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S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :
I would like shift-s/reset etc to be disbleable at the server side.

This seems to me the most sensible option, people will always have different points of view, and if u dont like Shift-S, go in a server with it disabled.

Although there could be problems with people limping back to pits at 1mph, this could be solved with simple engine damage, if you ram the front end of your car too hard, your engine becomes too damaged and cuts out? then we wont see people driving with bonnets smashed back to behind the front wheels
S2 licensed
Just regarding the complaint about me

This is the email I just sent back:

I just wanna get my reasons across regarding the complaint about me.

Im not saying I didnt disobey the blue flag rule but heres my reasons:

I was doing well, 2nd place in fact, then I clipped the barrier and spun, came into pits.

When I came out of pits I realised that everyone would be in yellow on the map cos ive pitted early, so I came out hard, the blue flag didnt appear till I was on the brakes and after that I couldnt get out the way.

Then I started to pull away from the car behind, now as I understand it, if the car is not consistently faster than you you have a right to fight, and as I hadnt droped a lap behind because of slow driving but one small error I thought I should at least defend my position a little, then after I did I had doubts about my knowledge and let him past on the final straight.

Thats basically my excuse if you like, anyways I guess its all down to the vote, and I will accept the punishment given

- Jamie

I wanna apologise to Reefer too, your a great racer an I hope I didnt piss you off too much there mate

*Edit* Just checked in the rules section and it states, "Failure to respect the blue flag will result in one warning and if repeated, a ban"

Please dont punish me too harshly, its only my second ever race and I dont want to loose my precious first 3 points
Last edited by hardcoreobscure, .
S2 licensed
Well done Bo, and well done Strobe that push at the end was wicked but u just needed two more laps!

I disconnected as I pulled my keyboard out to check fuel. Managed to find a standby button on there but I did enjoy it

Thanks to GURU and hope to have another race soon
S2 licensed
This race looks like it could be very good, thanks to the GURU guys for organising it.

But I have one question, are you going to pw the server and will we be told the passwords on here via pm

actualy that was two questions
S2 licensed
Hi , I am interested in this and if I enter itll be in an FZR

Just done a few test laps and looks like I can do mid 37's to low 38's on max fuel and mid to high 36's on min fuel.

Using a pre-patch AS Nat WR set and looks as if 1.35's are possible on it not got time to test enough though with assignment and the like

Hope its ok to join at such short notice and if I do race this will be my first race ever! *gulp* so be gentle and I think its only fair u give me 2 laps head start too hehe

Oh yeah and just while I was practising Cropsy managed a 2.36.2 in his beloved FXR which is a new WR so well done Cropsy!

- J
S2 licensed
not sure if this counts exactly but was on a server and one of the ZT guys after the finish hit the curb and got stuck in this pose
S2 licensed
Quote from CrazyICE :and if u use one of those 3 keys, you'll only get 2 at a maximum!
not 3...right?

Ive have had this issue a few times, for me changing to a x64 platform was a task in itself and in doing so I have used up all my unlocks, more than once! and if you email the dev they are very kind and give you another unlock after you just realised that u need to format again! I for one am very grateful
S2 licensed
Just posted that incase its an isolated incident, ill post the screen shot here too...
S2 licensed
This is the same server as in my post
BUG, player continually connecting
S2 licensed
Was in a server today and we got a bug where a player was said to be continually connecting so nobody could pit, restart race end race or even Leave!

Dont know if this is server side or what but thought I best post it heres a screen shot...
S2 licensed
For years before LFS I only played one game online, Counter-Strike, why?
Because it had an independant development team that listened to the community, and a fantastic community too!

I never thought anything would take over from CS, until I tried LFS, it has the same great independant, interactive, evolution style of games development that I truly love, they listen to the community and what a great community!

Keep up the good work and dont let the corporate whores take over!
Keep It Real!

