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S2 licensed
try reinstalling lfs
S2 licensed
Quote from Storm_Cloud :Of course in 250 MotoGP Simoncelli seems to manage with a few kilos of excess hair compared to the rest.

that adds points to coolness. cool = faster. simple!
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :but on newer chips electromigration is becoming more of an issue and less about temperature).

i thought overclocks failed (and generaly, cpus at the 4-5GHz mark) either because the heat generated on the actual die can't be transfered quickly enough to the heatspreader (outer shell) or because clock signals can't be propagated properly and in coordination with the gates in the chip. if electron migration was an issue at 4GHz then that finn couldn't have gone at 6GHz. what am i missing?
S2 licensed
it certainly is nice to have some leg room with the psu... but your system won't draw more than... 300 watts? i would be surprised if it used more than that, what with the 8500 sucking less than 50W at full tilt and the 4870 certainly less than 200W. dunno... seems a bit too much. (i see in benchies, here, for instance, that a system with quadcore extreme and 4870 uses less than 300W under load)
Last edited by george_tsiros, . Reason : s/250/that
S2 licensed
to chime in, jakg, mobos with solid state caps are win

because they are much more sturdier and bad caps are more than not the main issue with a blown mobo.
Last edited by george_tsiros, .
S2 licensed
i am quite pleased to see that there is some reason here, after all.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :I'm sure AMD CPU's are very good but tbh Intel has covered the range from £31 (E1200) all the way up to £250 (E8600)..

well, looking at some quick game benchmarks at tomshardware, i see that for games, similarly priced X2s are performing better than C2D. i looked at X2 5200+ vs e2160

besides, if a cpu can give more than 60-70fps, you can stop there and give more money to a better gpu. i mean that if you have 300 to spend, it is better to spend 200 on the gpu and 100 to the cpu instead of 150/150. TRUE that this split is targeted at gaming. for instance, when i got my specs, i gave 50 for the cpu (be2350) and 150 for the gpu (3850 256). it is a good split.

what do you think?
S2 licensed
you still continue to confuse fact with subjective opinion. 'fact' here being objectively measured performance of very specific cards in controlled conditions. not 'i had an nvidea card that i think was faster than the ati card'. "fact in my mind" is nonsense, i am sorry. that is an "opinion". "opinions" doesn't measure the performance of a card.

please try to be more careful. what are you? 15?
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :£250 will not get you a laptop with a proper graphics card - where I work (bad example I know) you'd need to spend £480 to get into nVidia territory (with the 8400M GS). The basic £299 / £349 laptops use SiS Mirage 3 onboard graphics with the slightly better ones using Intel Onboard crap.

did you even look at the link i posted?

TOSHIBA Satellite A205-S5867,Acer Extensa EX5620-4025
Intel GMA X3100, $500

is that enough to play lfs at low/moderate settings, yes or no?
S2 licensed
your experiences being something completely subjective, while this guy wants something quite objective... like... numbers from benchmarks. and prices. we can't compare 'personal experiences' especialy when they are not even well defined (you don't even say what cards you compared or nothing else)

the 4870 is cheaper than even the gtx260 and is more or less the same performance league as the much more expensive gtx280.

do keep in mind that 'personal experience' doesn't matter much when comparing things. 'personal experience' amounts to 'anecdotal evidence' or 'original research' at best.
S2 licensed
looking at benchmarks, the 4870/4850 (230/160 euros) are significantly cheaper and more or less the same performance (in some cases, better, which is very important since they are cheaper) than the gtx280/260 (400/260 euros) .

so... what are you saying here? ... deon-4850-4870/page6.html

tired to search more.
Last edited by george_tsiros, .
S2 licensed
most people wear what they think that _others_ like them to wear.

a girl will dress so that others think that she is beautiful. same with guys.

it's only trying to show off... nothing else, nothing more.

lerts, objects in free fall have DIFFERENT dynamics than objects sliding or rotating down a ramp.

