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S2 licensed
Quote from JO53PHS :What??? lol

Is This what ur talking about?

Or This

Awh i expected it to be more violent and death like >:| DAMN MY CRAZY MIINDD!!!!!!

/note to self time to go eat my backyard door
S2 licensed
Atm i tend to play $16000 servers mainly to practise my skills without having to take the time in saving for what i plan in doing, I got decent at awping pulling around a 4KD ratio and now im back onto rifle pulling on average 2/3KD ratio's its a good fun game but as said it can piss you off ALOT at times, id recoment it to anyone as a good fps game with BF2 and Cod2/Cod4 close behind.
S2 licensed
Quote from JO53PHS :How many batteries

Maybe trial and error starting from lets say 24? Remember to video it!
S2 licensed
Quote from dekojester :I will use R1 to judge if I need any assistants to help. Blackwood is fairly easy to do by oneself, but I may do the others with hiring the assistance of some.

I am currently trying to figure out the best way to make videos. I was thinking using FRAPS, but after reading that it causes performace hits to PCs, and mine arealdy runs at about 25-30 FPS with only ZoneAlarm and XP running that I don't want to throw in another eater into my mix.

I work in TV...I have tools that can capture to somethign straight from a video out....I was thinking of using that to go to a VHS (Yes, I still use good 'ol VHS) and then burning the raq video to DVD, then ripping the DVD into my MacBook to edit in Final Cut. I may be able to go direct to DVD, too if I get to borrow the DVD burner at my station for a few hours to do this.


That sounds like a lot of uneeded work, tbh if i could use the lfs camera id do it for you 110+FPS but i cant work the lfs camera at all, Is there not any easier way than that?
S2 licensed
Ima want to join
Ingame name: GRace|Jim.
S2 licensed
Quote from andybarsblade :well yes they are... esp if you play search and destory mode on cod4, its just the same but better graphics

The game play is totaly differant due to the weapons available and crosshairs + realism for example on css I could just jump out a corner with my awp and blow someones face off...from what ive seen that would be impossible on cod4 almost...the gameplay is totaly differant, yes search and destroy using the bombs makes it slightly more similar but its still differant (for the record the COD4 bomb is the sex)
S2 licensed
LX6 at Night
Nikko's/Lfsnoob's screenshot edited by me.
S2 licensed
Quote from squidhead :Fairyboy has joined the race (XRT)

THAT would destroy the race for everyone on the track

I think ima gonna try that one day...just watch everyone pile into walls
S2 licensed
Quote from andybarsblade :COD4 is the new css

You cant realy compare the two there barely alike
Tbh i think ill go on css now.
Last edited by jimaxx, .
S2 licensed
I used to play 1.6 now i play css quite a bit, in a mid+ clan currently which is also a VERY low skill lfs team (Me been leader as im teh only css member who plays lfs) :/ But yeah as has been said css can be very rewarding and frustrating, tbh id recomend it over COD4 if you dont want to get stressed
(Unless ofc like me you think COD4 looks like teh sex)
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Usernames never get changed. Just be glad you didn't call yourself "Fairy Boy" or something.

Rofl if it had a capital letter i think id rather be called "MrBlingingPuffMiester" (Ok slight exajaration but still)
Ohwell ill stick with my "lil" j
Slight name change? :(
S2 licensed
Is it possible i could get my name changed? not much id just REALY like that J to be a capital letter >:| Wish i did it at the time tbh
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Me votes for [DR] Server 1!

If any competitors are on in the evenings this week, go to [DR] Server 1 - It'll be set to a series combo.

I vote for today! on that server^ I wanna get pwned, but hopefully not as bad as i did in the new years race, First time on aston ftl
S2 licensed
I didnt want to create a new thread so ill just post it here, would anyone like to have a short get together sometime within the next week? just find a empty server and have a good race around get to know each other etc?
Just a suggestion :P
S2 licensed
GAH you uploaded all my crappy driving! and LOL i came first on something Yey for guy crashing and leaving giving me aplace :P
Edit: 27 yellow flags? so esssentialy i crashed almost every lap rofl, For the record it was my first time on aston :|
Edit2: You know you wanna put "Went to the pisser" on my pitstop my reactions arent that bad!
Last edited by jimaxx, .
S2 licensed
Did a basic night mod for Niko's LX6
Edit: If only we had lights like mine in lfs :P
Last edited by jimaxx, .
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :No. Jeesus - 14 year olds are so immature.

Put all the effort into viewing my profile to see that?
/Back on topic now I keep slowly pulling this thread off topic with my VERY mature behavior

Edit: Why not just stop me posting in this topic so i cant make all these crafty coments :P
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Thanks for the entry. No you can't have 77, but you've got #22, which you have my permission to make look like a 77.

Does this mean i can make my 6 look like a 69?
/me Giggles at my immature behavior
S2 licensed
First lap of XFG Blackwood with a wheel pulled consitant 1.38's-1.40's exluding late brakeing crashes
Fastest is a 1.38
S2 licensed
Love to join
Will be my first time on aston thoe dont expect anything special :P
Ingame name: GRace|Jim
S2 licensed
i knew that would be a mistake, had a play around with it, now my wheel spazzes everytime im in a car :/
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Nope - that's great. As long as the number is visible and in a sensible shape/colour/font then that's fine.

Ok, Great thanks
S2 licensed
I just finished my skin but I made my number show in my own way and im not sure if it needs a proper one? fo example the UF-Baby R ones?

Here it is anyway.
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Yes.

Back on topic. After you have signed up here, please go to the Round 1 entry list and information thread to pick your car for Round 1. (please pick the XRG - it's the faster car... :nod

:O OMGGGZZZZ I NEVAAAA NEWWW TAHHTTT!!!!! WHYY AINNTTT YOU TELLETTHH ME BEFOOOOORRRRRR [Retard speak/] Not like the XFG is easier to drive or anything
Ontopic kind of: Do we have to use any particular colour for the numbers or does it just have to be a obvoius number?
Edit: as you can guess im making the skin atm
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Yes, if you can make it fit in a box on the side of your car!

Does it have to be a readable font size?
Back on topic after this i dont wanna bring this offtopic