- J
S2 licensed
Quote from joshdifabio :
How priceless was fisichella's comment over the pit radio that was broadcast on ITV lol

I cant remember exactly but didnt he have a nice chat with the engineer?

Engineer - "Hows the settup fishy?"
Fishy - "It's ****!ng sh!t!"

broadcast live to 300 million people... haha nice one
S2 licensed
I find 100 works well on profiler then change the settings ingame as I go using the < and > keys. Most of the road cars work well with 100 in game, apart from the UF1 which needs a bit more, and the FOX with certain settings can be a bit slack so I tend to up that to 120. Then the GTR's can be a bit aggressive with 100 so I drop it to 90 usually good luck with your wheel Aly it takes a little getting used to but once you do its immense!

Oh and also... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
S2 licensed
I managed a nice two wheels on as historic after the chicane (which I kept!) only to drive further down the track and do it again (this time I did roll it!)

I'm sitting on the fence on this one!
S2 licensed
quite litterally too
S2 licensed
I hope its not too late to enter, I put a form in today after B11TME let me know bout it

Had about 15 laps practise earlier having never really driven the RB4 and was pulling varying 2.52's on an almost full tank so pretty happy with that

Never entetred a race before let alone long distance one so wish me luck

*gulp* - J
S2 licensed
I didnt want to imply I wanted everyone to get excited just thought people could give a little feedback. I think your right about the action, for my next vid im currently compiling a few replays which contain crashes hopefully will be good
S2 licensed
ha, looks like nobody wants to post anything too bad so they dont post at all. oh well was my first attempt! better luck next time eh!

/me searches for Premier
S2 licensed
I like the angle on that last shot

You can get a half decent graphics card now with good AA/AF settings for pittance check or somewhere similar

- J
New Movie: Racing Hard!
S2 licensed
This is my first attempt at a movie, ill just take a section out the readme to explain what its about:

This Video is mostly me battling for position after a bad start.
I hoped to capture the fact that LFS is not allways about being
the fastest driver, but having fun battling in close races!

btw im the old style Vectra BTC in the race

Criticism is welcomed as long as its contructive of course!

vid can be found here:

Cheers, J
S2 licensed
Cheers for the advice Sam although I took a slightly different approach before you posted. I got a program that converted my wmv file (VirtualDub told me it was asf ) to avi and used VDub on it after, took a little time but ah well its done now.

If you wanna take a look its on movies pit now. Its my first movie and criticism is welcomed, as long as its constructive of course

Quote :OT : AWESOME avatar hardcoreobscure


my vid is here:

cheers - J (btw family guy rules all!)
Last edited by hardcoreobscure, .
S2 licensed
Hey I have just followed the tutorial hoping to make my first movie.

I only have the trial version of Fraps so 30 sec clips is all I get. After recording a few laps I did on a random server I came out with 90 seperate video files all recorded at half speed (30fps).

I then edited them and stuck em together with movie maker. Unfortunately VirtuaDub doesnt support the .asf files movie maker exports to and now im stuck with a movie at half speed.

Although half speed looks quite cool is there any way to encode .asf files without having to individually encode all 90 vids first then import into mm.

Thanks - Jamie
S2 licensed
Another well made skin but looks like your another victim of Mcdonaldization!
Nismo Skyline
S2 licensed

This is my first attempt at skinning so advice / criticism is what I need. I realised after I finished that u can skin in higher res, hopefully when I get the time ill update this to max res as I only chose 512*512 DOH! :banghead:

*UPDATE* I have now uploaded a 1024 version after making the skin again with the wireframe skinset (which is amazing by the way, so much easier

Anyway here it is Skyline influenced but I just made the design up myself then added logos and tried to keep it simple for my first go!


Thanks in advance - J
Last edited by hardcoreobscure, .
S2 licensed
Thanks mate

Got me new time up on the hotlaps board, puts me in 10th atm but im sure that will drop with more entries closer to the race

- J

btw if ur an admin u can delete this if u want, cheers