you do not know enough about physics to decide whether galileo was right or wrong.
S2 licensed
the 4850 is (being rather generous here) 200w. the c2d is 50w. the mobo with ram and all is 50. the hard drives and all is another 50. so we are looking at 350W maximum peak. considering you have a small number of devices you won't pull too much from any psu rail so even if all your system goes full tilt (which never will) we are looking at ... about 400w (including losses) from the PSU which is very well within its capabilities.

i would buy a 450W better quality PSU if i were you though. less heat.
S2 licensed
don't wear watch when racing. added weight and imbalance. plus strain on the wrist.
S2 licensed
since you say that xbox has a x86 cpu we are certainly talking about the original xbox. not the 360. the gpu that the xbox has is a geforce3-related gpu which means that coding a module would not be difficult, if not already done. edit: it's the same thing, but the problem is the tv-output module that is not completely controlled. or something.
Last edited by george_tsiros, .
S2 licensed
it's at 0 right now, as it was for ever. if i increase it, the problem becomes greater.

dunno about other games. looking at dxtweak though i can see that the lag is not due to lfs. at least not all of the lag. must be either a driver issue or a hardware issue.
S2 licensed


momo racing lag?
S2 licensed
i notice a delay in response when using my momo racing. i do not notice a delay when playing with mouse.

has anyone found if there are settings that interfere? drivers, buffer sizes in directinput code, something?
S2 licensed
i don't see a wheel in there.

holding back a bit on the computer and spending for a good wheel, i think will give a better overall LFS experience


damn i sound like an ad
S2 licensed
Quote from Lible :The best method is Media Player Classic (or equivalent) with ffdshow.

But VLC will do just fine if you aren't planning anything special

S2 licensed
Quote from savman :right i've found that my card only accelerates in 64 apps (HL2, crysis 64 bit, WMP 64...) which realy gives me the shits. So whens LFS 64bit coming out :P

what? that doesn't make sense. what card do you have and how do you know that it has only 64bit hardware graphics? an other question: why would the card care if the app is 32/64? it has its own instruction set. only the driver is important...

Quote from NoYPiDRiFTER :my integraded card blew up.

what? the IGP is inside a chip that has a lot of other stuff. that is why they call it integrated... it is integrated with other capabilities, in a single chip. how did you check that the IGP is broken?
maybe the DVI/DSUB connector is faulty?
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :Some1 installed vista on ps3,winboot=23 min,start menu comes up in 13 minutes! but its great lol

they didn't install vista on ps3. they emulated it. in that sense, you can run anything on ps3. actually, with a bit of patience, you can "run" (actually emulate) anything on anything
S2 licensed
razza, can you tell us what your computer is, exactly? i'm more interested in the motherboard and the cpu.

Quote from dougie-lampkin :You might wanna calm down, you seem to have it in for me. If you want to keep going with personal attacks though, I've no problems with the shiny red report button

report... what? that you are posting without thinking what you are posting? go ahead, realize your childish threat. i have nothing 'in' for you, as i said, i don't care if you write completely wrong things all the time, but when these wrong things are given as advice, then, i am sorry but i can not let someone as ignorant as you (who can't even convert currency) give advice. "personal attacks" ? ha.

3100/7150 can play doom3 at 30+fps so i don't think LFS would bring them to their knees. AGAIN you make assumptions without making even an ATTEMPT to find if what you say is true. i find it rather funny that you tried to correct the mistake you made when converting... yet in the end, you made the same mistake. that a $500/270gbp/350euro laptop can't play lfs at above 15fps... but, no, it doesn't matter... ok...

Quote from dougie-lampkin :Please learn to read.

sarcasm, that is a personal attack, dougie.
Last edited by george_tsiros, .
S2 licensed
pst, hey razza, take a look at this: ... &name=%24400+-+%24500

the laptops that have the 7150M and X3100 graphics, are the ones you want to look at. they are not for gaming, they can only play games at low graphics, but they can play lfs OK.

if someone has a laptop with either one of these GPUs, he would help if he gave us his impression on running lfs.
Last edited by george_tsiros, .