launch (130(euros)? 180(euros)? i don't remember)
4850 was ~150ish (euros) as well (ditto)

5850 wouldn't make sense to be more than twice that.

also, what makes me even more sceptic is that the story was removed.

$200, ok... $220 i can understand... but $300... i would be very surprised.

EDIT: ah, i just checked... 300usd is 200euro so the prices are more or less OK :P
Last edited by george_tsiros, .
S2 licensed
they look like silly cars i used to make with LEGO(r)(tm)(c)(asdf)(omg) when i was 5
S2 licensed
i noticed something.

i've done... about 30ish races
each race lasts maximum 2 minutes (many take just below one, some take just 20 seconds)
loading/exiting from each race takes about 50 seconds (skipping animations)

so i've played 3 hours for this game, 1 of them was only loading

S2 licensed
yep. amd phenom ii x3 3.3GHz, 4850 512MB, 1280x960, 16xAF, 4xAA, all settings max and i get very smooth fps without any input lag. i've turned off triple buffering.
S2 licensed
Quote from Luke.S :just one thing. My old mobo has an nforce 4

just so you know, that chipset was quite interesting
S2 licensed
Quote from inur :That's EXACTLY my experience.

thank you and welcome

lots of new people today, i'm so happy what happened?
S2 licensed
if you want to change control settings (deadzones, etc) you have to end the race and restart it. and you will need to change them.

if you want to change resolution, you have to restart the game. going through the same videos, the same loading times.

and it doesn't run fullscreen at different resolution.

the hell?

it's a joke.
S2 licensed
phenom ii tri-core 710 @ 3.3GHz, 4GB, 4850 512MB overclocked, win server 2k3 x64, here.

you're saying that a racing game loading time of 90" is acceptable when a huge RPG takes 50" (and in the rpg's case only, there was already a game running)?

allow me to kindly disagree.
S2 licensed
Quote from Andrew McP : Andrew McP


as for shift, the steering works more like suggestions rather than proper steering: steer a little to turn a little. steer a bit more to steer a lot more.

maybe i need to tweak it a bit...

but the loading times are reminiscent of huge RPG game loading times!

from clicking on the game... to actually playing, if i ignore the time it takes to press the button... ok let me measure it...

LFS takes less than 10 seconds for aston GP, with track load-on-start off, maximum settings.

STALKER clear sky with all settings and textures AND precache, takes... 50 seconds. ( note: i am running LFS in the background, i haven't closed it).

nfs shift takes... 1'30" which is about twice as long as Clear Sky needed. (and with LFS not running in the background).

this is a serious matter for me... if making a lap around a track takes so much time as loading the game...

this is why i bought LFS and will not be buying NFS.

i don't care if it has purty graphics. it's nothing extraordinary. crysis has better graphics, i don't recall it taking that much.
Last edited by george_tsiros, . Reason : i miscalculated. 1'30" is 90 seconds, not 110. i guess you guys don't pay attention to me anymore :(
S2 licensed
i can not say anything about the gameplay yet

i am watching everything for the 3rd time now

i run it the first time... i watch every unskippable video... go to the options, set the controller to momo racing. yeah.

change some vid settings

restart the game.

watch every unskippable intro...

start career.

watch all the unskippable intro again (by this time i would have completed a lap in lfs, already)

ok! time to go! press the accelerat--- no it doesn't do anything.

seems it didn't keep the controller settings... ok i'll go to the opt---


so... i can't change the controller... i can't even abort the race?

i have to either "complete" the lap with keyboard (waste time) or restart the game (via task manager, waste time again).

wtf is this shit?

is this their first programming experience?

i have no ****ing idea how much money they've spent buying out reviewers.

this is beyond worthless, this is actually of negative worth.

WHO THE BLOODY HELL WOULD ENJOY THIS GAME? before even given the option to return to the menu you have to complete at least two races!
Last edited by george_tsiros, .
S2 licensed
where did i ask for reset?

a car with reverse will find its way back on the track... and that is risky. but acceptable.

the mrt doesn't have reverse so... if for some reason you end up facing a wall, you do not find the nudging option acceptable because it is risky? no, it is not a valid argument, because if getting back on the track is risky it wouldn't be acceptable to do so in other cars too.

so why are you against a nudging option?
i am against the back-to-pits option because it isn't the most realistic option we've seen yet.
S2 licensed

Quote from Crashgate3 :"But the walls are part of my racing line!"

funny you should mention that... wals are indeed part of my racing line... in NFS!
S2 licensed
i take back what i said

this thread is full of pure unadulterated undiluted ****ing awesome.
S2 licensed
in reality there is no 'safe restart' guarantee.

what i'm getting at:

there have been accidents IRLR with the safety car. not while the safety car was out. with the safety car

why some things are acceptable for you (getting out of a race* because of a disconnect, glitch, bad luck, risk of racing) but others aren't ( risk of racing due to someone getting back in the track.)?
S2 licensed
can we at least get the server-side-only option of a nudge, only for the mrt, for those that want to have fun but don't want to be realistic to the point of frustration? Those who prefer to lose the race because their computer hiccuped for a quarter of a second, can have it turned off.
S2 licensed
since i foresee this thread to be locked pretty soon...

i have only one thing to say.

S2 licensed
good find, zuze!
S2 licensed
they certainly make sure it won't bent, too... they don't sacrifice durability for weight
S2 licensed
30 30
02 02
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :why would you like a roof that does not keep out water, but instead just create more noises I don't know.

i said, "good enough to be waterproof" :irked:
S2 licensed
Quote from tikshow :- isn't too ugly, but first you need to find it


i think my nitro rc has a bigger/stronger engine.
S2 licensed
why is bleach taking this long :cry:
S2 licensed
well, grippier tyres *do* tend to wear out faster.

you know how it goes, a better tyre lasts less and costs more
S2 licensed
how about a removable roof?

best of both worlds.

we're risking with the offtopic though :/