yeah that is a rather valid point
and i understand about the regulars, and in two weeks i go back to school and will be only able to race on friday night (which is when the real events that are in the info sheet) are planned for. but during this time i want to get "team ka's server" in the vogue of the lfsforum, despite being a rather small server.
god it sounds like a speech
People of Earth, or australia
when do you want your great event?
options are
12pm-2pm (starting times
or later?
right now is his house being invaded by uk computer team swat comandos (using teamspeak to chat)
in an effort to to take out the one known as binfishin "or frag him" as it has come to be known.
patch y is good
next you will be asking where you can get a crack
and please stop abusing people, some of them might actually have the version your looking for but because of your attituide they can't be bothered helping you
i sort of agree, if drift servers were banned race servers would fill up with drifters, and the same if cruise servers were banned
it's your choice to join them, personally i always seem to get into trouble on them, so i joined the cops for a bit, which is really boring and sometimes you just want to shunt people for no reason, put it this way. if you like driving slowly, then
A. get a real car and drive
B.join a cruise server
i know just because i bought a server doesn't mean i expect people to suddenly come and i know the demographic is small.
also it's passworded now but during events it will be unlocked, or is it wise to always have it open and just advertise events in the welcome message?
also the server is hosted in the uk so most of the world (who would be asleep) well get a good connection
i shall take your suggestions on board, keep em coming
well i bought a server because i thought people would like to race during the australian day instead of late at night, oviously i was wrong. i have hosted 3 events with only people coming from the server list turning up.
what am i doing, i plan these events, put them in the race calender inform the forum about them, for example today a fox event on aston national, no one turned up
so i ask the community
if im hosting an event tommrow at 1pm aus time (02:00:00 a.m. Tuesday January 15, 2008 GMT) what do you want to see
i like the idea of a top gear team, i used to have a server called top gear racing server and we once had an event with a clarkson, hammond, james and stig. fun times were had
OK i have decided to host a proper event
it will be on tomorrow, if i get enough intrest
Event Name:Team KA’s Fox Thunder Event
Track:Aston National
Qualifying 10min
Race 25laps
Connection Info
Server Name: Team KA
Teamspeak: (Please Use Casual Chat Upon Entry untill instructed to change)
LFSlapper is currently down due to code problems but it shouldn't effect the race
something is wrong, this won't work
i made some modifications but it doesn't seem to work
all the ports and passwords are right but when i run it with my server (team ka)
and type !help nothing comes up