Check to make sure you're not running multiple monitors (unless you legitimately are), even if you're running LFS full screen, and you click somewhere other than LFS, it'll escape to your desktop. Try ctrl+c to clip the mouse to window.
I've searched high and low to no avail. It seems that nobody makes spare parts for Logitech wheels. I found my old momo wheel (right after I bought the G27, whodathunk) and I'm missing few parts to it.
1. Bottom center plastic screw
2. Top cover
3. Accelerator pedal chipped.
Anyone know of someplace online / black market that I can find these?
Scawen said they were having server troubles a few weeks ago, could possibly be that? It's been a while, but I've noticed recently that the forum (LFSW / Master Server) would take a while to load (20-30 seconds, rather than instantly). I'll see if I can find his post.
My what was for why he thought it meant racism. What I was referencing was has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?