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ghz maker?

a motherboard with via chipset? why!??!? even their SITE is DOWN

dude csu1... how much money did you pay for what you got?

and what exactly did you get?
Last edited by george_tsiros, .
S2 licensed
check cables, temperatures everywhere. touch the drives, are they hot?

my gf's pc would shutdown and not start until i disconnected one of the two IDE HDDs. it was quite hot.
S2 licensed ... page=3666&articID=856

here's a 4mm thick vga waterblock that cools a 8800GT 30 degrees better than the stock cooler.

any doubts remaining as to whether zalman might have made a waterblock for such a powerhungry card? (besides, you know, actually selling the thing...)
Last edited by george_tsiros, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Did I say the reserator was good? no. Does this mean water is shit? no.

Did I say it was a self-contained system? no. I said "apparently" quoting form the ad as I wasn't sure.

you said that zalman wouldn't have ("of") made a waterblock for the 177W vga card because the reserator struggles with the 95W cpu.

faulty logic because one is not like the other. one is a waterblock, the other is a radiating reservoir. (reser-voir + radi-ator, reser-ator). the reserator is more or less as good a cooler as is a stock cooler. even medium-high heatsinks cool better than that. so whatever the reserator does is not a good argument to stand on and say that 'they wouldn't of made a waterblock for a 177W card'.

you also expressed doubts as to whether the card as sold on ebay has a selfcontaining, complete, cooling system, because you couldn't see any barbs, ignoring that there are holes on there. so one would say that it is apparent (it appears, i.e. you can see it) not a self contained system.

clear now?
Last edited by george_tsiros, .
S2 licensed
it is not a selfcontained water cooler. leave it. it's a waterblock without the barbs, on a 8800gtx

yes jakg i remember about your dad's reserator. it's a really bad cooling system. only good because it is dead silent.

medium watercooling is better than good aircooling. go watch some reviews. bad watercooling (i.e. something like the reserator1) is more or less as good as medium aircooling. medium aircooling is whatever stock coolers are on the cpu.

here's another comparison between one of the best heatsinks, the TRUE against a budget watercooling system, the hydro50whatever (60 quid for a complete cpu watercooling kit when usually only the cpu waterblock is that much. look at dangerden etc)
Last edited by george_tsiros, .
S2 licensed
Quote from mongoosetierney :looked at the zalman webby it seem it does need a seperate water supply.

What cards could i get for that price then ?


either the 8800gt or the 4850. they are more or less the same performance. maybe the 4850 has lower powerconsumption but i do not know much about nvidia anyway
S2 licensed
zalman has made this waterblock for the 8800gtx

look at the site at the link i provided.

you see the holes in which the barbs are supposed to go in.

the listing is wrong.

what you see is a 8800gtx with the zalman 8800gtx waterblock but with its barbs removed.

did you forget your brain at the pub today dude? snap out of it.

besides, just because the crappy reserator struggles with a cpu what does that mean? that a watercooling block is inadequate? if that were inadequate... then aircooling would be better? is it opposites day?
Last edited by george_tsiros, .
S2 licensed
you think i didn't read the listing?

anyway, i'll let you think about it. take your time. check zalman's site, etc.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :It's a self contained water cooling system (supposedly) not something you plug into an existing water system.

no it isn't.

it's a waterblock.

you can even see where the racords(?!) are supposed to be screwed in


this is the waterblock

so this guy is either saying lies or tries to sell a card he damaged thinking it's a fully enclosed cooler.

Last edited by george_tsiros, . Reason : urls of links and images corrected
S2 licensed
it's not a bargain or anything

since you can buy a card that performs the same and for the same amount of money.
S2 licensed
clockspeeds are very important.

your overclocked 64x2 is not puny. you probably have it at about 2.6, am i right? it's a cpu made for gaming.

a psu working at 50% load is slightly more efficient than at >=70% so a 500W psu coupled with a 300Wsystem will generate a little bit more heat than a 600W of the same quality.
S2 licensed
no, not really, but if you wanna try it, noone is gonna stop you
S2 licensed

when will you be coming to greece?

(yes, it's on fire)
S2 licensed
funny you should mention it

the raceabout has become quite driveable in the last versions. tried it yesterday, in fern black, the most turn heavy track and was pleasantly surprised!

just be more gentle with the controls.
S2 licensed
no, it was an explanation why 450W may be enough but is not safe enough.
S2 licensed
i've seen psus work at 110% of their reported power ratings, but that is not reason to suggest components that "worked for me so it must be ok to do so generaly". You might get away with straining a piece of hardware, you might not.

a psu working at 90% will be under strain and if it is meant to develop problems, it will do so sooner, possibly taking with it other components. if it is working at a lower workload, it might not do so before the next upgrade (which means ever)

you want to risk your components' life by getting a psu that is just within the ratings? go ahead, i won't stop you, it's your pc, your money and your decision. But i would not suggest for someone else's pc to go that way.
S2 licensed
The 4890 is a 210W card and the 710 a 95W cpu.

Suggesting a 450W, even if it is a corsair, is pushing it.

Now that i think about it, dude should just get a 4850, he'll see a great improvement over the 7800.

it's at least 4 times faster (7800gtx has half the performance of a 3850 and that is half of the 4850, roughly speaking)
S2 licensed
funny thing is... looking at the benchmarks for left4dead, i see the $168 e8400 pulling 130fps, the $100 phenom II x2 550 pulling 128fps and the $110 phenom II x3 710 pulling 125fps

at the benchmarks for far cry 2 the x3 710 does 82fps as does the $190 e8500. the x2 falls a bit 10% behind at 75fps.

at the benchies for GTA 4, the x3 is about as fast as the $190 quadcore 6700

in short you should've listened to the amd fanboys.

S2 licensed
what kinda power supply ya got? you have a 650W iirc

for $300, a core2duo and a 4870 perhaps.
Last edited by george_tsiros, .
S2 licensed
sibelius' violin concerto
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
the one with the fan that blows the wrong way?

i would change the cooler, if i were you. not that that card puts out any amount of heat that should worry you, but it's a prime candidate for passive cooling.

as always, accelero s1rev2 (only problem is i don't remember if the agp version that you have is supported or if the pcie-agp bridge chip needs extra care)
S2 licensed
who called you 'stupid' ?
S2 licensed
you couldn't even spell the name

you want me to believe you know anything about them?

if that is the case, my lanca has 220php

86db/w/m at 6Ω with max power 75W?

my farts have more low end than that.

and yeah, i've seen wharfedales. their construction (unless it has improved thousandfold the past 10 years) reminds me of lego.

so to recap... 70 worth of speakers will sound better than 150 worth of speakers.

and spend about as much for a piece of steel to keep them in place.

S2 licensed
a 4850 peaks out at 150W

so ~15A on the 12V rails is ok.